Chp. 22- Pasta & College Don't Mix

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Taylor texted me his address and oddly enough, his house sat in one of the most largest wealthiest neighborhoods. Taylor was very secretive about his family or stuff that occured outside of school. As.muc as I know, he had an older brother and sister. His older brother, Trent, was already a freshman in college and Liz was a senior at our high school. From as much as I knew, they were both honor students, both recieving scholarships to the best colleges. So why was Taylor so different?

As Taylor met me at his front doorstep, my tears had dried ruining my makeup I had on that night. As soon as I entered his vison, he rushed towards me and immediately wrapped his arms around my neck. I stood there as he held me, too exhausted to even hug him back. I was still shaken up over what my dad had done.

"C'mon." Taylor said holding my hand and leading me inside. I was instantly greeted by his mom. A bright smile lit her face as she rushed to my face.

"Oh honey, you're a mess!" She said scanning me over. "Taylor, take her to the guest room and let her take a shower in your bathroom."

"Thank you for letting me stay.." I mumbled with a blank face.

"No worries cupcake, just go clean up. I'm making dinner. Are you hungry?" She asked. I nodded slightly, even though I had no apetite at the moment.

Taylor lead me upstairs and into the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. As soon as we entered, my eyes widened as I stared at the beautiful white decor. I dropped my bag and before I could stop myself, I flung myself onto the queen size bed, burying my face in the soft covers.

"My bathroom is down hall, to the left of my room. Just let me know when you're done showering." He said walking towards the door.

"Taylor." I sat up and called out as he turned around. "Thank you.. again."

"No problem." He said giving me a small smile as he left.

Shortly after laying down, I took off my boots, wiggling my toes. I picked myself off the bed and walked to Taylor's bathroom. There was a towel already laid out on the counter. I turned on the shower as I stripped myself down from the dress I was wearing. I jumped in, taking my time under the warm water prickling down my skin. I started to quietly sing 'Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade.

'So hold your breath because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change me my mind..'

Soon after, I turned off the water and stepped out, wrappingthe towel around myself. I looked around but all I could see were the clothes I just changed out of.

Shit. I forgot to bring PJ's.

I sighed as I opened the bathroom door, tiptoeing to Taylor's door in only a towel and soaking wet hair. I quietly knocked on the door, hoping his mom wouldn't come upstairs and see me. The door opened as I saw Taylor standing there shirtless with only sweats draping along his waist. Taylor's eyes immediately widened and shamelessly raked my body. Meanwhile, my eyes traveled from his collarbones down to nicely built six pack.

"Um.." I tore my eyes off of his body. "I don't have any pajamas.."

"Ugh." He rolled his eyes. "Well, come in. You can't stand naked out here forever." He said pulling me by my arm, making me stumble inside as I clutched the towel tightly around my body.

"Wait here." He instructed, "I'm going to see if you could use some of my sister's pj's." He left the room, closing the door behind him. My eyes gazed around his maroon walls. Pictures and posters of baseball players and revealing supermodels were taped against his wall.

The door opened once again as Taylor came in empty handed. "My sister is at her boyfriend's and her door is locked. So looks like you're going to have to wear something of mine." He said walking to his drawer. He pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of sweats. "Here." He said handing them to me.

"Thank you." I said taking them and quickly exited his room. I walked down the dark hallway when Taylor called out after me, "Oh and Ava."

I halted and turned back around. "Bring pj's next time. It's dangerous to tease me when your only protection is a thin towel." He smirked deviously. I rolled my eyes and quickly tuned around before he could see my cheeks burn red.

I entered the bathroom and start to change into undergarmets then the clothes he had given me. Afterwards, I grabbed my damp clothes off the ground and walked back into the guest room.

"Taylor! Ava! Dinner's ready!" I heard Taylor's mom call out from downstairs.

I could hear footsteps outside the door as Taylor knocked. "C'mon Ava. Dinner's ready. I hope you like pasta." He said as the footsteps grew distant. I threw my clothes next to the bed before I opened the door and made my way downstairs.

As soon as I took a step into the kitchen, the smell ofpasta lingered in my nostril, making my stomach weaken in hunger.

Suddenly I felt a tiny body attach itself onto my leg, attacking me with a hug.

"Ava!" Daniel said with excitement. He really has grown on me since the last time I seem him. He was a cute little furball.

I walked over to the kitchen table, seeing Taylor now with a shirt on, sitting down devouring his pasta. I sat down next to him and almost shuddered as he leaned in beside me, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, "You know, I should really just take you upstairs right now and peel those clothes off of you.. Mhm, the things I could do to you. I bet I could make you feel so good.." My eyes slightly widened as his vulgar words and if my cheeks weren't flushed before, they definetly were now. I elbowed him harshly as soon as his mom walked to the table with a plate in her hand. Handing me the plate of pasta, she took a seat across from us.

We started to discuss school and what I planned to do after I graduate. "I want to be a musician. I plan to go a university back in California." I told his mom.

"That's great Ava." she smiled, "Taylor is planning to go to a university not so far from here."

"Mom." Taylor intterupted. "I haven't decided yet."

Laurie looked down at herself, giving out a sigh. "I really wish you would look at colleges. You're graduating next year."

"Can we not talk about this right now." He muttered in a clipped tone.

"Alright, alright." She gave in before standing up from the kitchen table, "I'll just be in my room, if you need anything, Ava."

"Thank you Mrs.- I mean, Laurie. The pasta is amazing by the way." I said smiling at the kind woman.

She smiled back as she took Daniel and lead him back to her room.

"My mom likes you." Taylor said in a low voice. "I could tell."

After we were done eating, Taylor and I made our way back upstairs. He was kind enough to walk me back to the guest room.

"Well, goodnight Ava." Taylor said giving me a half smile. Just as he was about to leave, I grabbed onto his arm, catching him by surprise.

"Um.. can you sleep with me? I really don't feel like being alone tonight." I mumbled.

"Sure." He grinned, following me to the bed. We both climbed underneath the soft covers, our backs facing each other. I closed my eyes ajd letbout a deep sigh. Just then I felt him roll over and suddenly pulling my body to his. He wrapped his arms around me, his hands fitting perfectly into mine. Our bodies were now pressed against each other, creating a heavenly warmth. I could feel his hot breath against my neck sending a chill down my spine in the best way possible.

"Goodnight Ava." He whispered, his lips sofly pressing on the back of my shoulder. 

"Goodnight Taylor." I whispered back. Thank god he couldn't see my bright red cheeks from blushing continously.

I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into a content unconsciousness.

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