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Olivia had her back pressed against the wall listening. Trying to hear Malfoys annoying voice.


Olivia peeked her head around the corner of the wall.


Olivia quietly walked over to the classroom she and Malfoy had been in the night before. Maybe he was waiting inside.


Olivia knew she shouldn't have come. She shouldn't be disappointed but she was. After all she is the one who told him never again, what else did she expect.

"I didn't expect you to come princess." Draco had turned the corner, alone. "Never again, I thought I had heard." Olivia never planned what to do if Draco did see her. But she was kind of glad he did.

"You heard correctly. I was just seeing." Olivia walked passed him but he had grabbed her hand and spun her back. "Princess don't lie to me." Draco whispered staring into Olivia's grey//blue eyes.

"I told you to stop calling me that." I rolled my eyes, my hand pressed against his chest. Olivias eyes flickered down to Dracos lips. Draco cupped Olivia's face and kissed her. It wasn't rough like last nights but slow and gentle.

"Draco, what are we doing here." Olivia breathed. "Kissing obviously." He kissed her again. Olivia pulled away, "No Draco, I'm not doing what I did with Harry. That hurt more than I thought it would." Draco looked offended.

"You're the one who kissed me last night." He scoffed, "yes I know and I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong to use you like that." Olivia felt guilty, not for what she did but for wanting Draco to kiss her again.

"What if I told you I don't care?" Draco had his arm over her head propping himself on the wall and his other hand was snaked around Olivias waist. "What if I told you I did?" Olivia pursed her lips unsure of what she really wanted.

"What you want to be my girlfriend? Is that it princess?" Draco smirked, half joking half not. Olivias eyes flickered up to meet Dracos cool grey ones. "Is that your way of asking me?" Draco searched her eyes for sarcasm. "Yes." He said cautiously.

Olivia began laughing "I'm sorry but I'll have to decline. My hands are tied sorry." Olivia shrugged, "Wouldn't be the first time." Dracos smirked formed again. "Anyway you can't reject me, I simply won't allow it." He mimicked the shrug. "Oh is that so Malfoy." A smirk played along Olivias lips.

Draco placed both his hands just under Olivias bum while Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck. Draco began to pick her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso. Olivias hand playfully tugged his perfect blonde hair.

Draco kissed her neck playfully "No, no more." Olivia giggled, he pulled his head away and looked at looked at Olivia and they both began laughing. "Classroom?" Draco cocked his eyebrow.

"Classroom." Olivia answered and he walked her into the classroom, her still wrapped around his torso.


The next morning Olivia filled Lavender and Pavati about the night before on their walk to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco stood at the entrance "Brown, Patil." Draco nodded his towards each of them. They did their signature giggle and went inside.

"We are not going in there." Draco grabbed Olivias hand and dragged her down the halls. The pair passed Dean, Neville and Seamus. They didn't stop for a chat. Draco didn't stop until they got to the tree beside the lake. Draco plopped himself onto the grass.

The spring morning was beautiful. The skies were blue but the air was still slightly cold even though the sun was out. Olivia hadn't been out here since the day she jinxed Draco at the start of the year. "Draco this is lovely and all, but I'm hungry." Olivia whined.

"Don't you think I am. I wouldn't let us starve I'm not that bad." Draco threw an apple at Olivia. He had also wrapped up toast, sausages and rashers in cling film of some sort. He had also snuck out two plates and placed it all down.

They had finished eating and Olivia stared at her reflection in the lake. Draco had told her the Spring sun would make her reflection almost crystal clear. "Malfoy I can't see it." Olivia focused really hard on the water. "You have to get closer than that." Olivia bent closer to the water's edge when Draco had tipped her over.

"Oh think this is funny do you?" Olivia was shaking as she climbed out of the water. Soaked from head to toe. Draco was clutching his sides from laughing "Couldn't help myself really." Olivia walked closer to Draco "Want a hug Malfoy? I know you do." Draco started walking backwards, "No way."

Olivia darted forwards and pounced on Draco. Draco wouldn't let her fall so of course he caught her, his shirt soaked through. "Ugh you ruined my suit." Draco pushed Olivia off. "You'll live Malfoy. I'm sure your daddy will buy you a new one." Draco scoffed. Olivia rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour considering he was the one who pushed her in.

"Baby" Olivia muttered

"Bitch." He muttered back

"Chicken." Draco snapped his head towards her. "That's not funny Kelly, you know that chicken tried to kill me in 3rd year." Olivia laughed at his fear in chickens, well Hippogriffs.

"Who could forget." Olivia laughed at the boy. Draco rolled his eyes, "we should get you showered."


Olivia and Draco met up every night in their secret spot for weeks. Filch almost got them at least 6 times. Olivia was wearing one of Malfoys very expensive jumpers, it was plain black but at least 4 times too big. She had a messy bun, but not one that was ugly messy but like perfect messy. Since the nights were warmer she was wearing little shorts.

Draco was in grey tracksuit bottoms and a white tee. "Do you know how hard it is to look this good without a mirror?" Olivia playfully slapped his arm "Shut up."

"Must be even harder for you." Draco teased. "Well if you must know Draco, I have two. So thanks for your concern."

"Two! And you couldn't even spare me one." Draco fake shouted his arms waving in the air. Theres one large one along the wall and Olivia owned her own. "Well, I have one I could give you I suppose. I want it back at the end of the year. Its broken though, like it's a piece of a mirror."

"Aw princess your too kind. Anything will do." Draco leaned down for a kiss. "Ok I'll bring it down tomorrow." 

Comatose ~ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now