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We sat on the muggle bus on our way back to London city. Well "sat" is an overstatement for Draco her more like hovered. "how did you even get this muggle money." Draco looked at this small purse perched on my lap. I looked around to make sure no one was listening, I leaned in and whispered in his ear "I performed for them, like on the streets."

"Wait, preformed? Where can I get this performance." Draco smirked and cocked his eyebrow up. I punched him in the arm, "Not like that you toad, I mean like-" I took one last glance to ensure no one was listening, I leaned a little closer my lips right beside his ear. "Magic" his eyes widened.

"You mean; you broke the law of secrecy?" I never thought of it that way. "well no not exactly, I never used a wand. Just simple hand magic, they call me a magician! Isn't that great?" Draco shook his head "no comment." I simply nodded my head.


"And where have you been?!" my father shouted as Draco and I entered the room. "Oh Draco! We were so worried." Narcissa grabbed her son in a tight embrace. Guilt was washing over me, I knew my family wouldn't care where I was but Dracos of course would. I quickly looked towards the clock – 2:38 – shit we were really late. "Mother, Olivia and I were visiting a friend. We lost track of time as we were playing quidditch." Malfoy lied to his mother? That was something I never thought I'd see.

"Well no harm done. Thank you for having us." Lucious began as they headed towards the exit. I had this strange desire to go with them. The exit, the way out of this horrid house. Yet, my feet stayed rooted to the floor. 3 days is all. 3 more days. Draco turned to close the door, he shot me a quick wink and I smiled back at him. "See you on Sunday, Olivia."


The days went by painfully slow. I spent most my days locked up in my room with only Dinkie to keep me comfort. My parents drove me to Kings Cross station and I went through to platform 9 1/3 alone.

As I stumbled onto the other side, I noticed 3 groups. 1. My old friend group; Lavender, Pavati, dean, Thomas and Neville. They looked in my direction and they didn't seem so welcoming. 2. Cedrics group; Cho, Cedric, Marietta and a few others I didn't know too well. They hadn't noticed me yet. And 3. Dracos group; Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco had watched me enter but he made no gesture.

I began walking fast towards Cedric and his friends. I was a few metres away when Cedric noticed me. I forgot how much I really did miss him. I began running and when I was a few inches away, I dropped all my stuff and jumped into Cedrics arms. He did that little spin thing and I didn't even care who was watching, it felt good to know someone liked me. When he put me down, he gave me a swift kiss and I turned to pick back up my things. I lifted my head and saw draco still looking at me, his head dropping when I looked back.

The compartment on the train was full enough. Cedric had his arm draped around my shoulder, pulling me in close. I wasn't really involving myself in the conversation, thinking more about how it's nice now but I'm not in Hufflepuff. I'm going to have to face the Gryffindors sooner or later. I could take the easy route and go find new people but I think I'd prefer to have my old friends back.

"Are you alright?" Cedric whispered in my ear taking me out of my thoughts. I looked up into his concerned face, dull blue eyes staring into my grey ones. "Yea, fine. Just a bit tired that's all." I was lying but I couldn't let anyone know not even my own friends didn't like me. "Ok, I'll get quietness in here."

"Hey, Olivias really tired and I think everyone in here is being a bit loud. If you wouldn't mind leaving the compartment or staying quiet, it would be really appreciated." Everybody listened to the Hufflepuff prince. One by one they left. Cedric shuffled into a new position, I lay flat across the seats my head resting on Cedrics stomach.

Cedric and I were having general conversation while he stroked my hair. An hour later, I felt much better. The door of the compartment slid over and I moved my neck down to see who had entered. The tall, blonde Slytherin prince was standing in the door way.

 "Malfoy, no one is in here that concerns you." Cedric said glaring at the boy. I stayed silent not wanting to be involved, he had no reason to be here. 

"Actually pretty boy, I'm returning something to Kelly. Before you decide to speak, ask your girlfriend what kind of people concern her." Malfoy had thrown the red jumper at my head and slammed the compartment door shut.

Cedric picked the jumper off my head and held it up. I sat up off his lap to face him. "Olivia, why does Malfoy have my jumper, that I gave to you" he looked more upset then angry. "No Cedric, it's not what it looks like Malfoy was around at my house and-"

"Malfoy was at your house? Why would Malfoy be at your house?" Cedric was starting to sound more annoyed. 

"No no, his family were over for dinner. It was nothing personal strictly business –" "if it wasn't personal why didn't he wear his own clothes? Olivia why are you lying to me?" Anger was clear now.

 "Ced, I promise I'm not lying, we were just going to London and he needed more normal clothes I promise." He didn't look convinced. "What business do you have in London? You don't even live in England, Olivia" "London wasn't business, we were bored and –" he shook his head.

"You're so full of it, all those letter you wrote saying how bored you were and that you missed me while you were out parading in London with Malfoy! You could've asked me! I live in England as well Olivia, fuck I'm even near London. That's not even the worst part, he was in my clothes!" Cedric tried really hard not to raise his voice at me. 

"Listen please Ced-" I began pleading. "No Olivia, you listen. I thought better of you, could have been anyone as well but you chose Malfoy. He's not even remotely a nice person and couldn't give two shits about you and here I am, yet you chose Malfoy." Cedric sounded hurt.

"He can be a nice person Cedric, you don't even know him." I was getting annoyed at all these accusations. 

"Oh so now your defending him Olivia! I think you should leave, please just go." Cedric held the red jumper tight in his hand and turned to face out the window. I grabbed my trunk and left the compartment. Looking in once more to see if he'll look at me, he didn't. everything was gone, my own boyfriend didn't even want me, my parents hated me and my friends as well.

Tears of fury were flowing down my face as I stormed down the train. I found the compartment containing the stupid blonde boy. I threw open the door and every head turned towards me. "You stupid asshole Malfoy! You knew what you were doing. You're a pig Draco, a fucking pig!" I took a deep breath looked around at the stunned faces and slammed the compartment door shut. The rest of the journey was long and I sat in silence in a compartment of 4 Ravenclaw first years who were too scared to tell me to leave.  

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