First day

13 1 0

3rd person POV:

Sitting, staring at the cloudy navy skies out of the Hogwarts express indicated that the young witches and wizards must be close to Hogwarts. Olivia Kelly pulled her eyes away from the window and noticed Pavati, Padma and Lavender had already dressed into their Gryffindor and Hufflepuff robes.

 Pavati and Lavender have been Olivia's best friends since she started her journey at Hogwarts and also her only friends... not that she's complaining, they're great. They sat beside each other on the Gryffindor table after the sorting hat put them all in the same courageous house. Olivia began to change into her own black robes, seeing the magnificent castle pull into view. 

She could not help but have this small inkling that this year was finally going to be a good one.

Since Olivia began dressing a little later than anyone else, she was last to leave the train. Pavati said she'd wait outside for her and honestly she didn't blame her for not waiting inside, the smell of young teenagers mixed with their left over food flooded through the train. Olivia began to stroll down the deserted corridors when she noticed a trunk had been left in one of the compartments. As she opened the door to grab the bag her foot smashed into... uh- thick air? Olivia bent down and pressed the air where she swore her foot collided and discovered a body shaped... nothing. Carefully she pulled what she believed to be an invisibility cloak although she had never seen one she had read about them many times before. 

Olivia gasped aloud, there he lay, Harry Potter. Though not a very nice one, his nose appeared to be broken and his face covered in dry blood. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" he didn't answer nor look up. Olivia sprinted off the train looking for help and luckily a young woman stood by, she had bubble-gum pink hair and looked tired. I told her what I had seen and surely enough she went and got him.

Truth be told Olivia Kelly had quite the crush on Harry Potter.... but who hadn't and anyway there would be no point perusing it as everyone already knows he has a thing for Cho, or maybe even Granger. Never the less she ran to the carriage my friends awaiting me. Her long, straight blonde hair flapping in the wind as she ran and her dark blue/grey eyes pricking with tears from the bitter coldness of the wind. Soon enough they headed towards the Castle, those creepy Skeleton horses pulling them along as they do every year, her stomach roaring with hunger.

Olivia took her usual seat beside Pavati and Lavender and across from them was Dean, Neville and Seamus. Seamus and Olivia grew considerably close over the summer, as they were both living in Ireland, they visited each other quite a bit. Practicing quidditch nearly every day because both are determined to make the team this year. Unfortunately, a few weeks back Olivia fell off her broom from a height of nearly 45ft because of the strong winds and rain, smacked her head pretty hard.

Dean and Neville goggled at Olivia eyeing her up and down, mouth hanging open when she took a seat. Looking over her shoulder wondering who had walked in yet no one had. Waving her hand in front of their faces, they snapped back to life. "I told you" muttered Seamus. "Oh you told us all right" Dean replied smirking giving Seamus a sly fist bump. Before she could ask what, Harry had arrived with dry blood on his face still looking as fine as ever if she did say so herself.

"So I was actually thinking of trying out for quidditch this year" Olivia said to no one in particular, picking her fork at the plate of food sat in front of her. Lavender eyed me up and down. "Oh yeah? because you love the sport or you love Harry" she and Pavati began to laugh. "I've been practising and I'm not half bad you know" Seamus nodded in agreement. Something hard hit Olivia on the back of the head "Ouch, what in the merlin was that". 

Olivia spun around in her seat, to find a crumpled up piece of paper obviously jinxed to be heavier than it was. "Welcome back blood-traitor, nice to know you're not as ugly as usual, I was sure this year I was going to have to gorge my eyes out if I saw you again" the slant neat writing and rudeness clearly Malfoys. "Some backhanded compliment that" Olivia thought, frowning at the piece of paper lying in her hands. Olivia crumpled it back up and threw it over her shoulder. "Stupid Malfoy Constantly making mine and Harrys life miserable and not to mention many other students". Olivia does come from a pure blooded family of which of course like any normal wizard would take pride in but she does believe all witches an wizards are equal, which obviously is something Draco hasn't been able to come to terms with.

The group of 6 wandered back to the common room. As Olivia was making her way to the dormitory, Ron and Harry both began talking to towards her. "Hi Olivia" Ron said enthusiastically.

 Being as shy as a snail, Olivia never really spoke to anyone outside her friend group let alone Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. 

"Oh hello" she said sweetly, smiling weakly back, the two girls throwing suspicious looks. Olivia's stomach was doing so many back flips it could've entered the gymnastics Olympics. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me on the train, God knows what could've happened if you hadn't of found me. Sure I'd be on my way back to London, even worse the Dursleys!" Harry smiled brightly, chuckling as he spoke and Olivia could've sworn her feet may have melted into the floor as she couldn't seem to move them. "Don't worry about it" Olivia replied.

 "I see you signed up to play quidditch this year, I hope you'll come to try-outs" Harry beamed and Olivia slowly nodded being absolutely dumbfounded that Harry was really talking to her. The three spoke for a few minutes on the subject of quidditch.

 Olivia turned her heel to walk up the stairs, Ron shouted something rather loud "Oi! just wondering when did you get so hot?" Harry awkwardly chuckled at the remark. Face redder than a tomato, she did not dare turn around but quickly replied "Over the summer I suppose" and continued hurriedly up the stairs.

 Pulling on her pyjamas, she stared at herself in the mirror, "did I really change that much? Well I suppose my teeth are now straight and my boobs had grown a bit. Hair now blonde and shredded a few pounds." Olivia thought. Thinking about it she did look much different compared to last year, with those horrid crooked teeth and brown raggedy hair. Not to mention Olivia was about 6 pounds' overweight, maybe it really was a sweet 16th after all. Feeling more confident in herself she crawled into the four poster. thoughts running wild," Does Harry Potter really think I'm hot?" As the fantasies rolled in sleep came shortly after.

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