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I slept in and missed breakfast. Well I didn't miss it, I just decided not to go down. I made sure no one was in the room when I sat up. I took the broken mirror out of my bag that sat beside my four bed. "Please don't be bad, please don't be bad." I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror.

Fuck it was bad.

I turned my face to the left showing the right side of my face. Along my jaw line were little red bruises, not too noticeable but still visible. 1 slightly bigger just under my ear. I lightly brushed over them. I slowly turned my head to the right to see the left side. 3 small hickies remained on my collar bone.

They were red red. Shit, what have I done?

I rummaged in my bag for the concealer. I was throwing all the contents over my shoulder, praying. It had to be somewhere. I quickly glanced at the time. 9:42 they'll be back any second. I jumped out of bed and threw open Pavati's trunk. I know she has concealer somewhere and she is the closest bed to mine.

Found it.

I painted it on, heavily. It looked good, I think if someone saw it, hopefully it would look like a rash. Yeah a horrible rash. Perfect.

I went down into the common room, a few hellos were exchanged as I walked down the steps. I reached the bottom beside the fire was no surprise the golden trio. "Good morning Olivia!" the all chirped at the same time. "Uh- hi." I brushed them off and made my way over to my friends.

"Missed you at breakfast." Dean looked at me when I sat down.

"Yes well, I was very tired." I was shuffling the wizard cards sat in front of me. "Exploding snap anyone?"

"Sure" came from 5 different voices at once.

I was dealing the cards. "Uh- Olivia, what's wrong with your neck." Neville said as I placed his cards in front of him. "Horrible, ugly rash. I wouldn't look for too long I heard this makes you go blind or could even turn you to stone."

Seamus was examining me from my right, I could see him from the corner of my eye. "Seamus I said its dangerous to look at it."

"That's not a rash. Olivia are they –"


"Yes, they are hic-"

"No they're not. It's a rash I think I'd know." I snapped turning my head at the Irish boy.

"No I think Seamus is right. They are h-" Dean started.

"No they are not." I snapped back at Dean.

"Oh babe, if you're going to cover them at least wear your own shade. You look like a cow." Pavati was laughing. Tears were flowing from her and Lavenders face. Seamus grabbed my head and bent it upwards. "Why is there so many?" they were all laughing.

"with who is the real question." Lavender was fake stroking her chin. "Well I told you all this morning I thought she wasn't at breakfast because she was looking at the stars. When I woke up last night you weren't there I just presumed you went to the astronomy tower. But then we heard Hermione and Ginny talking and Ginny and Harry were up there. So unless you were In some kind of weird threesome with them I don't think it was harry."

"It was obviously Cedric." Neville was nudging my arm with his elbow. "No they broke up, it couldn't have been." Pavati continued. "So the plot thickens." Seamus made his voice really deep while he spoke. "Well aren't you going to tell us. Your killing me over here with this anticipation." Dean was leaning over the table his palms flat on the cards.

"It's none of your business." I looked at every single one of them in the eye. No one could know, it was my secret and to be honest I was embarrassed. Draco freaking Malfoy what was I thinking. That's right I was thinking. Finally, after 25 minutes of their persistent questions they finally dropped it.


Quidditch practice was long and tiring. The lack of food in my stomach made it harder to concentrate. I felt free flying through the air and not having my nosey friends staring at the red marks on my neck. I quickly showered and ran to the great hall, starving.

I immediately was putting chicken and all sorts on my plate. I felt like Ron with how quick and much I was eating. All my friends sat staring at me. "What I'm hungry." I said with a chicken leg in my mouth.

"No, that's ok." Dean smirked. "Well then what?" I continued to chew my chicken. "Olivia have you by any chance seen Malfoys neck?" Neville was smiling and looking at everyone. My face froze and I looked at all their faces one by one, my mouth hung open.

Straight past Seamus sat Malfoy facing me. He winked at me, Crabbe, Goyle and blaise looked back smirking. Pansy glared her nasty glare. "Nope haven't seen him." I tried to play it cool.

"Blinded by love, oh how I've been there." Lavender dramatically put her hand on her forehead and pretended to faint. "I'm not blinded; I don't love Malfoy at all. Just a weird coincidence that's all." I refused to look up from my food. "Will yous stop laughing. It's bad enough already."

They went silent for a minute, then Seamus started them up again. He began spitting, that kind of spitting you do when you're trying not to laugh. Then they all started doing that. It was almost impossible not to join them and soon enough we were all laughing about it.


3rd person POV

The group of 6 were walking down towards the common room when the Blonde boy appeared at the top of the stairs. "Crabbe, Goyle wait there, I left my watch in the hall." Draco was making his way down the stairs. When he spotted Olivia.

"Avoiding me are you princess?" Draco pulled at Olivias arm. He noticed her poor attempt to cover the love bites he left. Olivia shook her arm out of his grip. Olivia's friends were staring, sniggering at the two.

"Not now Malfoy." Olivia turned away from him and took two steps. "Maybe not now, but tonight same place same time?"

"Never again Malfoy." She didn't even look back at him over taking the group of 5, who were all laughing. Draco scoffed and continued down the steps.

"Wait up princess." Seamus mocked. "Stuff it Seamus." Olivia didn't wait. She reached the top of the stair case and Crabe and Goyle began making kissing noises and faces. Olivia turned around and punched one in the face. she wasn't sure which one but she didn't care. Olivia closed her eyes took a deep breath and smiled. Wow she's been dying to do that for a while.


Another sleepless night of tossing and turning began. Olivia slammed her hand on either side of her body. Her duvet shaping her figure. I need to start making a sleeping potion or something because this is ridiculous. Olivia thought staring at all the sleeping bodies.

1:52 am

Olivia wondered whether Draco was waiting for her. No surely not she flat out rejected him. Oh but she'd love to see his face when he realised she wasn't coming. Olivia sat up and surveyed the room. No one would know if she left. She didn't have to let Draco see her. Just check if he actually went.

No, this was Draco Malfoy we were talking about of course he wasn't going to be there.

But he might.

Curiosity got the better of her and Olivia snuck out of the room. Crept down the stairs, clear.


She stood with her back pressed against the wall and listened. 

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