Chp. 9- Party Time

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I woke up and checked the alarm clock next to my bed. 7:45. I looked out and saw the sun already setting. Shit. The party was in a hour. Was I really asleep the whole day?

I jumped out of my bed and quickly changed into the outfit Mitch gave me along with a pair of black ankle boots. I ran to the bathroom to put on my makeup and straighten my hair. I put on a coat of red lipstick for the fun of it. After I was finished, I looked in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance. I grabbed my phone and ran out the door, racing to Mitch's house.

"There you are!" Mitch said as she spotted me as she walked out the front door and to her car. "Let's party!"

We climbed into the car and drove off down the streets and to the party.


We parked outside a huge house, music blasting and bright lights radiating from the house. As we gotb out the car and began to walk up the front door, two guys walked over to us from the doorway and handed us both a red cup filled to the top with a strange liquid.

"What is it?" I asked looking into the cup.

"I have no idea, but no time for questions. Drink up!" Mitch shouted chugging down her drink till it was gone.

I tilted my head back, drinking the liquor. I could feel it move down my throat leaving a chill. We walked into the house grabbing a couple of more cups filled with the delicious liqour. Trying to push through crowds of people, all that surrounded me was the scent of alcohol and cheap cologne. I lost Mitch within the crowd but all I could think about was having another drink.

I pushed past the crowd of people as I made my way to the table filled with different kinds of drinks. As soon as I refilled my cup, I turned around and almost got scared shitless. It was Taylor and he was of course smirking at me.

"How many drinks have you had?" His tone was serious but I only rolled my eyes.

"None of your business." I snapped pushing myself past him. I tripped but quickly gained my balance in the process.

"C'mon you need to sit down." He said grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me to a couch.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, trying to wiggle out of his grip. He loosened his hold as I pulled away and quickly wandered off to find Mitch.

On my way to the kitchen, I spotted a guy leaning against the doorway. I had no idea what encouraged me to go up and talk to him but I felt oddly confident.

"Well hey," I slurred my words out as I walked up to the cute stranger.

"Hey." he chuckled, obviously realizing I was drunk off my ass.

We began to talk about the party and how lame it really is. I was honestly beggining to have a good time.

Suddenly, I felt myself being dragged away from the boy and past crowds. I was now being dragged up the stairs as I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he was too strong.

"Hey, let go of me!" I yelled, glaring at the man who was dragging me.

"Taylor told me to get you away from here. Trust me sweetie, when Taylor says something, it's just best to go with it. You don't want to know what's about to happen." He explained and I was beginning to fill with anger.

I looked back and saw Taylor and a couple of his friends hovering over the guy I was talking to. I began to quickly feel worry and fear for him as he was being surrounded by the guys.

"Why does he even care?" I tried to protest. Taylor couldn't do this, he had no right to.

"You're his girl." He replied, "No one messes with Taylor's girl, eberyone knows that."

I gave a confused look to the boy. He talked as if this has happened more than once.

He took me into a room at the end of the hallway.

"Sit down and wait for Taylor to come get you." He said before exiting the room, leaving me alone. What the hell is going on?

I sat down not knowing what to do. I could hear a giant thud coming from downstairs along with repeated shouts saying, "Fight!"

My stomach dropped as I realized what was happening. Taylor was hurting him, the poor boy. I ran to the door trying to open it, but it was locked. Who the fuck has doors that lock from the outside?

I began to pace around the room, trying to find another way out.

Suddenly, Taylor came bursting through the door. And he was furious.

"I thought I told you, you were mine!" He yelled at me, making me jump back. "What the fuck do you think you're doing talking to another guy?"

I looked at him in anger and disbelief.

"Who do you think you are trying to claim me? As if I was your property!" I yelled back at him.

He dangerously walked towards me, his jaw tightening in anger. "You are my property." He said in a deep tone, looking straight into my eyes.

His gaze darted to my lips and he almost immediately started to lean close.

But right before he could kiss me, a sound coming from outside the house interrupted.

Police sirens.


Hope you guys are liking this story so far! I really have a lot of time on my hands, due to it being winter break and all. So I'm going to be working on this story for the most until school starts again. Maybe updating a few chapters each day (:

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