22. Chapter: kidnapped, saved, dead?

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'I fell on the floor and before I completely blacked out I saw that Toga was smirking at me.'
"Good job" Toga said to Akaya, who was still looking at [y/n], wondering if they remember.

3rd person pov

The young mother went in the dark room of her kid.  Feeling completely bad and sorry for her youngest kid she kneel down in front of the bed of them. Hoping that she somehow can manage to leave without getting injured bad she started crying and said:
"Hey sweetheart wake up" slowly the little 10 years old kid opened the eyes and saw the mom of them crying
"M-mom? What's wrong?" The mother couldn't take it and hugged her kid, still crying
"I have to go and won't come back" she was right and would never lie to her kids. She knew that she was with that braking the promise she gave, but told the big brother of them to take good care and protect them for her. The little kid was about to cry
"You p-promised that you'll n-never leave me!" Taking her kids face in her hands she answered
"I know sweetheart, but if I don't go your 'dad' will hurt me-" she said honest, but got cut of by the so named 'dad' who just came in the room and switched on the lights in the window less room
"Akira?! What are you doing, I said leave without saying goodbye!!" His wife stood up and walked to him, she was being honest and feeling terrible
"I know, but you know how much I love them. I'm the only one who cheers them up!" The big brother of her kid cheers them up too but everyone agreed that it's better that the so named 'dad' better not knows about that.
"Shut up I don't care" the man said. His wife got more sad, felt more terrible and sounded frustrated
"What happened to you? How can you be like that? Where's the lovely cute man I love?" The man didn't let her say more, he pointed a gun at her and said that if she doesn't shut up he shoots her. That was too much for their little kid, they ran to the Dad of them, crying
"D-dad?! Why? W-why are you like t-that" they said between sobs, the mother warned them, only to make the man saying another warning about to shoot the young mother. His 10 years old kid hugged his leg and begged him to not do it, saying that the mom of them is everything they has, and that was right. That was enough for the Father, he kicked his kid away and shoot his wife, then left. The little kid went slowly to the mother of them, who was now laying on the floor in her own blood. They both were crying, under the pain the young women had, she smiled at her youngest kid and said her last words
"I-I love you... Never give up..." The clothes of them both filled with the blood of the mom, the kid cried more and hugged the already dead body of the mom of them
"D-don't d-die mom! Please! I... N-need you... You promised..."

Your pov

I was flying like a ghost in one corner of the room and watched again the death of my mother. How often did I saw that since it happened, it's one of my worst nightmares. I saw my 10 years old me cuddling under tears with the dead body of my mom. Suddenly I heard a voice that I just knew too well, that was always calm and comforting me. The voice was telling me to wake up.

Todorokis pov

I woke up and were in a dark big room, without windows and I couldn't see a door. Suddenly I heard sobs, I looked around and as my eyes got used to the darkness I saw [y/n] laying in the opposite corner of the room, crying, shaking. Soon I realized that they was still sleeping
"Hey wake up!!" I said, stood up and wanted to go to them, but my shoulder was still hurt, I looked at it and saw that it got roughly wrapped in bandages. Toga hut me on the same spot as the cat did so it was more painful but I didn't got any bandages anywhere too. I also realized that I was tied to the wall. The chain was manifested in the wall and tied around my right foot, letting me walk around a little, but not far, and definitely not enough to get to [y/n].
"Shit" then they woke up and looked around, breathing heavily and crying
"Hey, everything is fine! It was just a dream!" I said, trying to get to them again but only ended up falling

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