Astronomy tower

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The dinner feast was lonely and the Slytherins kept poking fun at me. Pretending to cry or oinking at me. Honestly that was the least of my worried. I sat at one end of the table while my friends sat at the other. Yeah, I did have people around me who "liked" me but I didn't want to talk to them. I wanted to be sat with my friends.

The walk to the common room was a lonely one also. It was the first time in a while that Cedric didn't walk with me to the common room. I climbed through the portrait hole, not sure what my next move was going to be. I could sit with the trio on the chairs by the fire, go to bed alone or go over to the 5 friends playing exploding snap by the tables.

I stalked over to the tables, it would have to happen sooner or later. They didn't notice me "Hi" I said shyly. All 5 head turned my way. My heart was racing and my palms were trembling but I did my best to conceal it. No one spoke so I took it as my opportunity.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. All the affection and popularity went to my head. I never meant to upset you guys really I didn't. I didn't know how much affect it had on any of yous and I didn't notice how distant I had become. You guys are my best friends and were meant to be friends forever, that can't all just end now. I know yous won't forgive me straight away but can you at least think about it? Please," I was fidgeting with my hands and the silence revealed their answer.

I was walking away when I heard Seamus shout, "well you have to do all my homework for 2 weeks. Then I'll consider your apology." Not sure if he's being serious I walk back over and say "Course, if that's what it takes." They all burst out laughing. "Nah I'm messing with you Liv." A sigh of relief escaped my lips and they all hugged me. It feels good.


It was free period and the 6 of us were chilling in one of the couch room because we were too lazy to go back to the common room and our next class was beside here anyway. We were doing arm wrestles and surprise surprise the girls were all out. We were watching and cheering on who we'd like to win most.

I didn't even notice Draco walking in until he tapped me on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a moment. Outside." I turned back to my friends, rolled my eyes and got up off my seat. "If I'm not back in 5 minutes someone look for help."

We walked to an empty classroom and he locked the door. "If this is anything other than an apology then you can forget it." I spat at him. He said nothing. "Well are you going to speak?" Malfoy paced up and down.

"You! You disrespected me once again in front of my friends. I told you that you can't do that! No one disrespects me and especially not filthy little blood traitors like you." He was standing over me and it brought me back to when he shouted at me in the dungeons. This time I wasn't afraid of him.

"Draco, you took away the only thing I had going for me at the time. Cedric broke up with because of you! Cedric thought I liked you, you are the last person I would touch off. You make me sick Malfoy." My face was so close to his, I could feel his breath on my face.

"I don't make you sick Olivia, in fact I do the opposite." Draco whispered to my face. "Cocky is an ugly look on you Malfoy" I whispered back at him. "I know you like me" and before I could answer he placed his lips on mine. 3 seconds was all it took for me to realise what was going on. I pushed his body off me and headed for the door. "Don't assume things Malfoy. It makes an ass of you and me." Draco didn't look happy.


Draco glared at me every time he saw me after that. I tried to talk to Cedric three times but every time he turned me away. Homework was piling up and stress was building up. I lay in bed wide awake, it hasn't been this bad in a while. Not since I've come back after the holidays. I quietly got out of my four poster and crept down the stairs.

I made my way up to the astronomy tower. The air was frosty but the skies were clear, perfect star weather. I haven't done this in a while so I was excited to be in my own world for a little bit. I finally got to the top of the steps when I heard moment. Filch I thought. I was wrong.

It was Harry and someone. I can't quite make out who. I leaned a little closer, brown hair? Well that could be anyone. No red hair that hair was definitely red. They're snogging but who is she. Red hair? Oh my is that Ginny Weasly? He brought Ginny weasly to my special place! The place where he and I shared our first kiss!

My plans for the night were ruined.

I'm angry but I know I shouldn't be. I began storming down the empty corridors, why am I so mad? Harry and I ended months ago, I moved on why couldn't he? No, it's because it is in my special place! My anger only increased when I saw Draco on the 7th floor.

His face was a shade of grey and he had black rings around his eyes. His henchmen were behind him as always. All of them still in their uniform. "Out of my way Malfoy." I sneered, I was in no mood for him. I was tired, annoyed and stressed. "Oh oh, hear that boys. We better move quick don't want her to attack us." Malfoy laughed and his men followed.

"Shut up Malfoy and get out of my way." None of them moved. "Who does this mutt think she's talking to. You must've broke a record for worlds ugliest witch." Crabbe began. All 3 boys began to laugh. I turned straight to Malfoy.

"Think this is funny do you? Didn't think I was ugly when you tried kiss me." This shut them up. In fact, it infuriated Malfoy. I didn't care though he deserved it. Malfoy grabbed my arm and dragged me roughly into the classroom beside us. Crabbe and Goyle waited outside.

"Three times, that's three times too many. Do I need to remind you, who I answer to." He pulled up his robe revealing his dark mark. At this moment I didn't care, "That's sad Malfoy, at least I don't have to answer to someone. I'm a free person." I spat at the arrogant boy.

"Oh yea, because if I remember correctly, your parents control everything you do. Aren't you punished easy? So in my eyes that sadder." My anger levels rose like crazy. We stood close facing each other. Neither saying anything.

"You're a sad excuse for a wizard Malfoy." I whispered barely audible.

"You're not much better yourself." He did the same

"At least I have morals."

"you don't know me, maybe I do." He got closer.

I don't know why or what came over me but I grabbed Malfoys tie and pulled him down to me. I crashed my lips onto his and he responded immediately. It was angry and passionate. He picked me off the floor and threw me down onto a table. He crawled on top of me and we began our snogging session again.

3:46 am and I was finally back in bed. 

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