3. Chapter: the idea

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I'm sorry for not updating yesterday and today that late. It was two really busy and hard days. I Hoppe you guys can forgive me!! ;(

Your Pov.

I trust him that he will protect me from them if they would attack me
I looked at the paper that he brought. I got a little idea what they wanted to do...

Todorokis Pov.

When I walked back in the main room, to Midoriya and them, I saw that Kirishima was also there. They noticed me and directly went to me, hid a little behind my leg and looked a little confused at the paper and pen that I just got. I turned around and kneel down in front of them
"Is something wrong?" They shacked the head and pointed at the paper with a questioning look in the eyes.
"Oh you don't understand? You can write on the paper instead of speaking, so we can understand you!" I explained it to them
"Ahem." Kirishima tried to get our attention
"Doesn't they like to speak? Or why do you do that?" He asked. I stood up again and wanted to answer but they took the paper and pen and wrote on it. After they finished, they pick it up and showed it to Kirishima. After he read it he looked suprised and sad
"Oh, I'm sorry for you" 'guess they wrote that they have no voice' "I'm sorry for you too!" Midoriya joined I wanted to say the same but they just shacked the head and wrote again something on the paper, then showed it to us all
'It's okay! I'm used to it and I never had a voice so it's really okay!' They smiled. 'This smile! It... It looked kinda... Fake? ...No... But something is definitely wrong with this smile!' I thought but didn't say anything, just nodded.
"Okay!" Kirishima said while Midoriya nodded too
"Your smile is so cute and sweet!!" Midoriya now smiled too. At this the smile from them changed into a sad smile, they wrote on the paper and gave it to me. First I didn't understood but then I got it. They want me to read it out loud, so I did it.
"'I'm not cute, sweet or anything like that'" they was wrong. Kirishima laughed and Midoriya smiled more. They looked confused at Kirishima. 'That just makes them cuter!' I thought and smiled a little
"That just makes you cuter" Midoriya said like he read my mind so I agreed to him, Kirishima agreed too and smiled. They wrote something on the paper while shaking the head and gave it to me again.
"'Btw my Name is [l/n] [y/n]'"I read out loud again. 'What a beautiful name!!' I wanted to say that after I just thought it but Kirishima was quicker.
"A really beautiful name! Also my Name Kirishima Eijirou" he introduced himself, Midoriya nodded. I then remembered that I now could get some answers to my questions, where the parents from them are, as an example.
"Why was Toga chasing you?" I asked at first.

You Pov.

"Why was Toga chasing you?" Todoroki asked. Midoriya was suprised, but not that much suprised like Kirishima. I then got some flashbacks from the Time I was by the LoV, how they hurt me, because I didn't answered their questions... I hold my head, trying to get out of this flashbacks when Todoroki asked what's wrong. I shacked my head, the flashbacks gone. I then took the paper again, wrote 'I don't know' and gave it to Todoroki, so he can read it out loud.
"What, wait, nobody told me that Toga was chasing [l/n]" Kirishima said, I didn't liked my last name so I was about to write that he can call me by my first name, when someone entered the room. I looked to the door. A black haired girl with a ponytail came to us. She looked at Kirishima
"Who was chasing who?" She asked and then looked confused to Todoroki, who looks like he just wants to disappear at the moment.
"No, I don't say that anymore..." He said annoyed, sighed and looked at me. I didn't liked that he looked at me with this annoyed look. He turned around and started walking out of the room.
"Follow me" I took the paper and pen and followed him, out of the room, in a hallway with much doors. He went to the end of the hallway, opened a door and let me in.
"That's my dorm" he said calm and a little quiet, like he didn't wanted to scare me or anything. I smiled a little and looked around.

(I made his dorm like I want to have it. This is my story and there are no rules that I have to make his dorm like it really is. So please PLEASE don't come and say "but his dorm looks different" please! Thank you! Now we can go on with the story

There were two windows on the same wall, on one wall were a few shelves, besides the shelves was a big wardrobe. 'I'm wondering why he needs such a big wardrobe' between the wardrobe and one corner of the room was his bed. A couch in the middle of the room, in front of a little TV on the wall, with a small table, a tidy big desk with a little plant on it and a own bathroom. 'Wow that's a big dorm, is every dorm here that big?'

Todorokis Pov.

[l/n] looked around and then put the paper and pen down on the table in front of the couch and then sat down on the couch. 'I'll let them sleep on the bed' I thought and then heard a knock on the door. I opened the door with a sigh and saw that it was Mina and Uraraka again.
"We thought that they could need new clothes so we bought something for them!!" Mina said happily. I looked to them. [l/n] was wearing a T-shirt that was a little to big and short trousers. the LoV gave them probably this clothes so I let Mina and Uraraka in.
"What did you two bought?" I asked. [l/n] then stood up and came to us with a questioning look. Uraraka reached into a bag and took out a hoodie
"We didn't know what would fit them, so we only bought this hoodie, but I think that would fit them good!" I looked at the hoodie and then to [l/n]. 'Isn't this hoodie too big?' I thought

Your Pov.

"Well, ask them not me, btw we know the Name of them now, it's [l/n] [y/n]" Todoroki said. Both girls looked confused but when I pointed ot the paper and pen on the little table they understood.
"Ooh, well that was a good idea, also, I think I forgot to tell you my name so: my name is Ashido Mina" the alien said. Uraraka then gave me the hoodie, it was so fluffy! And big! I loved this hoodie so I took the paper, wrote 'I take it! This hoodie is perfect, thank you both so much!!' Knowing that I would never say that because I'm to shy, and showing it to everyone. Todoroki seemed suprised
"Yyaayy!!!!" Mina said, Uraraka was happy about it too
"How about you change to the hoodie now?" She asked. I nodded and looked at Todoroki, I didn't knew where I could change. He the pointed at the bathroom
"You can change there" I nodded and went to the bathroom, I knew it was the bathroom, because the door was open. I went in, closed the door and started changing. The clothes I was wearing were from the villains, so I was lucky to wear something different. I put the hoodie on. It was so fluffy and warm, that's good, because I got fast cold. It was a gray hoodie it it was more like a dress, it nearly touched the floor... But I didn't care, it was warm and that was all I needed. I walked out of the bathroom to the others again. Mina and Uraraka said that I looked really cute, but I just shacked my head and didn't really listened because I was so tired. I looked at Todoroki, he was smiling a little. I yawned
"Awww someone is tired!" Mina said and that was obvious, because I nearly fell asleep, even though I was standing. I nodded. Todoroki seemed to be tired too, he pulled Mina and Uraraka out of the dorm
"Time for you two to go!"
"But-" Uraraka tried to say anything but Todoroki closed the door before she could say anything
"You sleep on the bed"

1468 words, a little more then last time but still not much :/ again, I'm sorry for not updating, hope you guys forgive meee? Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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