Under the tree pt.2

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"I - I- err don't really have much choice do I?" he looked at the floor he seemed in a dazed state. "Of course you do?" confusion written all over Olivia's face. "Not really, we all know where I'm headed one way or another." And for the first time ever some sort of pity was felt towards Malfoy. There was an awkward silence for several moments before Olivia spoke again.

"You don't have to be what everyone expects you to become" Olivia said looking directly at the top of Malfoys blonde head. "Whatever Kelly, you wouldn't understand anyway, stupid blood-traitor" But she didn't feel angry at him for saying this. Instead she flicked her wand and his face became normal again, yet he didn't move. "Have any more homework to do?" he asked.

Olivia was doodling on the side of the parchment while Malfoy started on her potions homework, he must be seriously bored or else he doesn't realise his face is fine. Why hasn't he left though? "So, what's the story between you and pug faced Parkinson" He didn't look up from the parchment. "Don't call her that." He snarled. "Ok sorry, Pansy." Olivia half laughed.

"Nothing were just friends, people believe were going out and I just let them. Easier that way and I know she likes me so really I can get with her whenever I want." he said casually. "And have you?" Curiosity taking over. "Once or twice, why do you want to know so much?"

"I don't" and she began doodling again. "Well, what about you and Potter, obviously you are going out then." He asked quickly. Olivia's face face froze and her quill stopped doodling, not wanting to address it, "Nope, more of like a friends with benefits type thing." Attempting to sound casual and pass it off as a throw away comment but he suddenly stopped writing. He turned his head slowly to look up at her and burst out laughing. "What!" Olivia insisted. Draco was literally clutching his sides laughing as he rolled around on the grass.

After about 5 minutes he stopped "Are you serious, you're going to let him snog you and then get with whoever he wants as well. That's really low even from you." He said tears in his eyes from laughing. Olivia never really considered the possibility of Harry getting with other girls. A pang of sadness and hurt washed over Olivia.

Olivia remained quiet and Malfoy seemed to have noticed. "I just mean, that's pretty sad." he whispered. "Well obviously I'm not good enough just for him and he clearly wants a prettier girl and I wouldn't blame him. Might as well have fun now before I get ditched anyway." Olivia almost shouted. "A prettier girl? But Olivia you're the prettiest girl in this year maybe even in the-" He was not looking at Olivia, but dreamily at the lake and before he finished he snapped back into reality. As quick as he could he jumped from where he lay and began to scurry off shouting back "bout time you fixed my face Kelly, filthy little blood-traitor."

Olivia was leftsitting under the tree as confused as ever

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