Chp. 8- Into The Woods

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The school week went by fast to my surprise. It was already Friday and all people could talk about was this big party one of Taylor's friends was throwing.

I honestly had no interest in what goes on through these kid's social lives. But I had to admit, I haven't went to a real party in a long time. Plus, I was getting out of the house. Lately these days, I'd find any excuse to get away. I'd mostly go over to Mitch's house after school. Both her parents usually worked, so it was just her and her younger brother at home.

"So what are you going to wear to the party?" Mitch asked rummaging through her closet.

"I don't really know. I don't have anything to wear for a party occasion." I shrugged back into her pillows.

"Here." Mitch tossed a long black floral cardigan with a pair of high waisted shorts. I admit, she has good taste. "Wear this."

"Thanks Mitch." I grabbed the outfit and neatly put it in my backpack.

I walked back home after I grabbed a couple of things from Mitch. It felt good to finally have a friend. I knew she was someone I could count on, and I began to feel less.. alone.

I opened the front door and immediately froze where I stood. I could smell the scent of something cooking in the kitchen. I dropped my bag and walked over to where the smell was coming from. I could see my dad hover over the stove as the delicious smell began to linger in my nostrils.

"Hey kiddo." He smiled at me, "I'm making pasta. You want some?"

"Sure, thanks." I said, taking a seat at the small table. I awkwardly sat in the hair as he walked over with a plate and set it in front of me

"Hey.." he started to say as he sat next to me, "I just want to apologize for my drinking behavior. I know I shouldn't be doing this around you. But things get so stressful sometimes.. and it's just to release some pain."

"It's okay." I shrugged, biting into the delicious pasta. "I don't mind. I understand."

He looked at me with a saddened expression. I could tell he's been  hurting badly since mom passed away but I wasn't going to bring it up with him.

"If you don't mind, I think I'm gonna go finish some homework then go to bed." I said, getting up and scurrying to my room.



I hurriedly looked around me but I couldn't find who called my name. All I could see were trees. Trees all around me. I was in the woods.

"Can I kiss you?" The voice said again, sounding oddly so close to me.

I slowly turned around, to find Taylor behind me. His dark eyes hungrily stared at my lips as he bit down on his own.

I gulped before murmuring, "Yes."

A smirk grew on his face as he leaned into me, his full lips only inches away. I closed my eyes as I longed for his  touch. Waiting for the feel of his full lips on mine.

My eyes shot open as I began to breath heavily at a fast rate. My forehead was sweaty as I wiped it with the back of my hand. I looked around me to only see the darkness of my room.

It was a dream.. It was just a dream.


Hey guys, I'm thinking about adding a cast to this story. Who do you think should play Ava and Taylor? Leave some comments! (:

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