the ball

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The exams were slow and depressing. No one really spoke except at meal times which was nice. Olivia hadn't seen Draco at all over the 2 weeks. No sign of him at meals and he didn't sit near me during exams. Even during practical's Olivia never saw him. Olivia didn't give much thought she was grateful really, one less thing to worry about.

Thursday finally, one day till the ball. Seamus and Olivia discussed what they were going to do. Of course they were going to drink, I mean who wasn't! Firewhiskey and Dragon Barrel Brandy were being snuck in by the 7th years. They were only allowing 6th and 7th years to drink they didn't want the responsibility of the younger kids.

Lavender, pavati and Olivia spoke constantly of the ball considering they all didn't have exams tomorrow. Typical girls really. Hermione also joined the conversation for a while, Olivia thought maybe the boys were sick of the topic because she knew her boys were. "Hermione who are you going to the ball with?" Hermione smiled shyly and tucked away her loose hair behind her ear.

"Oh- uhm Ron, yes Ron." A chorus of awws echoed the room. Olivia always wanted them two to get together and this may be their opportunity. Lavender looked slightly hurt but she didn't dwell on it. Olivia couldn't help but think what it would be like if she was still going with Draco.

Would she be sat with him talking about this instead? No probably not. He made it clear he didn't like her. She wondered if he'd even go. Or who his date could be. Pansy most likely. But last Olivia heard she was going with Blaise.


Friday morning after breakfast the girls quickly began getting ready. Olivia specialised in hair. She curled, straightened or styled her friends. Padma was over to get ready with us. "Are you excited?" Olivia asked Padma as she pulled her hair into a high ponytail.

"I'm just grateful I'm not going with Ron." Padma laughed and the other 3 giggled. Olivia curled the ends of her hair and let the blonde curls fall around her shoulders. She tied the curls into a low ponytail, she left two curly pieces to hang in front of her eyes.

Next she started on her makeup. Her foundation matched her skin perfectly. Olivia hadn't worn it since the last ball but it always made her feel extra good about herself. Olivia did a brown smoky eyeshadow look and finished with red lipstick.

She went into the bathroom and slipped into her dress. It was a deep red silk, it was string strapped and backless. It flowed out at the end a slit up her leg. It complemented her figure perfectly, she did a quick spin in the mirror and left the room.

The girls looked stunning, Padma wore a beautiful puffy pink dress. Pavati and Mermaid blue one. Lavender wore an off the shoulder yellow one which looked beautiful. Everyone gasped when Olivia stepped out of the bathroom.

"You are amazing." Lavender squeaked.

"I wish I were you, you're beautiful." Padma jumped up and down.

"Seamus will be drooling." Pavati finally said.

Olivia sat on the bed putting her black heels on and they all went down the stairs. This was the part Olivia hated every year. She knew everyone was at the bottom, well all the guys were. Whistles and cat calls followed as they reached the last step.


Padma left to join her hufflepuff friends and the other 3 joined their dates. Dean and Lavender, Pavati and Neville and of course Seamus and Olivia. "Wow Olivia you scrub up nice." Seamus breathed. "Not too bad yourself." Olivia straightened his tie.

The pre drinks began along with the party. Shots were all around and before Olivia knew it she was drunk. The only reason she knew it was because her feet were no longer sore from the shoes.

Seamus held her hand on the way to the great hall. "I can do it Seamus." Olivia let go of seamus hand and immediately regretted it. She stumbled forward and nearly crashed straight into Harry and Ginny. "Maybe I can't do it." Olivia intertwined her fingers with Seamus' again.

The great hall was magnificent. Different coloured lights were flashing and it was nice and dark. The music was loud and everyone was enjoying themselves. In almost every corner a couple were snogging. Olivia could see Padma in the middle of dance floor along with Cedric and Cho.

Olivia didn't think about going over she just went. She swayed her hips to the songs and Cedric grabbed her waist. You could see it on his face, he wasn't sober either. Olivia didn't complain she missed his touch.

From the corner of her eye she saw Draco enter. He wore a black suit with a red tie. His date was indeed Pansy and Blaise came alone. Harsh on both their behalves. Draco and her eyes met from across the room. Olivia ripped hers away and stared up at Cedric.

Out of spite she pulled Cedric in for a kiss. To her surprise he kissed back. When she pulled away Draco was no longer there.

Olivia left the crowd in the middle to be met with Seamus and Dean. "Dean meet my date. This might be the only time you see her because she keeps running away." All 3 of us laughed.

"Yes sorry, let's dance." Olivia grabbed both boys' hands and dragged them to the dance floor.


An hour or so past and Olivia wasn't feeling the best. She told Seamus and Dean she was getting a drink and sat down on the chairs by the table. It didn't help.

Olivia jumped off the chair and sprinted out the large doors. Olivia didn't stop till she reached the toilet. Anything she ate that day came up, her ponytail had come lose during her dance and run. It was getting in the way of her puke.

She felt a cold hand on her back, rubbing it in small circles. They had also grabbed her hair and held it away from her face. Olivia couldn't ask questions and she was grateful for whoever it was. "It's ok, let it out." The voice whispered, comforting her slightly.

Finally, she had stopped getting sick. Olivia pulled her head out of the toilet bowel and sat with her back on the stall, she hugged her knees tightly. Olivia saw who was sitting in front of her.

"Malfoy what are you doing here?" Olivia asked.

"I saw you run out and you didn't look right." Malfoy replied.

"Right, thanks." Olivia pursed her lips wanting him to leave.

A few moments of awkward silence passed. "Uhm – you looked beautiful tonight. I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Until you kissed Diggory of course." Draco looked slightly annoyed.

"Why would you care Draco." Olivia scoffed.

"Because you broke up with me while I still loved you Olivia." Draco grabbed one of Olivias hands in his own.

"Loved me? Go off with that. I heard you Draco. You used me, you didn't like me. You built me up to break me Malfoy. You used me for your own good and power, so go and be what everyone expects of you. When you become a death eater you can do the pleasure of killing me first. Don't come in here and expect because you acted the hero I will fall back at your feet; Draco I have no respect or love for you. Honestly I don't think I ever will." Olivia spat.

"Never liked you? Olivia if I didn't like you would I keep tryin?. Would I allow you to talk to me the way you do? Would I have risked sneaking out every night to see you? Hell, Olivia would I have sat in a crowd of Slytherins supporting a stupid Gryffindor? Would I lay with you till you fell asleep because I know you have trouble sleeping at night? I learned about the stupid stars for you! And most of all Olivia, I sat on a fucking muggle bus, I went out into the muggles willingly! Why? For fucking you, and you have the nerve to say I never liked you?" Draco was shouting.

"Then why on earth would you go around parading how much I meant nothing to you?" Olivia matched his shouting.

"Because Olivia they don't understand! I have a reputation, my family have a reputation in this world and I'm sorry if you don't understand that but it's just how it is. I can't have them think my judgement is clouded by a girl! Because you know what Olivia it is!" Draco tried to calm but it didn't work.

"Well then Draco please date someone that understands because that isn't good enough for me." Olivia stood up and went back to the ball. Draco left also but towards the dungeons, he was no longer in the mood to be at the ball.

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