Muggle world

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Draco and I made our way down the hall. I stop abruptly, turn to fine him, to take in what draco was wearing. He was in a black suit and cloak. This just wouldn't work. "Right draco if you want to come lose the cloak." He began taking off his cloak and I did the same. Draco looked up and smirked "Oh I like where this is going." "Shut it Malfoy." Now he needs to look more muggle. "One second, take off that jacket and shirt." I ran into my room and grabbed one of the hoodies Cedric gave me, the most normal one I could find was a plain red jumper which he didn't like much. I came back out of my room and Draco had just pulled off his shirt. I stood looking at his body, it was much nicer than I had expected it to be. "Kelly, my eyes are up here." I threw the jumper at him and he picked it up and stared at it. He looked between me and the red jumper in his hand. "You expect me to wear this, fat chance." He threw the jumper back at me. "Fine don't come then" I turned to go back into my room. "Fine, give me the bloody jumper." I threw the jumper back at him and he put it on. "I feel ridiculous, I feel poor. I feel like a bloody Weasly." I rolled my eyes, to be perfectly honest the jumper didn't look bad on him. "I can literally smell the Hufflepuff off this. Let's leave before someone sees me like this. I'm hideous." I was really becoming a master at this eye roll thing since talking to Draco. "Also one other thing. No wands." I took out my wand and placed it on the small wooden table at the top of the stairs. "No wands!?" he looked scared. "Yes Malfoy, No wands." I pointed at the wooden table, slowly he put the wand down. Together we walked down the rest of the hall to the small room on the right, it contained one single fireplace. I picked up the floo powder and shouted "Hogs head" before Malfoy could retort, I pushed him through the green flames. I followed immediately after.

I landed in the back of Hogs head with and angry looking Malfoy. "And why are we here?" Malfoy was tapping his foot angrily. "We are going into the muggle world." I brushed out my clothes. "Not a chance am I, Draco Malfoy, going into the muggle world. That is embarrassing, that is the world that brought us Granger and Potter grew up there. I couldn't think of anything worse." I looked up at the pacing boy "You didn't have to come and you are more than welcome to leave." I began leaving the pub. "How do you even know where to go. What if one touches me! Infects me!" I begin walking down the busy street, weaving through the crowds doing last minute Christmas shopping. "Kelly are you even listening to me. Olivia!" truth is I wasn't listening to his constant bitching and moaning. His voice just drowns out over the rest of them. "Ah, one touched me!" he screams and grabs my hand trying to catch up to me. I turn to face the hyperventilating boy; he was literally slapping his arm. We were stopped at a bus stop, I spent a lot of time in the muggle world trying to escape reality. I learned a lot, like their money, style and transport. I saw the bus approach and I pulled out my black little purse containing the muggle money. I got on the bus and paid for myself and Draco. I took a seat downstairs and Draco refused to sit on the chair. I pulled his arm down and he stood firm and I just left him to do as he pleased.

We got off at the last stop, the streets were much quieter here and there was less muggles around. "Where are we going, I demand to know." Malfoy demanded. "Shut up, you'll see" Malfoy groaned "I'm going to die out here." Honestly does this boy ever stop crying. The snow was 2-3 inches thick and my feet were numb. My nose was red along with my cheeks. I enjoyed walking through the snow, Malfoy and I talked small talk along the way. We finally reached the top of the hill. The snow was thicker here and glistening white. I sat down on the soft snow and looked out at the magnificent view. The whole of London was in view, the sky had gotten slightly darker and all the Christmas light shone so brightly. All the different colours and the warm yellow of the muggle homes. Finally, Draco plopped down beside me, unhappy as usual.

"Isn't it beautiful." My breath fogged out in front of me. "Hm, yes I suppose it is rather nice." Draco placed his warm hand on top of my cold one. I pulled it out from under, what did he think he was doing? I have a boyfriend. Cedric and I had been writing back and forth frequently and I really did wish it was him here with me. "How did you know how to do that earlier?" Draco asked still looking over the town. "Do what?" I turned to him. "All that muggle stuff." He didn't turn his head. "just picked it up over the years. Took me ages to find this place but now it's my favourite place in the world." "Why would you even come out here. Honestly you wonder why we call you a blood-traitor." Malfoy looked at me, I wasn't fazed by his harsh comment. I turned back towards the night sky "It's an escape from reality you know? I'm normal here, well. No one's defined by their blood line, whether their pure or muggle born. No house defines you here, your just you. Exactly like everybody else, you see? So call me a blood-traitor all you want but sometimes I really wish I was a muggle. I envy the muggle borns really." I forgot who I was talking to, I had trailed off in my own thoughts.

Draco didn't speak and I was thankful for it. I got up and walked behind Draco, might as well have some fun while I'm here right? I picked up some of the fluffly white snow and bunched it into a ball. I threw the snowball at the back of Malfoys head. I began laughing, what made it 10x funnier was the anger on his face when he turned around. "Think this funny do you?" Malfoy had a clear sound of disgust in his voice. "yes actually I do." I had to grab my sides while laughing. Next thing a cold, solid hit me square in the face. I was eating the snow, that's how perfect the shot was. Now it was his turn to start laughing. "Oh, Malfoy it's on." I quickly grabbed another handful of snow. "Yes, it is princess." The snowball fight got intense pretty quickly. Running, dodging and throwing snowballs left, right and centre. It went silent and I had no idea where the blonde boy was hiding, it was really dark now and I didn't have a wand to light. I began walking in the places I had last scene him, snowball in hand, ready for attack. I heard movement behind me and I quickly turn.

Before I knew it I was lifted in the air and thrown onto the floor, with a laughing Draco lying on top of me. I was screaming from fright and seeing the smiling boy they slowly stopped. "Scared were you Kelly?" I scoffed "No, course not." Draco began laughing again, I took this as my opportunity and shoved the snowball that was in my hand into his mouth. "That shut you right up." I laughed. He shook the snow off his face but bits remained in his hair and face. He scooped up a huge handful and shoved it straight back into my face. Both of us were laughing hysterically, our faces burning with coldness. 

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