Chp. 11- A Red Rose

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I slowly cracked opened the door, peering my head to see if my dad was awake. When the coast was clear, I tiptoed into the living room and towards my room.

"Ava." My dad called from behind me. Fuck.

I turned around, flashing my best smile. "Hey dad!"

"Where have you been. You didn't come home at all last night." He asked with a concerned look on his face.

I gave up the charade and sighed, "I'm sorry dad. After the party, I just got carried away with the time. Mitch and I were having so much fun and-"

"You've been drinking haven't you." He intterupted.

I sighed. "Just a drink or two."

"Damn it Ava, you reak of alcohol! Don't play that shit with me." His voice was raising loudly. I stared at him in disbelief as he was accusing me of drinking.

"Who are you are to critize?" Starting to raise my voice as well. "You drink away all of your problems, just to create more stress, just to drink more! What kind of shit father does that?"

Before he could say anything else, I stormed off to my room leaving my dad dumbfounded. I took a deep breath thinking how shitty this day already has become. I grabbed my phone and started to text Mitch.

A: Hey Mitch

M: Ava! What happened to you last night, are you okay?

A: yeah, I'm fine. But I kind of woke up in Taylor's bed this morning.

M: Ava! Did you..?

A: what! No! I guess I fell asleep so he took it upon himself to make sure I was 'comfortable'

M: Be careful Ava. No one seen Taylor get this crazy for a girl before.

A: Haha, okay sure. I gtg

M: Bye

What did she mean by no one has seen Taylor get this crazy for a girl? Isn't he supposed to be the school player? Shouldn't have this happened with many other girls before me?

My phone buzzed again. It was, Taylor?

T: Hey babe, did you get home safely?

A: Stalking me now Andrews? How did you get my number?

T: I just happened to add my number to your phone while you were asleep. Your welcome (;

I threw the phone to the side of my bed. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I got in trouble because of him. But my phone buzzed once again. I reluctantly looked at his text.

T: Look outside your window

What the hell?

I slowly turned around, to see him standing outside my window with his phone in one hand and a red rose in the other. How cute.

I walked over to the window and opened it cautiously. "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"You texted your address to Mitch." He shrugged handing me the rose before climbing inside my room without my permission.

"You went through my messages?" I asked, my voice sounding louder than I expected it to.

He shushed me quickly. "Shh. Wouldn't want your dad to come in, now would we?" He gave me another devilish grin.

As much as I wanted to just yell till my lungs gave out, he was right. If my dad found out I had boys in my room without him knowing, I couldn't even imagine what he'd do.

"What do you want Taylor?" I sighed as I put abhand to my forehead, "I have a huge headache and I'm really not in the mood to-"

Suddenly I felt his large hands cup over my cheeks and crash his lips onto mine. His full lips were soft but kissed me roughly, hungrily taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I let out a soft moan as he parted his lips, slowly moving his lips in sync with mine. My heart was thudding against my chest as it the air around us grew thick. It was starting to get really instense. He kissed me with so much passion and lust. He slowly pulled away soon after, sweetly looking into my eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." He said with a smile tugging at his cheeks.

He slowly moved away from me before turning around and climbing out of the window.

What the fuck just happened? Why would he come all his way just to do that? One thing was for sure. I wasn't going to fall for whatever Taylor was trying to do.

I threw the red rose on the ground and planted myself on my bed. I buried myself under my covers, just wanting to sleep all of it away.

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