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The next night Olivia brought the broken piece of glass. Malfoy looked ecstatic over the broken mirror. "You are the best." He swiftly kissed Olivia, then picking back up the glass. "Better look good all the time now." Olivia teased.

Dracos arm didn't really bother Olivia much anymore, she just presumed it was to scare people. Why on earth would Voldemort choose a 17-year-old to work for him? He wouldn't.

Draco was nicer than he makes out. Every week they did different dates even within the grounds. Draco had also bought her a necklace at Hogsmeade. It was beautiful, it was a gold chain with "Kelly" engraved on it. Olivia hasn't taken it off since she got it.

Also when Olivia was sick in the hospital wing he snuck food up to her. Madam Pomfrey was not pleased one bit. Draco visited every day for 3 days. Her friends also visited, she didn't leave them behind this time. Every night after dinner she'd be with them in the common room.

Draco even told his parents about us. Olivia felt happy and comfortable around Draco. He was genuine and for once someone really did like her. Cedric of course found out about the relationship and Olivia couldn't help but feel guilty. He even approached her a week ago.

"Glad everything worked out the way you wanted it to." Cedric pursed his lips and stared into olivias eyes.

"Cedric I promise when I was with you this isn't what I wan-"

"Don't bother Olivia, just I hope your happy." He turned and walked away.

They were so different but it worked. "You know that whole 'opposites attract' shit?" Olivia blurted out

"Yeah why?"

"Maybe that's us. But like way less cheesy and common. We're more like... magnets!"


"Yeah like no matter how fa-"

"Shut up Kelly, you weirdo." Draco laughed and Olivia joined.


Olivia and Draco had been going out for 3 months now. Ever since that night she gave him the mirror, Olivia hadn't seen him much. When she did see him it was across the room or in classes. He looked paler than normal and he had a grey undertone to him. Whenever Olivia tried to approach him he dismissed her and kept walking.

Olivia thought he must be sick. Lack of sleep can really do that to a person. It was 3 months today since Draco had asked her out in the hallway. She wanted to surprise him, maybe make him feel better.

Draco had let her wear his Slytherin robe one night while walking back to the common room. Her plan was to wear it and surprise him in the Slytherin common room with his favourite desserts that she had got from the kitchens. On her way to potions she had heard a 1st year say the password aloud so getting in would be easy. She would do it a midnight because most people would be in bed by then.


12:02 show time. Olivia climbed through the portrait hole. She stepped out into the dimly lit dungeon. Malfoy stood with his back to her by the fire. Carbbe, Goyle, Blaise and Pansy sat in front of him on the chairs. He was pacing the floor.

Olivia was about to start walking over when she heard him speak. "I'm so close, so so close. This will all be over soon and I'll never have to return to this stupid castle ever again." Pansy spoke up "and what are you going to do with the dumb blonde bitch. Surely you can end it now. Unless you don't want to." All their eyes narrowed. "No, she'll be gone soon. She gave me what I need to fix the cabinet she's useless now. I just need to find the right way to do it without her being suspicious."

"Good because we were starting to think you had actually fallen for the girl. You did a good job at pretending." Blaise high fived the Slytherin prince.

"Olivia? Me fall for a blood – traitor like her? She means nothing to me. I can't believe you thought so low." The whole room sniggered. Olivia didn't know if she was more upset or angry. She wasn't going to walk out into that scene, she wasn't going to let Malfoy know he hurt her.

Olivia stormed down the halls and into the Gryffindor common room. She sat on the couch and grabbed the nearest pillow and began punching it. When she had finished, she had hugged the pillow in-between her knees and sobbed hard into it.

"Olivia?" a familiar voice called out. Olivia didn't look up nor did she respond. Seamus sat next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders. "Are you ok?" he whispered. Olivia shook her head in response. "What's wrong?" Seamus sounded concerned.

Olivia lifted her head from the pillow and looked straight at Seamus. The tears clearly visible and her face puffy. Seamus used his thumb to wipe under her eyes and he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"If this is about Malfoy, which you don't have to answer. But if It is, you should never ever be crying over Draco Malfoy. You are so much better than he is, he doesn't deserve you. If anything he should be sat crying over you. He should be the one that looks like a stung dog. You shouldn't be the one who looks like they stole Rudolph's nose Olivia." Seamus was laughing and so was Olivia.

"Thank you Seamus." Olivia smiled shyly. "Ah theres that smile, don't let anyone take that away from you, escpecially Malfoy." He rubbed the top of my head and went back to bed. Olivia ended up nodding off on the couch.

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