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 Malfoy and Olivia hadn't spoken since that day under the tree, he even stopped making comments in potions class. Olivia didn't think much of it though, she thought maybe he could be ill as he looked it. Anyway Olivia had more important things on her mind as she has her first big quidditch match against Slytherin tomorrow and the nerves were really starting to build up. Olivia didn't want to eat or sleep and she really didn't want to mess up on the first game.

Gryffindor won! All the nerves and feeling from earlier vanished and was replaced with Joy and excitement. Harry ran towards Olivia and squeezed her so tight the team thought her eyes might pop out of her skull at any moment. "You played amazing." Olivia smiled brightly, "As did you". Over Harrys shoulder she saw the Slytherin team all crowded around and decided to go and congratulate them on how well they played. As much as she didn't like Slytherins, she couldn't hate all of them just because a few are horrible. Plus, it must be hard when all the other houses don't like you either, no wonder they bare resentment.

Olivia traipsed over and Blaise Zabini spotted her first. "Um- hi. I just wanted to say that you guys played really well." Olivia weakly smiled at Blaise. He looked taken aback and began turning his head at his team mates. Slowly he replied "Thanks – I guess. Why are you talking to us?" he rudely asked. Olivia shrugged her shoulders wondering where the blonde seeker was. "Where's Malfoy?" Olivia quickly asked and Blaise sniggered. "Why are you looking for Malfoy, he probably doesn't even know your name." Of course, The whole team laughed, with that Olivia turned around and began walking back toward the castle. "No one would know your name either Blaise if it weren't for being the shittest quidditch player in the school!" Olivia shouted over her shoulder coolly and their laughter fainted away.

"He does so know my name. Why are they always so rude? That's the last time I ever try be nice to them." Olivia mumbled under her breath. In her angry, hurried walk she bumped into something rather hard and began rubbing her forehead with her palm, when she was shoved suddenly. "Out of my way!" and before Olivia could look up to see who it was they vanished around the corner. "Ignorant asshole" Olivia mumbled and continued her march.

After what felt like forever she made it back to the Gryffindor common room and was greeted by Pavati and Seamus. Olivia told them about what had happened after the quidditch game. "Arrogant pricks the lot of 'em" Seamus cursed while Pavati slapped his arm "Language" she shot at him. He mimicked her speaking in a mocking sort of way and Olivia had to bite her knuckle to suppress a laugh. "Whatever Seamus mock me all you want I don't care" she folded her arms and huffed.

Olivia and Seamus began playing exploding snap and laughing and Pavati getting over her stubbornness joined half way. "Where's Lavender?" Olivia asked noticing she was absent from the game. Seamus and Pavati started to laugh. "Am I missing something?" Olivia darted her eyes around the room. "She's with won-won" Seamus burst out and Dean stalked over towards us. "What's going on over here and why am I missing all the fun?" Dean took a seat beside Pavati. Ignoring his presence Olivia quickly asked "Who's won-won?" All 3 of them were nearly in tears. Olivia looked around the common room to see Lavender and Ron snuggled up on the couch. Chuckling she asked "Why are you calling him won-won?"

"We're not the love deranged Lav Lav is" Seamus replied which caused the group to all to roll on the floor laughing. Pavati and Olivia headed up to our dormitory at 11 because they didn't feel like being tired for class tomorrow.

All night Olivia was tossing and turning when she had finally had enough, checking the time on the clock – 2:37- Olivia decided it was useless, sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon. Throwing her legs over the bed she wormed out of it. Wrapped in her white dressing gown, she left for the astronomy tower. It was much colder tonight then it had been since she arrived, "It won't be surprising if I get hypothermia out here". Nonetheless Olivia lay under the stars taking in their unique complexion. She has learned to love the stars too fondly to be scared of the night, because on the darkest nights is when the stars shine the most brightly. Also she learned to look at the stars instead of the darkness that surrounds it, kind of like looking at the brighter side of life Feeling at peace like nothing can hurt her.

Not sure how long has passed, the sound of footsteps snap Olivia out of her thoughts. Looking to the sky once more seeing if maybe it's bright outside but it hasn't quite yet. Fear and curiosity taking over she pushes her body off the frozen ground and traipse towards the sound. The closer she got the more it sounds more like whispering. Cautiously with her wand drawn in her hand, poking her head around the corner she finds the source of the noise. The Slytherin prince was whisper-shouting at his two goons. Not quite being able to make out the words she didn't know what was being siad but by the look on gargoyle and porky it can't be any good.

Stepping a little closer hoping to hear more Olivia fell stiff as board in her place. "Petrificus Totalus" Olivia closed her eyes stupidly thinking it would make her invisible, unfortunately it didn't work. "And what do you think you're doing spying on me, not even Potter is stupid enough to spy on me." Malfoy spat. Olivia began slowly opening her eyes to see the blinding blonde hair draping over his face and his cold grey eyes staring down into her own. Not being able to speak she couldn't reply. Before she knew he was dragging her, might as well be lifeless, body down the corridors not speaking again.

This boys going to kill me is all I could think.

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