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Saturday rolled around a bit too quickly for Olivia's liking, she was terrified to be trapped in a room with Malfoy. Since the incident in the dungeons Olivia hasn't been able to face, even look at Malfoy. She became silent at meal times and spoke with her friends only in the common room where she knew she was safe. Olivia just couldn't get that horrible symbol imprinted on Dracos arm out of her head. Does this mean he's working for He-who-must-not-be-named? If so then he has no problem hurting or even killing.

Olivia stalked down to the dungeons where Slughorn and Malfoy would be waiting. The door was open slightly ajar, Olivia slowly pushed open the door revealing an annoyed looking Malfoy. That was the last thing Olivia wanted to see. "Excellent, now that your both here we can begin. Both of you will clean the cauldron's and sort the ingredients into alphabetical order." Slughorn pointed at the items as he mentioned them. Neither Malfoy nor Olivia said a word. With that Slughorn left, "I'll be back every 30 minutes to see how you're doing."

Draco sat on the desk watching. Olivia took one of the cauldrons off the desk and placed it on the floor. Grabbing a sponge and spray she began scrubbing the inside clean. 40 minutes into the detention Slughorn hadn't returned and Draco hadn't moved, playing with his wand in between his fingers. Irritated by the lack of help Olivia snapped "Are you going to sit there like a doll or actually help. I don't know about you but I don't particularly want to be here all day." Draco placed his wand inside his robes and took one of the cauldrons without saying a word. Taking a deep breath Olivia continued scrubbing.

Another 40 minutes past and all the cauldrons were finally cleaned... well all olivias were. "Ehm want to start on the ingredients then?" Olivia asked Draco walking towards the two cauldrons he "cleaned". "Malfoy they're not clean at all." Olivia noticed looking down into them. Burn marks and black ash still lay at the bottom and green goop still lay smeared around the sides. Draco glared. He looked back into the cauldron and noticed his sloppy work. "I'm not good at cleaning, I don't do it much." Draco shrugged. "I'll show you." Olivia picked back up her sponge and spray and began explaining how to properly clean. Draco followed her instructions and soon enough they were both cleaned.

They started on the ingredients, noticing how messed up alphabetically they were Olivia sighed heavily. She did the bottoms shelves while Draco started the top. Half way through and something slimy lands on the top of Olivia's head, blue dripping down the front of her face and onto her clothes. "Oops" Draco laughed. "You did that on purpose you stupid git." Olivia snarled. Draco went back to his work and Olivia noticed an out of place Flobberworm Mucus. A malicious smirk formed across her face as she quietly opened the jar. Standing over the bent down Malfoy, Olivia poured the jar over the top of his perfectly done hair. "Oops" she said in a mocking tone. Draco faced her, he looked angry. Olivia noticed Malfoy slowly reaching in for his wand. Shit this won't be good. Quickly she went for her own. "Flipendo" Olivia shouted which knocked Draco off his feet. The anger now clearly apparent on his face he found his wand on the floor and pointed it towards Olivia. Palms sweating and heart racing Olivia was not backing down from this duel, but she was sure he wouldn't be afraid to use a few unforgivable curses. By sheer luck the door swung open and Slughorn entered, "Why are you both wearing my ingredients?" Olivia didn't care for the question but was very thankful by his sudden entrance.

The next morning Olivia filled lavender and Pavati in of the previous night's events as they made their way towards the great hall for breakfast. As she approached the Gryffindor table, Simon, a tall blonde boy with broad shoulders, and Lisa, a tall brunette girl with exceptionally blue eyes, called Olivia over. "One minute save my seat." Olivia called to the girls as she made her way over the two. Word had somehow gone around about Olivia and Malfoys encounter the other night, how she stood up to Malfoy and tricked his two goons. Also impossibly about how Malfoy had thrown goo all over Olivia and her doing it straight back. Everybody that sat at the other end of the table sat and asked questions. Laughing at olivias stories and being simply intrigued by her. Before she knew it breakfast was over. The same happened at lunch and dinner. That night in the common room, Olivia entered with Rose, Charlotte and Leon by her side. They joined a group of Gryffindors by the windows and when they all went up to bed, Olivia noticed Seamus, Lavender, Pavati and Dean were still up. Smiling she went up and joined them, talking about the laughs she had with the group at dinner. "Glad someone's making friends." Dean commented. "Thanks, it's nice having new people to talk to." Olivia smiled brightly. No one commented, "Well night." They all said and left all as one. Olivia followed slowly behind

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