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Olivia was told to wait at the door, greet everyone as they came in and show them to the table. Then she was instructed to join the table when the last guests had arrived. She was not to speak unless spoken to and any requests Olivia must fulfil. Olivia was waiting for the last three guests to arrive, getting impatient and hungry as she saw Dinkie begin serving the food. Finally, the doorbell rang and Olivia put on her smile, opening the door to the final guest her face dropped. The three blinding blondes stood directly in front of her, Lucious, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. "Hello, my name is Olivia Kelly. Let me show you to the dinner table." Olivia firmly shook Narcissa and Lucious' hands and politely nodded at Draco, who returned the gesture. Everyone took their seats. Olivia placed in-between her mother and father, directly across Draco in-between his. The six sat in the middle of the whole table. On the other ends were other people who Olivia presumed worked at the ministry that she just simply did not know.

"Well, Dolion is your daughter in Hogwarts or have you decided to home school?" Lucious asked Olivias father. "No, no, no Hogwarts in her sixth year. If I'm correct she is in the same year as Draco." Dolion nodded towards Draco. "Yes, you would be correct in saying that. Slytherin I'm sure?" Lucious didn't directly ask Olivia but she knew the question was aimed at her. "No, actually I was sorted into Gryffindor." Olivia replied sheepishly. Olivias mother and fathers head dropped as if in shame. "Yes, well were not quite sure what happened, our whole blood line was in Slytherin." Olivias father continued and Astrid nodded her head frantically. Draco looked up from his food staring at Olivia. Olivia swallowed, not looking at Draco. "Yes, well sometimes that can happen. I'm sure she's still a great witch. Draco is she a good witch?" Narcissa turned towards Draco. "Uhm- yes, she is in top 2 of her class." "Well she can't be that great if she is constantly behind a muggle-born witch now can she?" Dolion laughed. "Only ever by one or two points, she's extremely clever. I am trying my best though, I really am." Olivia looked around at the table. "Yes, well sometimes your best isn't good enough." Astrid spoke in a stern voice, looking at Olivia with a do not reply sort of look. One of which Olivia knew all too well not to speak. Olivia turned her head away from her mother looking straight ahead to see Draco was staring directly at her. A look of pity in his eyes, not wanting to draw any more attention than was already drawn, Olivia quietly ate her food. Soon enough normal conversation flowed. Neither Draco nor Olivia spoke.

Once Olivia finished her meal, "May I be excused for a few moments." Olivia turned to her father. "Of course." Lucious replied before Dolion had the chance. Olivia rose out of her chair, nodding politely and left for the door. She made a left to a small room with a bed and two chairs. Olivia slowly entered leaving the door slightly ajar. There sat her Granny, sitting upright in her chair. Her grey straight hair cut extremely short. Her glasses stood perched on her nose and her eyes barely were open but she was awake. She wore a long flowy black dress and smiled as Olivia entered the room. "Hi granny." Olivia smiled brightly at the little old woman sitting in front of her. "Hello dear." The woman replied voice low and raspy but sweet all the same. "How are you feeling today?" Olivias smile fading slightly but still there. "Very good thank you. I was practicing some new spells. How have you been dear?" Olivias granny asked her. Olivia took the spare seat opposite her. Olivia explained how things were going at school, her new boyfriend but also about the train home. Her fight with her friends, the friends she had told her granny about multiple times always with a bright smile across her face. Always telling Patricia, her granny, about how happy they make her, how they're the source of any happiness she had felt during her time at Hogwarts. But this time was different, Olivia was crying about her friends. Their words had cut through her like daggers, felt like she had been hit with the Cruciatus Curse. Olivia felt numb, tears pricking her eyes, one or two falling but nothing major. She didn't want to worry her granny, that's the last thing she needed. The little woman sat there, listening taking in every word, never interrupting. When Olivia had finished her story, she waited for the response. "That's not good dear. Maybe you should apologize but we Slytherins aren't great at that are we?" she laughed to herself. I gave a weak smile "No, we're not." "Anyway, when is dinner? Should we begin making our way down to the great hall I'm starving." Olivia looked to the floor "No, Patricia not yet." "Oh right, I'll just wait it out. I'm sorry dear but I've forgotten your name. Are you in the right house? Yes, you must be, you look like a Slytherin. Maybe we could be friends. If your up to bending the rules a little we could sneak out at night and look up at the stars on the astronomy tower, I could teach you all about them." Looking up at the old woman, she was smiling brightly. "Yes, I would love that." Olivia tore her eyes away from her disorientated granny sitting in front of her. Tears streaming down both cheeks.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" Patricia asked. Without looking at her Olivia replied quietly "yes, of course. Olivia, my name is Olivia Kelly." The little woman stayed quiet for a few seconds before she piped up "Nope, doesn't ring a bell. I love that name, Olivia. I always wanted to be called Olivia, if I ever have a daughter I will call her Olivia. Also, strange isn't it we both have the same surnames, maybe we're related somewhere down the line?" still not looking up Olivia whispered, "Yeah maybe somewhere down the line." Olivia got out of her seat, her breath hitched in her throat, the pain nearly unbearable. Olivia began to sprint out the room, tears falling to the floor, her breathing uneven. Utter heart break was all she knew. Olivia crashed and tumbled over something big that stood at the door. Olivia had fallen on top of... Draco Malfoy. She scrambled to her feet at once, wiped her tears with her sleeve and under her eye where the wet mascara lay. "Sorry about that won't happen again." Olivia smiled towards the horror struck boy. "Your father told me to fetch you. Deserts ready." He coughed. Olivia nodded "Thank you." As Olivia pushed past him he grabbed her elbow. "Can we talk over there." Draco pointed towards the small wooden door beside the room where Olivias granny stayed. "Of course." Olivia agreed scared to go against him in her own house.

They both made their way towards the small wooden door.

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