under the tree pt 1

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Weeks had passed since that magical night on the astronomy tower. Harry and Olivia now meet up frequently yet not many people know. Last night though they were caught in the room of requirement by no other than Draco Malfoy. The one wizard they never wanted to find out.

" Look, Potter! You've got yourself a girlfriend. Oh and it's Kelly, out of bounds, doing things they shouldn't" a twisted grin formed across his pale face. "Shut it Malfoy if you haven't noticed your also out past curfew." Harry growled throwing on a shirt. The two boys stared at each other while Olivia sat there awkwardly attempting to cover herself. As quick as he came he left and we were left in awkward silence on our walk back to the common room.

A month or so after the incident, Slughorn had decided it was best to move their positions in Potions so they "can get to know and work with each other, it'll most helpful in the future." Of course Olivia was paired with Malfoy whom she had no intention talking to.

"Put me with a blood traitor, brilliant." Malfoy barked at Slughorn yet Slughorn did not hear or at least he didn't care. Malfoy glared at Olivia. "It's rude to stare" Olivia muttered not taking her gaze off the potions book that sat in front of her. "Well it's rude not to look at someone while talking to them" sneered Malfoy. Olivia slowly turned her head to look up at him and his usual glaring face stared back at her. Olivia forced a fake smile "Happy?"

Olivia was pretty silent throughout potions but the same couldn't be said for Draco. Every chance given he insulted Olivia somehow. "Can't speak? Lost your tongue in Potters mouth?" As usual he cracked himself up at every joke he made. So when class was dismissed, you wouldn't have seen anyone leave quicker.

Olivia decided on only having a quick lunch as she had so much homework already to do and the weather was reasonably nice for an October afternoon, so she decided on doing it outside by the lake. Grabbing her bag she began to leave for the entrance hall when something hit her hard knocking her to the floor. Malfoy and his goons sniggering away in the corner had jinxed Olivia with some sort of tripping spell. Embarrassed and infuriated Olivia began picking up the sprawled bits of parchment, books and quills from the floor. Hearing his stupid laugh made her anger levels rise past healthy levels, before she had time to think it over, a spell Olivia had been inventing, not even quite sure it worked, hit Malfoy square in the face. To Olivia's delight the spell worked, it caused Malfoy's face to go upside down, so that his mouth was where his eyes one were and vice versa. With satisfaction Olivia strolled towards the exit.

Olivia couldn't believe Malfoy had done that in front of everyone.

Sitting under the tree doing starting her homework, heavy footsteps trudged towards Olivia. "Er- Olivia" sounded an awkward looking Malfoy. When Olivia looked up at him, she howled with laughter as his face had not yet been restored back to normal. "Merlins beard Malfoy I've never seen you look better." Olivia said in between laughs. "Ha Ha - fix me" He sarcastically replied.

"Ask one of the teachers, I've no intention helping you" Olivia turned her head back towards the homework. Stamping his foot hard on the ground he said "I tried, they don't know what you've done and think its best if I came to apologise and ask for you to fix it." A smirk formed on across Olivia's face "But Malfoy- you haven't apologised have you?" his face dropped at the girl "Surely you don't actually expect me to?"

"Guess not, but enjoy your new look" I shrugged. He dropped down beside Olivia. Knowing exactly what he's doing, he thinks if he hangs around long enough it'll bother Olivia and she'll just do it get rid of him, but not this time.

30 long and painful minutes passed. "Kelly, you've been at the same piece of parchment for so long what are you even doing?" Malfoy said in a bored tone. "Snapes stupid essay, I can't figure out what I need to write." Olivia annoyed threw her quill on the parchment. Malfoy used his two fingers to slide the parchment into his view and took the quill out of Olivia's hand and began scribbling and writing. After what felt about 20 minutes he handed it back to her, "There I finished mine 3 days ago" he shrugged. Olivia looked at him in shock. "What?" he asked. "Did you just help me?"



"No, I didn't"

"Uh yes you did"

"Whatever Kelly, don't get used to it." he looked away. "Don't worry I won't."

Then out of nowhere the words shot out of my mouth "Malfoy, you're not as bad as you make yourself why are you so horrible to everyone all the time." It fell silent. Then in low voice he began to answer.

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