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I woke up in the small single bed. My hair was going in all directions and my face was as swollen as a dogs that got stung by a bee. My head was lying on the flat pillow and the blanket was tucked neatly around my torso. I sat up slowly looking around the room, it appears I'm alone. I try to think back to how I got here. Was someone with me? Yes, Draco was. I swung my legs over the bed and sat upright. "Draco" I whispered thinking maybe he was hiding. Hiding? Who the fuck would go off playing hide and seek as soon as they wake up in the morning. I really do surprise myself sometimes.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. The state of me right now was horrific. I wouldn't want my closest friends seeing me like this never mind if Draco is still lurking about. I began brushing my hair, then teeth. I straightened out the clothes I had slept in, not having time to have changed last night. Finally, I attempted to de-puff my face, realising this was as good as I think I could get it. Smiling in the mirror to make myself feel slightly better, I left to go face the world.

My parents were up in the living room, straight out the door. Sitting straight up, my father with coffee on the table beside him and the newest daily prophet in between his hands. My mother, writing a letter I presume. She had a black quill in one hand and was holding the parchment still in the other. I tried to creep past them to the large spiral staircase just outside the living room door. Just as I reached the exit, a monotone voice made me jump "embarrassed us last night you did." My father didn't look up from his paper. "Yes, very sorry father. I accidentally fell asleep after talk- ". My mother snapped her head towards me "I hope you weren't bothering that poor helpless woman. She has enough to deal with than the disappointment of you also." I nodded slowly "of course not mother." I can't remember when I wasn't a disappointment, from the day I was born I was one. Mother and father always wanted a boy, obviously they didn't get one, they didn't bother try again in case they ended up with another girl. "Yes, Draco informed us that you had fallen asleep. Do you understand how that looks for us? We allow you to leave to be excused for 30 minutes for you to go and fall asleep. Was my dinner that boring Olivia?" as my father spoke he closed his newspaper over and began standing. "No of course not. I'm very sorry it won't happen again I promise." My father walked towards me, his voice booming the entire room. I cowered into the corner his tall, porky fatigue towering over me. "Oh I know that won't happen again but just to make sure, you have to learn your lesson. I am sick and tired of you embarrassing this family, constantly bringing shame upon us." I saw him reach into his rob pockets and I knew exactly what was about to happen. "Honey how many strikes?" it was clear my father was talking to my mother but his gaze never left mine. Well let's see "1 for constant poor grades not up to Kelly standard, 1 for always being behind a mudblood, 1 for sleeping while guests were around and 1 because I'm in a bad mood." For once my gaze diverted towards my mother, that horrid twisted grin on her face showed she was getting enjoyment from the fear written all over my face. "Yes, I quite agree. Because I'm feeling nice I won't add any." The wand rose higher into the air and the wait for it was just as painful as the punishment.


I blacked out after the third one. The laughing and screaming fainted away into total blackness. I woke up on the hard, cold marble floor. "Get up, get dressed. Our guests are returning for lunch this afternoon and we won't have any screw ups today." My mother spat. "Yes mother." I slowly began pushing myself off the hard floor, my voice was raspy and cold. "Of course there will be screw ups because she shall only be greeting them, not staying we don't have room for her. Just make your presence known. Now go!" my father was back to reading the paper.

I ran up the steps and threw open the door. I flung myself on the bed and sobbed quietly into the pillow. "Dinkie" I whispered and soon enough the little house-elf appeared by my bedside. "Master, you called for dinkie." Dinkies huge eyes stared into mine. Wiping my tears with my sleeve and attempting to clear my stuffy nose. "Yes, Dinkie can you tell me what Mother and Father are up to, why all these people are here? Also who is going to be at lunch today?" Dinkie shook her head in response "Dinkie cannot tell you master Olivia. Dinkie is on strict instructions not to speak to anyone not even master Olivia about the meeting. Dinkie can say who is due for the meeting this afternoon. Many people are coming, Dinkie only knows a few. Mr and Mrs Malfoy, Ms. Lestrange, Mr. Snape and the Carrows. That is all Dinkie can remember." I smiled weakly at the hapless creature, "Yes thank you Dinkie. Also do you know if Draco will be attending." I wanted to apologise for yesterday, I made a fool of myself and I don't need him bringing it back to Hogwarts. "Dinkie knows Mr. Kelly said no children including Draco Malfoy would be attending." That was not the answer I was hoping for "thank you Dinkie, that will be all." With a crack Dinkie was gone.

I got dressed, did my face and hair. Considering I don't have to be there today meant I could leave and go out into the world, the other world. Escape the wizarding world, for once feel human. My mirror was broken but it did the job and I looked good if I do say so myself. I went downstairs to greet everyone on arrival. People travelled by apparition to get to our house. I opened the door for the last "important" guests, the Malfoys. I opened the door to reveal not two Malfoys but three. But Dinkie said Draco wasn't coming. They entered my house and Lucious instructed Malfoy away and something about how he had told Draco if he came he wasn't to disturb anything. "Kelly" Malfoy nodded at me, "Malfoy" I returned the gesture. "Yous two go upstairs or something." My father smiled sweetly at the pair of us. "Yes father." I retuned the bright smile and began walking up the stairs. Malfoy trailed behind me, I went into the room to the left of the stairs.

It was a small sitting room, with white leather chairs and a shiny black table in the middle. I lay myself flat on the couch and Malfoy sat politely at the end of the same couch. I lifted my legs to allow for space and slowly sat up right noticing the rudeness in my form. "So, about yesterday. I'm really sorry you had to see me like that. Don't take me for weak Malfoy because I'm not." He smiled slightly "Oh no Kelly you're not weak, your stronger than I would've been. But then again I am a spoiled and loved Slytherin." He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at this ignorant comment. "if I were in Slytherin I would've ran away, never to be seen again." I remarked. "That makes me wish you were a Slytherin all the lot more. Guess not all dreams come true." I fake gasped at his comment "wow Malfoy who knew you were so nice." He did his signature Malfoy smirk "I did princess." I furrowed my eyebrows "don't call me that ever again." His smirk only grew "Anything you see princess." I punched him in the arm obviously not hard enough because he was still speaking.

"Right well I'm leaving now, enjoy your stay." I got off the couch and headed towards the door. "Where we going?" he was up off the couch aswell. "We are not going anywhere. I am leaving." I turned to face him... well face his chest he was much taller than I thought. "that's not good hospitality is it? Wait until my father hears about this." I rolled my eyes knowing if he did tell Lucious, my punishment would be a lot worse than earlier. "Fine."

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