Sinning In Sleep

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A/N Beatrice has a spicy dream. Mature content ahead. ******** placed at the start and end for those of you who don't want to read that.


The rain pummeled down outside, drenching Beatrice where she stood in the back courtyard of the Cat's Cradle. She stood with her arms outstretched and her heads lifted to the heavens as she took in the calming effect it had on her mind.

She listened to the constant thrum of it hitting the various different surfaces and let the indistinguishable rhythms set into her soul.


She snapped her eyes open and looked ahead of her for the source of the sound. She felt arms wrap around her waist, pulling her backwards into someone. She didn't resist.

"Beatrice..." Ava said again, this time her voice lowered and no longer a question. She buried her face in the crook of her neck and shoulder. Beatrice reveled in the contrast of heat and cool she felt from the rain and Ava behind her.

Beatrice placed her hands over Ava's, lacing their fingers together. She turned her head to kiss the side of the other girl's head. Ava lifted her face to give Bea a gentle brush of the lips which she then moved down to her jaw and then her neck. Beatrice allowed herself to enjoy the touch until her impatience got the best of her.

Beatrice removed Ava's grasp from her waist to turn and face her, getting her own grasp on the girl. She rested a hand on the side of her smooth cheek and the other just above her hip. Her shirt had moved just an inch up her side and Beatrice savored the contact, running her thumb back and forth over the patch before leaning in to plant a kiss on Ava.

The kiss started out slow and gentle. The two girls were shyly exploring the other and finding a rhythm. Beatrice was enraptured by the gentleness and attention Ava was placing into each individual kiss. It was all so very purposeful, but dragged out. They were in no hurry.

Ava wrapped her arms around Beatrice's back, pulling them flush against one another as she deepened the kiss in the slightest. Beatrice moaned lightly into the kiss. Ava leaned back to take in the sight before her.

Beatrice shuddered. They weren't completely pressed against each other any more and the cold from around them stuck pins through her flesh that struck her in her core.

Ava sighed heavily. "Let's get you inside and dried up." She ran her fingers down the side of Bea's face and across her jaw before letting her hand fall onto her shoulder. Her fingers trailed down her arm until they found her hand. Beatrice readily accepted and reciprocated the gesture and followed when Ava tugged for her to. She didn't know where they were going, but it didn't matter as long as Ava's hand was on hers, tracing patterns along the back of it causing Beatrice's heart to swell and overflow with affection.

They made their way through the all too familiar halls of the Cat's Cradle until they stumbled across Ava's room. She turned to face Beatrice with a sly smirk as she opened the door behind her back. She pulled her inside with no further explanation.

Beatrice leaned into her and hastily kicked the door shut behind her. "I thought you said you were getting me dried up."

"Maybe I got distracted," Ava shrugged. She smiled up at Beatrice who wrapped her arms around the girl again.

"Well, I'm a little wet if you don't mind."

Ava smirked at the comment, always finding a way to make an innocent phrase dirty. "Wet? Already?"

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