17. Chapter: Back to home or not?

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I listened to that while I wrote this, so if you want you can listen to it while reading this chapter.

"Oh you woke up"
Todoroki said when [y/n] woke up from a nightmare

Todorokis pov

"T-Todoroki-kun? W-why are y-you still a-awake?" [y/n] asked and looked me for a short moment in the eyes, then outside the window. I walked to them
"You cried in your sleep again and your sobs woke me up" I said it like it was only a normal thing, and it was slowly going to be one. [y/n] apologized but I only shakes my head and said it was fine. 'What could I do against this nightmares?' I thought, then I got idea 'I'm sure [y/n] won't like that but I'm sure that'll help...' I decided to try it
"I'm sorry about that but" I said before I lay down next to them and pulled them close to me in a hug.
"Just remember that I'll protect you, no matter what." After a little moment I also said that it could help against this nightmares. They defended against the hug so that I almost fell of the bed

Your pov

"To-Todoroki-kun..." I defended more against the hug, only to realize that he almost fell of the bed, so I stopped. I definitely didn't wanted him to hurt. He pushed me tighter, so that I really couldn't escape
"No, I won't let you go until morning" he said, what made me blush, I blushed really often and much and I couldn't do anything against it.
"But-" I started but he cut me of
"Sshhhh just close your and sleep, I will look after you" he lay his head on top of mine. I gave up and closed my eyes to sleep

Timeskip: next morning

I woke up and realized that Todoroki didn't changed his position.
"Morning, how did you slept?" He asked, I quickly let go of him and made space between us.
"I slept... Well?!" I realized that I really slept well after the nightmare and after Todoroki took me in his arms and said his calming words. He nodded and we got ready for school.

Timeskip: in class

Aizawa came in with Souta and started talking
"We have new student, some of you already know him. Introduce yourself and then sit down next to Todoroki." Souta said his name and sit down next to Todoroki, he didn't asked who he was, since he already knew who he was. Some classmates looked at me, what was no wonder, we had the same last name. What a surprise. We then started the Lesson and I listened carefully, until I heard the bell, telling me it's break time. We all walked outside of the classroom to walk to the canteen. Souta, Todoroki and me got stopped by Mina
"Hey, this new boy, he 'protected' you yesterday, touched you and called you little'one! Don't you have a problem with that?" She asked me, I told her that he's my big brother. Souta then asked if we could go eat now. Mina agreed and to the canteen. Before we could follow her we got stopped again, this time from Midoriya.
"Hey, Souta, right? What's your quirk?" He asked Souta, as an answer he only got the name of his quirk. Somehow Midoriya had a lot of interest in quirks, he asked me too but I was too shy to explain it good. Midoriya asked if he could explain that.
"Is it okay if you go alone with this two hair boy Todoroki eat?" Souta asked me, I nodded

Timeskip: after school, in the hospital room of your Dad

Aizawa said that my Dad woke up and I had to go to him. Todoroki went with me but he wasn't allowed to go in. Recovery girl told us that he was going to be okay soon
"So you used your quirk on me because you thought I was a villain?" Dad asked Souta, he nodded only Dad sighed but said it was okay. Then they noticed me, Souta asked where Todoroki was, I answered that he wasn't allowed to come in.
"When I'm out of hospital we're going home" Dad said, I started to say that I didn't wanted but he cut me of
"No! Don't finish this sentence! I don't care what you want or not" I looked at the floor and only listened 'now everything will be back to normal... I don't want that... I want to stay with Todoroki...' I breathed deep in and out, holding back my tears.
"Dad I really think that [y/n] should stay here. The U.A is a good school and it's safe here" Souta seemed to saw that I was sad, but he only made Dad angrier
"did you just told me what to do?! They're coming home with us!" I wanted to soy something, but I stayed quiet because I knew that Dad only would yell at me. Souta suggested to stay here with me
"No, only if Chiyoko comes here too. Only then." I flinched, closed my eyes and kept my head down. 'from all the people it's Chiyoko... Why am I shocked? It was very clear he would do that...'
"Hey! [y/n]! Before you say anything! I. Don't. Care." My eyes filled more with tears and I tried to hold them back. I could feel Soutas glance at me.
"Souta call Chiyoko and tell her she's reliant to come here." Souta nodded and wend outside.
"W-why?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. My Dad looked at me and waited for me to continue. 'He doesn't do this usual, now or never...' I thought
"W-why? W-why do y-you always d-do this t-to m-me? I-I want t-to know it! WHY?!" I knew the answer, but he never said it out loud. I couldn't hold back the tears but I didn't moved and didn't makes any sound. The tears fell down silent.
"WHY?! You know exactly WHY!!" He was right, but wanted him to say it, say it in my face, 'tell me your wish! You don't have to hold back!' I tried to stop crying and wiped my tears away but they kept falling down. 'Stop crying... It'll only make it worse'
"I do know! But you never said it in my face and I never asked or said it out loud! So why?! You hated me my whole life! What did I do wrong?!" He sat up in his hospital bed and I could feel his angry and disgusted glance at me.
"You really want to know? Fine! I'll tell you!"

Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night!
Words: 1136

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