The end

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The results had come out and every student had a few more days left at Hogwarts. Draco hasn't been seen around much and Olivia hadn't seen him at all. She went looking for him at the ball but he wasn't there.

The group of 6 hadn't spent much time inside anyway. The days were brighter, warmer and had the amazing smell of cut grass and warmth lingered in the air. They enjoyed having duels with one another, of course safe spells only. Winner would play winner and continue that way until the ultimate winner. It made the days go quicker and only twice did someone accidently end up on the hospital wing. That duel was Dean and Seamus who are too competitive for one another.

Levicorpus was Olivia's favourite, she hung Neville by his foot for 2 minutes. It disarms them and shocks them. Brilliant really. Olivia was having the most fun she's had in all her 6 years and she couldn't imagine anything better.

It was the final night at Hogwarts and everyone was excited to go home. Except Olivia of course and Harry Potter. The final feast was interesting. The speeches were said as per usual and the children began eating. Seamus thought it would be funny to throw his pie in Olivia's face. it went everywhere, bits of cherry stuck in her hair and the pastry smeared along her face. Olivia made it her choice to throw some back, missing Seamus by an inch and smacking Lavender in the side of the face.

She was not happy at all but Dean found it extremely humorous. Lavender stood up, wiping the cream out of her hair and storming out of the great hall. Well so we thought, she stormed back in took the jug of pumpkin juice off the table and poured all over Dean's head, in front of everyone. Then she stormed out still unhappy about her face. this wiped the smirk off Deans smug face instantly. Everyone in the great hall was laughing, you could especially hear it from the Slytherin table.

Lavender refused to speak to anyone but Pavati and Neville for the rest of the day, and dean wouldn't speak to Lavender in return. Seamus and Olivia kept poking fun at Lavender, finding it rather funny that she wouldn't talk to them.


During the night, as usual Olivia was finding it rather hard to sleep. She kept hearing bangs of some sort but she wasn't worried, it was probably people sneaking out on their last night. Olivia decided to do what she does best and that was to go look at the stars. She threw on her robe and made way for the exit. The bangs got louder and there was faint sounds of screaming and shouting. Olivia made way for the noise feeling she was missing something.

Slowly she made her way down the long halls. Cautiously she walked, she wasn't sure why she just did. When she reached the final turn that's when she saw it. all the different coloured flashes of spells. Shouting and screaming, people were dropping dead in her own school. Olivia drew out her wand, ready to join the fight. She noticed people she recognized such as Ginny Weasly and even Neville. Olivia was prepared to risk it all for her friends.

Just as she was about to walk into the fight she saw a black shadow running away from it all. Coward she thought until the light from the moon hit the top of the person's head, it was Draco. She looked between the fight and the boy, she found it too weird that he was running away in such a panic. Olivia followed him up.

Olivia sprinted through the halls and up all the stairs, Draco was out of sight but she knew the castle enough to know where he was heading. The astronomy tower. Finally, she reached the last staircase and skidded her feet at the exit.

There Draco stood, his wand was out and ready. Olivia couldn't quite see who he was pointing it at. Slowly she walked closer, Draco hadn't noticed her, he was too busy with the body on the floor. Olivia gasped loudly when she saw the unarmed wizard on the floor.

Both wizards looked up at her. Dracos face dropped when he saw the scared girl trembling at the sight. "Olivia?" Draco looked concerned, olivia shook her head slowly. "No, no. this isn't happening." She was backing away slowly. Deafened from fear she didn't hear the people running behind her. Olivia backed into someones arms.

Comatose ~ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now