Unexpected night

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Over the course of the next few weeks Harry and Olivia grew closer. They talked much more and she hung around with him quite a bit. He's much nicer than expected.

Quidditch try-outs Saturday coming and Olivia was determined to have a spot on the team. Olivia, Dean and Seamus practiced everyday around lunch time and free classes over the week leading up to the try-outs. As the day approached a rush of fear and excitement soar through Olivia as she mounted her broom and went to try for a chaser. Flying through the sky Ginny by her side, Olivia managed to score all the goals and avoid the fast bludgers. Her prayers were answered when Harry had put Ginny and Olivia on the team but unfortunately Dean and Seamus didn't make the final cut.

Delighted with herself she made her way back to the great hall for lunch. Making her way excitedly towards Pavati and Lavender, as she got closer Olivia noticed everyone was staring at her. Not knowing why, of course she began to think the worst. She quickened her pace over to the seat and squeezed her way between the two girls. "Did you see all those people staring at me, have I been jinxed or something? Is something on my face?" Olivia asked nervously not wanting to face the embarrassment. "No, everyone has been discussing how much you changed over the summer and word spread rapidly while you were at try-outs. Everyone obviously just wanted to see it for themselves." giggled Lavender. Olivia's cheeks flushed a deep red colour and began putting pudding on her plate.

Wanting to avoid Filch in the corridor for being out after hours, Olivia ran through one of the hidden passage ways. She does this regularly during the night because she finds it difficult to sleep. She didn't mind much though as she enjoyed looking up at the stars on the astronomy tower. Knowing Filch would give anything to find someone out of bounds past curfew she decided to go through the passage way. Running as fast as her legs could take her as the sound of peeves rang in her ears. *CRASH*. She fell on her bum, sitting horrified as she saw nothing was there. Any form of Fear began to melt as an invisibility cloak began lifting off and Harry Potter stood there in the narrow passageway. "Er - hello" he said sheepishly. He held out a helping hand. Olivia took his hand ever so slowly, now fully stood up he did not let go.

"Er what are you doing here" he scratched his head nervously. "Escaping my thoughts mostly" Olivia returned the hand gesture realising she was copying him Olivia shot it her arm down quick. She cocked one eyebrow "And yourself?" Olivia smiled looking down at his other hand still held in hers. "Yea the same" he said almost too quickly, clearly he was lying. "Well...we can escape them together. Only if you want?" blush creeping up on my cheeks once again, shrugging her shoulders trying to play it cool. He nodded and Olivia lead him to the astronomy tower pulling him along hand-in-hand.

"So what's been on your mind then?" Olivia asked staring up at the stars shuffling a little closer to Harry so their arms were now touching. "Just you know, Ron and Hermione are fighting and I hate standing in the middle of it all. It's been going on for weeks and I just don't know what to do".

"Yea now that Lavenders with Ron I feel I never get to talk to her. Her tongues always shoved half way down his bloody throat" Olivia laughed awkwardly not knowing how Harry was going to react. Harry sat up looking down on me still lying there a small smile playing on his lips. "Yea about time he got his first snog and all but this is too much don't you think? I'm either third wheeling the pair or stuck in the library with Hermione which trust me isn't my idea of fun. And it's so blatantly obvious they like each other, could they not grow a pair of balls and say it. Instead of all this petty fighting." He sighed heavily. I remained quiet for a moment. "Harry, you could always hang out with me if you're bored." I whispered.

A smirk formed over Harrys face and he laughed. "Don't worry I'll take you up on the offer, you'll end up regretting it." Olivia smiled up at him. "Beautiful night tonight though isn't it" she remarked. "Mhm" Harry replied not looking up at the sky but still looking down at Olivia. With one quick motion harry leaned down and brushed his lips over Olivia's. Both began to breathe heavier. Olivia picked her head up slightly and kissed him.

Afteran hour they stalked back to the common room. They exchanged a goodnight andOlivia ran up to her dorm. She could not seem to wipe the permanent smile fromher face or the red bruise on placed on her neck. Today was certainly one toremember.


I know Draco isn't in this but dont worry it is about him. 

Also I've chosen Blake lively as the characters physical appearance. But of course you can picture her however you want

Hope you enjoy x

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