Chapter 1

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I walk out of the locker room to the gym, of course I'm late I'm always late. I don't want anyone seeing my scars so I wait to change until they all leave. I take my seat on the bleachers. My PE teacher rambles on about our next unit.

"We will be going to the wresting room to do P90x....." 

After all of the students left to the wresting room I talked to my teacher.

" I don't think I can go up there." I try to explain 

" Of course you can! Dont try to get out of this Brook." 

I wasn't trying anything, I was going to have a panic attack climbing up the stairs in that narrow hallway. As we left the gym I was just going to go to the girls locker room and hideout but she was right behind me. I took my shoes off as she instructed, glaring at her bright orange shoes as I opened the heavy metal door that lead to my panic attack. My eye sight stared to get fuzzy on the sides and my stomache was churning as I made it up the first step then it all went black. 

Well that was quick I thought to my self.

 I was just thinking about last nights conversation with Jack when I felt my self being lifted off of the ground and then a lot of jostling. Forcing my eyes open I see John the student assistant, also my only friend in the class, he looks at me as we round a corner. 

"Why didn't you tell her you couldn't walk up there, I could have taken you through the weight room?!" He asked.

" I did tell her, she was being her witchy bitchy self.  Where are you taking me?" 

" To the nurse you blacked out because of a panic attack! You need to learn to control them." He said. 

Yeah like its that easy.

" No, you know I can't go there, she will see." I practically screamed.

John is the only one that knows about me cutting, and of course Jack.

" Well you fainting is more important than that right now." He hustled getting really colse to the office doors.

" Please?" I look at him with my puppy dog eyes.

He gives in " Fine but go to the locker room, Okay, and make sure she doesn't see you."

I run off to the locker room, thank God for John.

My soldier in Neverland (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now