Olivias story

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Draco and Olivia walked slowly into the little room. There was a bed, a window and a bedside locker. The light flickered on and Draco sat on the bed. He patted the space beside him, Olivia did as instructed and sat beside the Slytherin Prince. It felt like forever to Olivia before Draco began to speak. Those 3 dreaded words flowed out of his mouth "Are you okay?" truth is she wasn't okay. "I-" her voice cracked before Olivia could even get her sentence out. Olivia just silently shook her head, tears once again pouring down her face and taking deep breaths. Draco swung his arm over Olivias shoulder in a comforting way, he pulled her into his warm embrace and just allowed her to sob into his chest. Draco said nothing but rubbed her back occasionally brushing her hair with his fingers.

"It must be hard, having your own flesh and blood not know who you are." Draco said calmly. Draco lifted up Olivias face to look at her. A bright red nosed, puffy eyed, tear stained face stared back at him. "She's my best friend. The only reason I have left to live, to wake up every morning. For a while she knew who I was, before I left for Hogwarts was when it got really bad. Doesn't even know I exist. Now I just don't know what to do." Olivia refused to look Draco in the eyes, looking everywhere else possible. "You can tell she's still proud of you. Even if she doesn't know exactly who you are, you can tell she loved talking to you and hearing your stories. Her face even lit up when she heard your name." Olivia smiled at his words, a genuine smile. A smile she hadn't had in a long time. "You know, she named me. We really were the best of friends. My mother and father never cared much for me, but, I know hard to believe, a lot more than they do now. When I got put into Gryffindor they were furious with me, said I "poisoned the blood line" but granny, she didn't care she said that made me extra special, that our blood line is expanding becoming more powerful if you ask her. Different qualities and whatever. Anyway, sorry I'm rambling I'll stop." Olivia looked away embarrassed of how much she put her heart on the table. "Don't stop, I want to hear it and it's good to get it off your chest." Draco smiled at Olivia.

Olivia took a deep breath and began her story again. "Well, it was the end of our second year and of course I was home for the summer. Life was okay, my parents were better than now and my granny lived only a few minutes away. One sunny day I was bored and decided I'd go visit her. We were on a walk in the park because she was fascinated by the muggles and loved to go visit these ducks. anyway, I had bread in my hand feeding them of course. I left the bread on the park bench that stood a few feet from us. I asked my granny to go and get me a slice to continue feeding the ducks because mine was almost gone, you know? Why was I so lazy, I should've done it? Anyway she began walking over towards the bread when a duck zoomed through her feet trying to get to the bread. When I turned around she had fallen, there was nothing I could do. The thud from her head hitting the ground will haunt me forever. I didn't have time to contact St. Mungos we were too near muggles. One had called the muggle healers and soon enough she was lying in that hospital bed. I stayed with her, didn't leave that bed side for 36 whole hours. 36! When she finally opened her eyes, I embraced her in the biggest hug. When I pulled away she looked scared. "Granny I'm so happy your awake, you almost scared me half to death. But I know you, you're a survivor you get through anything, I don't even know why I even ever worried." I said to her. When she responded, it felt like my heart got ripped straight out my chest and shattered into thousands of pieces. "I'm sorry but who are you?" she asks me. Who am I? could you imagine how heartbroken I was. My best friend doesn't even know who I am. My parents finally arrived, that when it got worse, so much worse. Here I was thinking things couldn't get bad enough and yet they did. "you did this. You tripped her over. You caused this. Your trying so hard not to be a Slytherin that you are willing to sacrifice your own family for power, to change the bloodline. Well Olivia that doesn't make you brave, your pathetic." My parents have and always will blame me for what happened and they almost make me believe it's my fault as well. Anyway we had brought her to St.Mungos immediately after she had got released but the healers said the damage was too badly done and was irreversible. The guilt eats me alive. At the beginning though it wasn't the worst. She'd remember what you told her, so when I'd see her she'd know who I am even if she doesn't remember. It's g-g- gotten worse, as you saw. She- she- she d-d-doesn't even know who I am." Olivia turned back into Dracos chest, uncontrollable sobs taking over. Draco didn't speak, but Olivia knew he felt sorry. She knew he didn't need to speak; his presence was comfort enough for her. The crying made her sleepy, Olivia fell asleep in Dracos arms and Draco lay down on the bed. Doing everything he could not to wake the sleeping girl.

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