Chp. 6- Mr. Reckless

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Ava's POV.

I grabbed a bag of chips and a water bottle from the lunchline. I turned around and scanned the cafeteria thoroughly. Many different people sat at tables talking within their groups as I stood up, trying to find a seat. Where the hell am I gonna sit?

I felt someone brush past me and say into my ear "Hey new kid, you can sit with me." It was the sound of a girl's voice as she made her way past me and to an empty table in the corner of the cafeteria.

Well, that was pretty easy.

I quickly made my way through the crowd, following behind the girl. Her skin was pale and she had platinum blonde hair with a pair of deep blue eyes. She was wearing a Nirvana shirt and ripped jeans. I liked her already.

"How did you know I was new?" I asked as I sat beside her. She had only smirked in response.

"Cuz if you weren't new, you would know that its life or death in this cafeteria. You either get to a table as fast as you can, or you sit in the bathroom eating lunch. And trust me, its pretty gross." She chuckled.

I managed a laugh in relief.

"What's your name kid?" she asked.

"Ava Parker, you?"

"I'm Michelle, but please do not call me that. The name's Mitch instead." She said as she patted my back instead of shaking my hand.

"Well nice to neet you, Mitch."

"Hey Dylan," I heard her say to someone in front of us. I looked up to see a tan boy with shaggy hair sit across from us.

"Hey Mitch. Who's this?" He said glancing over at me. I gave a small wave to him.

"This is Ava." She introduced me to him.

"How's your first day of school so far Ava?" Dylan looking over to me.

"It's good. All my classes are okay for the most part. But there's this kid in my geometry class that annoys the shit out of me. His name is Taylor, I think." I said, cringing at the memory of him whistling at me.

Bothbof their heads shot to me, their eyes widened in shock as they both stayed silent.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Taylor Andrews?" Dylan asked muffling out a laugh.

"Yeah, why?" I said suspiciously. Dylan knew Taylor too?

"Ah, shit." Mitch cursed rather loudly," You should probably stay away from him, Ava. He's not really what you call a 'nice person'."

"Yeah, I think I can tell." I chuckled.

"No really," she pressed on," He's kind of well known around here and the town. It's scary how many people he knows. Especially the kind of crowd he hangs around with. I heard he hangs out with guys that are in college. Trust me, I don't think you'd ever want to meet them. The thing is, if you catch his attention, but sorry to tell you this kid.. but you're basically his."

"I'm his?" I said in disbelief. Surely, they were kidding. Just a prank on the new girl. But by the looks on their faces, something told me they were deadly serious.

"Yup. You're his." She replied.

I'm his? What the hellbis that supposed to mean? I barely know him.

"Which reminds me," Dylan said changing the subject, "One of his friends is throwing a party Saturday. Wanna come?" He asked looking at the both of us.

"Sure, why not." Mitch shrugged but I had only stayed silent. I don't think I want to go after all I'm hearing about him.

It wasn't long until the bell had rang out, and students started to pilebout of the cafeteria and to their classes.

I only hope I don't bump into him agin.

I said goodbye to my new found friends as I walked in the other direction, to my next class. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab ahold of my arm and drag me behind lockers.

I whipped around, ready to cuss out whoever did it. But when I turned around, my eyes slightly widened and my mouth went dry.

Shit. Speak of the devil.


So what do you guys think of Taylor? Is he too much of a bad boy or not enough? Let me know. Hope you guys are enjoying it (:

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