Chp. 30- Stalker On The Loose

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Hey guys! A quick question, after this book do you think I should make a sequel? A life with them in college? But through Taylor's POV?  Let me know!


I sat on my bed, thinking about a life without my dad. I would have to be moved back into a foster home. Go to a different school. Have a different life with new problems to deal with.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window. Taylor was standing outside with a worried expression. I walked to open the window, letting him come inside. I rushed to his arms, resting my head against his chest as he held me. And just like a vase falling from a ten story building.. I broke.

All my emotions, fears, worries, everything I built inside me for over the past year, it all came to the surface. Tears were pouring out of me like a waterfall. I have never cried this much in my entire life. I could feel the weight of the world being lifted off my shoulders. I cried in Taylor's arms as he whispered, "It's okay baby, I'm here." The words echoed in my head as I held on tighter to him. My walls finally broke, exposing my vulnerability to him. I didn't care about appearing weak anymore. In that moment, I revealed a side of me that I had kept locked away, too afraid to let it show. A side that was fragile, sensitive.. afraid. I felt as if my life was crumbling down to my feet. The only thing that made this better was having Taylor here. He understood me. He tried to make me happier.. and I didn't let him. I couldn't push him away any longer.. my heart was yearning for him.

"Please stay with me.." I whispered in between sobs.

"I'll never leave.." he whispered back. "I promise."

My dad let him stay the night. He always had a soft spot for Taylor, but I didn't quiet know why. A normal dad would be furious their daughter was hanging out with a reckless teenage troublemaker. But not mine. However, he did have a strict rule of Taylor sleeping in the living room. But as soon as my dad fell asleep, I'd sneak him into my room to sleep with me. I needed the comfort after such a long day.

I faced Taylor as we were laying down, digging my head in the crook of his neck. And just as quick as a light, I fell asleep.

On normal mornings, my dad would be the first to wake up. But due to the pain in his stomach, I told him to get some rest before we could see the doctor. They told him he would have to take treatments, 3 times a week. No more alcohol. I was surprised when my dad willfully agreed.

"Goodmorning" I grinned at Taylor who walked into the kitchen. I decided to make him and my dad breakfast. "Goodmorning baby girl." I could hear the raspiness in his voice as he wrapped his arms from behind me. His lips softly kissing my neck as a grin spread to my face. I slapped his hands playfully. "My dad could wake up any minute."

"Well he's not awake now." He said, his hands slowly traveling from my waist down to my thighs. I gave out a small moan as I leaned my head back. I spun around now facing him with a devilish smirk. My lips crashed onto his, hungry for his kiss. I jumped on to the counter as his hands started to slide up my shirt.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. "I got it!" I called out, breaking our kiss. I rushed to the door, curious about who could be here this early. I opened the door to see no one on the other side. I looked down and noticed a note on the doorstep.

Who the hell left this here?

I picked up the note, taking my time to open it. I stood there paralyzed as I read:

Your boyfriend can't protect you. You will be mine.

I suddenly turned pale, already knew who the note was from.

Nick was coming back.

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