Quidditch Final

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Olivia woke up the next morning to the sound of chatter all around her. She was hazy of her surroundings at first but then she remembered she had fallen asleep on the couch. Only a few people were awake and she was still only wearing Dracos Slytherin robes. Olivia ran up the steps and into the girl dormitory where she dressed quickly.

She didn't wait for anyone, she darted straight to the great hall for breakfast. Olivia wasn't going to eat she was waiting for Draco. Olivia knew it was too early for him to be there yet so she waited. 20 minutes or so passed and she heard it. His stupid voice. Olivia put on her best fake, sweetest smile.

Draco and his "friends" walked past Olivia. "Morning princess." Draco smirked and kissed Olivias cheek. Pansy fake gagged, "Nice to see you too Pansy." She rolled her eyes in response and the 5 began walking into the great hall. Olivia grabbed Dracos hand and pulled him back.

"I have a surprise for you, in an empty classroom." Olivia whispered seductively in Dracos ear. Olivia could see that Draco had got excited. Olivia dragged Draco into one of the many classrooms.

Draco began kissing Olivia passionately "Merlin, I missed this." Draco whispered in olivias ear. She had to be brave, she couldn't give in. leave him before he leaves you. "Draco I'm breaking up with you." Olivia said softly.

He looked shocked. "What? Why?" Calm stay calm is all Olivia could think. "I just don't think this is working out." Olivia stood back. "Did I do something wrong? Let me fix it" Draco grabbed Olivias hands in hers. Tears were pricking her eyes.

"No, just wouldn't want to ruin your reputation. You know yourself a pure blood could never love a blood-traitor like me." Olivia stormed out and Draco was left there mouth agape.


Olivia avoided every situation in where she and Draco might run into each other. She started taking the secret passage ways, sat with her back facing the Slytherin table at all times. Even Moved partner in potions.

She never told the full truth to her friends. Just that it had been some sick and twisted dare. It sounded just as bad as the truth and that way they can continue hating him for hurting her. It wasn't hard to do that anyway.

Fortunately for Olivia, Draco was a lot more absent these days. When he was seen, he didn't look well. Olivia liked to think that it was because of her. Even though she knew it probably wasn't. She still held onto that hope.

Draco did try to approach her once before potions. He didn't have his henchmen by his side so he was vulnerable. Dean, Neville and Seamus so his attempt and cursed him off. "Get lost Malfoy, your finished why keep trying mate." Seamus spat. Draco looked between the three of them.

"None of yous scare me. I'll do what I want." Malfoy scoffed. "A midget, mudblood and Longbottom. Oh I am terribly scared."

Each of the three boys took their turn on punching the blonde boy. Even Olivia stood up and slapped him hard. When Draco left the scene, he held his nose with blood pouring from it and a clear ring of black bruise formed around his eye.


The end of year ball was in a few weeks and people had begun getting dates. Olivia was obviously expecting to go with Draco, she even had her dress picked out. Olivia was worried that no one would ask her. Pathetic she knows.

Olivia had a qudditch match this afternoon against Ravenclaw. Quidditch was the one thing that distracted Olivia from the blonde boy. She suited up into her Quidditch robes. Harry gave them a small pep talk before the match. Olivia ran back into the changing room to grab her broom that she had left behind.

She saw Harry and Ginny were still in there. "Win or lose Ginny, I'll be proud." Harry leaned down and gave Ginny a quick kiss. Cute really reminded Olivia of what her and Draco had. Well at least what she had thought and he pretended they had. One deep breath and she left for the pitch.

If they win this match with a high score they could possible win the cup. That had been a dream of Olivias since she was a child. Olivia could picture herself, holding up the cup crowd going wild. This was her chance, her moment. Any anger or sadness she had felt these past 2 weeks were portrayed on the field. Olivia scored 4 goals, slamming each with hard force.

On her way to score the 5th she saw him. His tall figure standing in the crowds and his blonde hair reflecting off the sun. He wasn't hard to spot, he seemed to be the only Slytherin supporting the Gryffindor team. He jumped when she scored, not caring about all the glares he was receiving from his fellow Slytherins. Pansy in particular was looking extra annoyed.

Olivia spent a little too long looking at the crowds. A bludger soared through the air and hit Olivia square on the back. Olivia began falling, her broom lingering in the air. She smashed hard onto the hard, solid ground. Her vision was blurry but she could make out a few faces. Directly above hers were Harry Potters and Madame Hooche. Rons ginger hair was poking in from the right and Malfoys blonde locks were hanging from the left.

"Broken wrist and leg." Madame Hooch shouted. "Everyone mount their brooms, the match continues." Olivia was being lifted in the air and taken to the hospital wing. She woke up and sat upright in her bed. She moved her wrist in circles.

Yep still working.

She bent her knee upwards.


Olivia didn't notice the whole team was sitted crowded around her. "We won Olivia! Look!" Harry handed her something heavy. It was there, in her hands. The cold, gold trophy. We won a huge smile formed on her face.

"It was thanks to you Olivia. Your final 5 goals are what saved us!" Harry smiled brightly and the whole team cheered. She felt a type of euphoria nothing could ruin this moment. She won for the team!

"30 minute, she will meet you all in the common room in 30 minutes." Madame Hooch, shooed the team out of the Hospital Wing. "You need to eat, you missed dinner. And I know what they drink after these sporting events." Olivia laughed but Madame Hooch didn't see the humour.


The euphoria stayed with her while she ate. She couldn't wait to get to the party and celebrate with all her friends. She strolled out the doors and down the hall. Draco ran to catch up with her. "I was waiting by the door." He started. Olivia didn't answer, the smile still plastered on her face. "Congratulations on the win. How's the wrist or leg?"

"Fine" she replied bluntly.

"Are you even going to talk to me." Draco grabbed her shoulder. Olivia slapped his hand off.

"Listen to me. Today is one of the best days of my life even if I was in the hospital. No one and I mean No one is going to take this away from me. Not even you Malfoy, so if you're trying to ruin my mood you won't. so just do us all the favour and leave."

Draco stopped dead in his tracks, Olivia continued her walk to the common room.

She climbed through the portrait hole and the eruptions of celebrations buzzed in her ears. Drinks were handed to her left right and centre as soon as she entered. Dean, Neville, Seamus, Lavender and Pavati ran over and lifted her in the air. Olivia felt on top of the world at that very moment.

Celebrations cause for tipsy teenagers. Someone had managed to sneak firewhiskey into the common room. Some were dancing and enjoying themselves others snogging... also enjoying themselves. Seamus and Olivia were sat laughing about something completely unknown and most likely not even funny.

"So Olivia I was wondering something. I wanted to ask you earlier but then that whole thing with Malfoy happened. Well you know that yourself. Anyway would you perhaps, maybe want to.... Go to the ball with me?" Seamus was nervous but not extremely, confident but not really.

"Oh like your date Mr. Finnigan?" Olivia giggled.

"Yes, like a date." Seamus rolled his eyes. "I would be honoured." She held her hand to her heart jokingly. Seamus stood and held his hand out for Olivia to grab. She did so and they joined the rest of the people who were dancing.

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