Hogwarts express

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Christmas holidays were starting in a day and every student that was leaving was packing to go home, Olivia included. She had been enjoying her last couple of weeks, making new friends and kept busy with quidditch practice. Heck she was even dating the best looking boy in the school, Cedric Diggory. Cedric and Olivia met during Herbology when Cedric approached the group of people surrounding Olivia, joining the conversation. The pair hit it off and next thing you know they're dating. Olivia and Cedric were the "it" couple in the school, everyone adored them. Draco has become quieter than ever in potions, not that she's complaining it's just very out of character for the boy. He doesn't even attempt to help with the class, just sits there making random things float in front of him, not even high just a few inches off the table. Every so often he shoots glances towards Olivia, but they were more like don't even ask me to help.

Finally, the day was over which meant tomorrow everyone would be on their way home for Christmas. Cedric and Olivia met up in the hufflepuff common room. There they lay cuddled up close. Cedric laying down one hand behind his head and the other stroking Olivias hair. Her head resting on his lap, legs tangled up together. Cedrics chest was rising up and down with every breath he took and olivias head bobbed with it. "I still can't believe how I never knew who you were the last couple of years." Cedric said lowly. Olivia craned her neck upwards to look at his beautiful face, "I wasn't exactly miss popular now was I?" Olivia smiled. "maybe not but your pretty cool, just surprised you weren't popular before." Olivia considered this statement for a moment, it's crazy how quick your life can change. She would never have considered that she would be dating the Cedric Diggory or even have a fling with Harry Potter and the beginning of the year. Never mind having loads of new friends and being on the quidditch team. Life was really looking up el Olivia.

The next morning the Hogwarts express was awaiting. Olivia couldn't find Lavender, Pavati, Dean, Seamus or even Neville this morning. She presumed they must have got an early breakfast and came straight out. Weaving in and out of the crowded carriage ways, she finally found the one containing her friends, since all the other ones are full anyway she didn't have much choice. Olivia slid open the compartment door and the room fell silent. "Can I sit here?" Not taking much notice of the lack of response, she threw her trunk on the baggage and took her seat beside Lavender. "Oh, look who decided to be friends with us today." Dean announced to the whole compartment. Laughing taking no notice of the serious tone in his voice, "What are all your plans for the winter guys?" No one said anything. "Guys?" she tried again. She looked around at everyone when Seamus piped up, "You'd know if you even tried talking to us anymore." Everyone nodded in agreement. "I do talk to yous?" Olivia looked around once more. Seamus scoffed "The last time you talked to any of us, was to tell us to pass you something in a class. You don't even say hi or sit with us anymore. Olivia you don't get to pick and choose when your mates with us." Getting angry Olivia spoke a little louder than necessary, "why are yous acting jealous, you should be happy I'm making new friends. I don't want to be binded to yous my whole life, stuck at the hip. I'm not picking and choosing I'm just keeping my options open and exploring outside the bubble." Lavender who stayed quite throughout spoke up, "Maybe then you should just stay out of the bubble." "Yeah you can't just leave us behind when you all of a sudden gain a little bit of affection and popularity because when that's all gone who you going to have to fall back on. Not us anyway. It's not fair to expect us to always be waiting around for your downfall." Pavati spat and before Olivia could answer Neville butted in, "yeah Olivia, did you even know Deans parents have been sent to St. mungos and Ginny broke up with him or that Lavender and Ron broke up. Not to mention Pavati's mother is sick and they don't even know if they'll come back for the rest of term after Christmas." Taken aback, Olivia looked around at all the angry faces, "No, I didn't know that. I'm so sorry to hear, I had no idea." Olivia said in a low, hushed voice. Seamus started again "No, you wouldn't have any idea because while your out living your best life with all your new "besties" and snuggled in with the Hufflepuff prince, your "friends" needed you the most and guess who's not there for them, you. So to answer your question, no, you can't sit here go find one of your other friends or boyfriend because frankly we don't want you here." Looking around the room for some sort of sympathy, Olivia came to the hard truth that there was none and there wouldn't be. Slowly she got off her seat, grabbed her trunk and opened the compartment door. Having the slightest hope someone would stop her, grab her arm and say no we still want to be your friend, but it didn't happen they let her leave. Weaving through the corridor once again she found the compartment cedric was seated in, slid open the compartment door "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full." Everyone made room and Olivia threw her trunk up and sat beside her boyfriend. Refusing to cry she plastered on her best fake smile.

Olivia had been home 4 days and the scene on the train kept replaying in her head. The only thing keeping her going was knowing her Granny was coming over for dinner tonight. "Olivia!" mother shouted from the bottoms of the stairs. Olivia rolled off her bed, rushing down the stairs. The witch in front of her, picking at her nails. "You called?" Olivia sweetly asked. "Yes, your father has a very important business meeting at dinner with the ministry, so they will be coming over for dinner." She took a pause and turned to face Olivia, her polished finger pointing at Olivias chest "You best be on your best behaviour. None of your bratty business that you love to do. Because if you screw this up for us, then help you Merlin you're going to wish you were never born. Understood?" she passively aggressively said. Olivia already wished she was never born every time she arrived home. "I said Understood?!" Astrid, olivias mother, shouted. "Yes, understood." Astrid narrowed her eyes to slits, "You shall speak when spoken to, and that goes for when anyone speaks to you." "Yes, of course Mother. Sorry Mother." Olivias robotic response satisfied Astrid enough for Olivia to be dismissed. With a turn of the head and flick of the wrist, Olivia took off for her bedroom.

30 minutes before the guests were to arrive, Olivias father called for her. "Yes, father?" Olivia asked. "Is that what you plan to wear tonight?" he asked eyeing my outfit. It consisted of denim ripped jeans and a plain white crop top, a grey cardigan thrown over. "Yes father." Dolion, Olivias father shook his head. "Dinkie!" almost immediately the small house elf appeared at his feet. "Dinkie, is ready for service master." Dinkie wore a tattered and torn cloth around his small torso. "Go get Olivia's appropriate attire. Now!" Within two minutes he returned with the clothes in his tiny hands. He slowly walked over towards Olivia and handed them over. "Now dinkie, get back to cooking. It better be exquisite or your punishment will be excruciating." Dinkie disapparated without another word. "Get dressed now, and do something with your face while you're at it, you have exactly 28 minutes go!" Dolion shooed Olivia away. Olivia dragged her feet up the stairs towards her bedroom.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Olivia couldn't wait for this stupid dinner to be over. Olivia's new outfit consisted of a black and grey plaided mini skirt, a long sleeve black cotton top, black sheer tights matched with black boots. Her hair fell just at her shoulder, blonde curls. Her makeup was simple, neutral eye shadow with a nude lip. Olivia looked like her mother, which was not the desired look she was going for. The doorbell rang, which meant show time. Olivia once again painted on that fake smile she had mastered over the years and made her way gracefully down the stairs.

Hii, just wanted to clarify this story doesn't follow exactly the normal Harry Potter storyline in regards to Draco or Cedric etc.

There will be change to fit the story. :))

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