Part 1: Woke up as the villainess

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My head hurt.

What had happened? Didn't I die? Is this heaven? 

"Look! She's so cute! Woahhhh....look at those chubby hands." 

"Shush! Mind your manners! We have guests!"

My eyelids fluttered open. I saw some sort of pattern. It was quite noisy. I looked around. There were a few people, but not too many. Was this what heaven was like? I sat up. Or at least I tried. 

Why can't I sit up?! Did something happen to my muscles? I started crying. 


The voice that came out wasn't mine. It was a baby's. I looked at my hand. 

' T-these s-small hands! What happened?! Did I turn into a baby? Is this reincarnation? I can't believe it! '

Just when I thought I escaped that hell in the other world. 

However, if you looked around, you could see a bunch of those pretty vases and beautiful wallpaper you would only find in movies. Looks like this family is pretty rich. I could buy anything!....when I learned to talk, that is. 

A tall man in a strange suit came. "Duke Villinie, his Majesty requests your presence."

"Already?! Just because we now have a daughter doesn't mean she's theirs!!!! Those bastards of the Imperial family!!!! HOW DARE THEY!?"

.......Hold on. Did that guy s-say Duke Villinie??? I shivered at those words. 'No no. It's definitly a coincidence. Nothing more, nothing more.' I though to myself.

" Mother. What are we going to name her?" This time, it was a boy who talked. He had clear blue hair and a very cute face. One that would be popular with the girls. 

The so called 'Mother' responded, " Hmmmmm. One that suits her well. How about Roselyn? Yes. That sounds very nice." She turned to a servant. "Tell the my husband that we'll be naming our baby girl Roselyn after he's done with his meeting. Those vile bastards who call themselves royalty. What an excuse for being filthy monkeys." The servant left. 

I had to say, even if this woman was spewing cr*p about the royal family, she made it as if she was a singing angel. Oh and, with that smile.

Wait a second. Royal family? Since when did we re-establish monarchy? Am I in the future? I thought that we were pretty close to human equality back then. 

And. Is. My. Name. 

Roselyn? And I was pretty sure that my last name was Villinie. So..............................

                                                     Roselyn Villinie.

Yes. That was my name. And also the villainess name's in the otome game                       'Love☆Love Harem; Who shall I choose?'  This game was pretty popular where I lived. Because I was poor, I played this at my friend's house. However, after her mom learned of my how my life went, she banned me from coming to her house. So I only played about half it. However, my friend kept telling me her progress at school. I was pretty grateful for that. Though she didn't get a chance to tell me the ending because my life ended. 

I'm pretty sure that nobody really missed me. My adoptive parents were abusive and relied on alcohol and drugs for a living. None of the people at school were really close to me. I bet that even my one and only friend got tired of me because she always got in trouble for talking to me. I bet they all pitied my death. But didn't ever feel guilty of ignoring me when I tried to talk to them.

                                                    However, this family accepted me. 

When I started talking after a few months, it was my brother who helped me pronounce words right during his break. When I started walking at 2, both of my parents helped me. Soon I learned that I was actually in an otome game. There was magic, nobility, and a bunch of other stuff our world didn't have. The original Roselyn was a genius at everything, so I quickly learned the basics magic at the age of 5, whereas others would start at 8. I also mastered some advanced math, literature, arts, politics and also other basic subjects with the help of tutors when I turned 10. Of course, even as a child of a duke, that was pretty skilled. I got praised everyday. 

     However, the one comment I hated so much was, " Oh my! How suited you are for the crown!" Like hell I was gonna marry that cheating scum who embarrassed his own fiancee in front a big crowd for one girl. I understood why Roselyn was jealous. She had trained so hard her whole life to be a good empress, and it suddenly that dream gets stolen. Knowing this, I couldn't just help but kinda hate the heroine a bit. 

I wonder what the capture targets were doing. I have only seen one of them because my friend was a bit obsessed with him. The 1st prince, Albert Royalty. Ick. What a 3rd rate name. And Royalty? Who the hell made that last name up?  Clearly the creators were just lazy to actually put some effort into the names. 

I wonder what the heroine will be like. Will she be really nice? We could even be friends. However, what is she were a two-faced b*tch that seduced men and accused innocent woman? No. That wouldn't happen. After all, she's the heroine, isn't she?

Day XX Month XX Year XXXX

The school gates opened. Chattery students walked in with their friends. This was the renowned, known world-wide school that tought nobility children, even of other country's. If you do well here, your life will be almost completely set for life. This was Hope academy, where everything we learned was benificial for us.

A girl, with dazzling blonde hair and drills at the tips, walked in. This was the daughter of the sole duke in the country, Roselyn Villinie. Everyone she walked past was glancing at her great beauty and refined aura. She was known to be a genius, with good athletic skills as well. She would be, in others eyes, what you call perfect. Howver, nobody would've thought what was going on in her mind.

'Bring it on, otome game. I will survive it, destroying every death flag that comes in my way. I will survive.'

This was the otome game 'Love☆Love Harem; Who shall I choose?'. 

                                                     Starting now.

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