Chp. 15- Bad Boys Need Love Too

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Taylor's POV.

The ferris wheel came to a sharp halt. What the ever living fuck.

After very long awkward silence, Ava asked, "So how are you and Kylie?" Her words came out rushed and quick, as if she couldn't help but asked.

I turned to her, not bothering my look of confusion. Why would she want to know about that? A spark of hope ran through me unitentionally. As much as I tried to wave it off, there was something about her. Somethin so different, so refreshing.She was the first person to ever defy mean and wouldn't hesitate a moment to put me back in my place. I liked that.

But underneath her hard shell, there was something softer. Somethin more vunerable than she cares to admit. She was hiding something underneath her pride, and I was more willing than ever to uncover it.

But it was kore than obvious thay she wasn't. I had a feeling that this girl wouldn't even let a fly into her room without feeling vulnerable and invaded. Which made me only question why she was like that even more. What had made her so cold and distant?

I sat there dumbfounded when I realized I still had yet to answer her question. Honestly, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't even like her." I replied.

Was once her sweet hazel eyes become somewhat dark.. and angry.

Why was she mad? It's true. I don't like Kylie. I never have.

"Then why the hell are you with her?" She blurted out in an angry tone, her eyebrows tightened stiff and furrowed.

My mouth started to speak before my brain could process my words. "Because I can't have you."

The annoyance and discugst was evident in her eyes as she rolled them and turned the other way.

Fuck, shouldn't have said that.

I took her oblivious state to take my timeto stare at her features. Her arms were stiff across her chest. The crease between her eybrows only made a warm smile settle on my face. She was adorable when she was mad.

Soon enough, her eyes darted to me again. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She said in hostile tone, "You just can't go around dating girls, using them to get what you want, then leaving them because you're bored." She was getting worked up and I knew she wasn't going to stop there," You know what, everybody was right about you. You'll never be serious with any girl. I'm surprised your bimbo girlfriend hasn't figured that out by now."

Well that hurt.. at least she was right about one thing. Kylie was a bimbo.

I tried to lighten the mood as best as I could. Just so she wouldn't be so uptight and angry. "Bad boys need love to." I gave her my famous charming devious smirk that usually made normal girls melt in their seats. But not her.

"You make me sick." She muttered, tearing her furious gaze away from me once again.

That didn't work.

I slumped in my seat, absolutely confused about this girl sitting beside me. One moment, she was kind and considerate, then the next she was snapping at me like a rabid dog.

She turned to me once again, but her rage had absolutely vanished from her features. Instead, I could detect the seriousness in her face and even some hurt.

"Have you been serious about any girl?" She asked, hinting a slither of hope in her voice.

I took the moment to think back. But the answer was no.

I didn't want to tell her that at all. Instead, I stayed silent as I looked down twiddling my thumbs, avoiding her slightly sadened gaze.

"That what I thought." She scoffed harshly.

I don't know what had possessed me to all of a sudden feel anger. She had accused me for being such a horrible person, but in truth, she didn't know me at all. Not one single thing.

"What about you? Were you ever serious about anyone?" I shot back.

She started to look uncomfortable as she shifted in her seat. "Matthew.." she said barely above a whisper, "but that's none of your business."

"C'mon Av. I won't tell anyone."

She turned to me with her sadened eyes and I started to feel angry again. But not at her, at the asshole would made her this way. "Matthew and I were together for almost a year. I loved him.. but.. he didn't love me the way I loved him."

"What happened?" I asked, trying to reassure her with a soft smile.

"He cheated on me.." she admitted with discugst in her voice, "multiple times actually."

"Why did you stay with him then?"

"I don't know." She replied looking off into the distance of the starry night. "I stopped caring after a while. I guess I wasn't trying to hold on to old feelings.. I just never found any new ones yet."

I could change that..

Just as I was about to speak, the ride started to move once again. We were on our way down towards the bottom of the ride.

"Thank God." I heard Ava whisper under her breath.

When we both got off of the ride, and almost immdiately Ava walked off, not bothering to wait for me. I tried to catch up to her, not ready tobpart from her just yet.

"Where are you going now?" I asked.

"I need to find my friends." She said as she scampered down the dirt road.

"Just call them."

"I can't." She replied, not bothering to take even so muc as a glance back at me.

"Why not?"

"My phone died."

"Do you want to use mine?" I called out after her, making her stop in her tracks. She hesitated for a few moments hefore turnin back around and grabbing my phone out of my hand quickly.

As soon as her friends came back, I was prepared for Ava to shoo me off right away. But after what seemed like a deep conversation with her friends, she walked towards me uneasy. "My friends and I are going to get something to eat, then walk home. Do you want to come?"

I was surprised for her to ask me to tag along. But of course, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to spend as much time with her while her sadness strayed away.

"Sure." I smiled shyly for what seemed like the first time in my life.

We made our way out the fair gates and to the dimly litted town. The more we walked away from the fair grounds, the more darker the sky became. But all I could think about was her lips. Her small pink, plump lips.

I should have kissed her.

As Ava was walking beside me, I decided this would be the perfect time to do it.

"Hey Ava?" I asked, my nergous tone giving me away.

"Yeah?" She stopped and turned to me.

Just as I was going to take a step closer to her, I froze in my place. I fuckin froze.


Kiss her you idiot. Just fucking kiss her.

She looked at me waiting for me to finish. But a dumbfounded expression remained on my face until I could quickly come up with somethin else to say.

"H-Happy Birthday."

Her eyebrows shot up slightly, probably surprised that I even knew her brithday in the first place.

"Thank you, Taylor." She warmly smiled, pushing her face in my chest giving me a side hug which caused me to sway to one side. She pulled away and continued to walk off onto the dark sidewalk.

You fucking idiot.


Ocasionally, I'll switch the story off to Taylor's POV since its fun to see the other side of the story (: hope you guys enjoy it!

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