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Everyone in the Gryffindor tower had a banging headache in the morning. Well maybe with exceptions of first and second years. Everyone was still buzzing about the victory. Olivia decided she wasn't going to start studying till Monday. Even if she tried to, it would never work.

Everyone was asking her at breakfast about the fall, Olivias arm was in a white bandage just as a precaution. So people would know its weaker and to remind her to take it easy, not necessarily for the injury itself. Olivia felt like celebrity with the Gryffindors. So this must be what it's like to be Harry Potter.

During breakfast Draco approached the Gryffindor table. Olivia took no notice and kept up with her conversation. "Olivia?" Draco coughed to announce his presence. The group of 6 all slowly looked up at him then back down and continued talking. "Olivia?" he tried again. Still the same.

"I presume your still my date to the ball considering everyone already has one?" now this caught everyone's attention. Olivia scoffed "Give over Malfoy, everyone is just saying they have one so they don't have to go with you."

"You don't though princess." Malfoy poked.

"Yeah she does actually, me." Seamus began rising off his seat.

"Aw you took pity on the leprechaun, I know you were nice Olivia but not that nice." Draco scoffed at Seamus.

"Seamus sit back down." Olivia turned towards Draco, "No Draco, I took pity on you. Being nice got me nowhere. So if I were you, I'd try find a date before you embarrass yourself." Olivia faked a friendly smile and turned back to her food.

Draco looked at all the staring eyes. Olivia finished her sausage that was on her plate ignoring his staring presence. "Wow Olivia you really enjoyed that sausage. Didn't even see you chew it but I guess I know better than anyone that's your specialty." And Draco walked away.

The group of 6 were left with their mouths hanging open and Olivia choked on her toast. "he did not just say that." Lavender turned around giggling, olivias face flushed and a deep red crept onto her cheeks.

"I'd love you to teach me Olivia, just keep in mind I'm a physical learner." Dean was nudging Olivia on the arm. "Shut up."


The jokes continued on for the rest of the day. More so the guys than the girls but Lavender and Pavati still made their fair share. Olivia was more than happy to be called to a quidditch team meeting.

"Well as you know, we won the quidditch cup." Harry began holding his arms in the air fake celebrating. "Anyway I just called this to thank each and every one of you to your contribution to the team. A few people in particular."

Ron was bowing jokingly saying "Don't bother with my special thanks mate I know I'm spectacular."

"Yes well, Ron you did a great job at being Keeper. Weasly you really are our king." Harry laughed and everyone joined in. "Wow mate that really touched my heart." He was wiping fake tears off his face.

"And Alicia for recovering quick and played brilliantly on the field." Harry put out a hand towards the girl. "Thank you Harry."

"Also Ginny for just being bad ass. Especially while playing." Harry smiled awkwardly at his girlfriend. "So just for being her?" Olivia joked. "Yes thank you Olivia." Harry smiled shyly.

"Anyway final thank you to Olivia, we would have never won without her final 5 goals. Even if she did have to break her body to do so." Olivia smiled brightly, while Ron slapped her on the back. If only they knew it was Draco that made her fall. Anything said earlier was washed away by the cheers and claps that were directed at her.

Exams started in 4 weeks and the ball was in 5. It was a nice way to let everyone relax and blow steam after studying hard. Olivia hated studying and exams stressed her out. She always left studying till last minute. Diviniation was her worst subject by fair. She only took it because Lavender and Pavati did, she even wishes she stormed out the same time Hermione did. But unfortunately for Olivia she didn't take an extra subject, so she was stuck there.


Monday blues took over and the hype from the match was gone. It was time to start studying. The library was always packed around these time so even if you did get a seat it was rather distracting. People studied in the common room also but it's terrible because most people go there to stop studying so it's mainly talk. Not a chance was Olivia going to study with her group. They were the most distracting of all.

Olivia studied in empty classrooms and very seldom Neville would join her. Neville was some kind of genius at Herbology so she was grateful he agreed to help her. It was painful, but she was improving even Neville said he was impressed.

Lavender and Pavati tutored her in Diviniation. It was almost as bad as Professor Trelawneys teaching. Not that they were bad just that they always saw the worst. Even worse they idolised the weird woman. Talking fondly of her every time they moved onto a new topic. Draining really.

Olivia didn't want to but she had to ask Harry for help with potions. He had become some magician with potions. Olivia wasn't bad at potions she just wanted to do better than Hermione at one subject, really really badly. Harry had his own notes scribbled all across his potions book, clever really.

Defence against the dark arts, muggle studies, astronomy and ancient runes she was fine doing by herself. Olivia was second in her class in defence against the dark arts. Olivia and harry were the only two to achieve an Outstanding in her O.W.L.S. She had also got an O in the other two but that wasn't as impressive. Her parents hated the fact she took muggle studies, they especially hated how well she did in it.


The four weeks flew by. Her timetable had come out and the nerves were kicking in. Professer Mcgonagal handed Olivia the folded up parchment with her exam timetable.

It was an awful time table. At least she had Friday and Tuesday off the second week. olivia thought if she just through these two weeks, the ball would be so worth it. Olivia spent the rest of her weekend studying.

Hi, yes i know this is shit i just wanted to not jump straight to the ball :/

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