The Final Destination

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The next few days had passed in a blur. This was mainly because of the long car rides that were better spent asleep and the hysteric and restless activities the girls participated in afterwards. Beatrice was getting sick of seeing the road and tasting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But she would never be tired of sitting next to Ava when she got the chance. She would also never get sick of watching her as she gazed out at the world with such wonder and amazement in her eyes or when she drifted off into a peaceful sleep on someone's shoulder. She was especially enjoying her sleeping on Lilith's shoulder at the moment.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" Lilith gestured to Ava who had just shifted in her sleep to lean on the demon.

"C'mon Lilith. Let yourself be loved," Mary turned around from the passenger seat.

Lilith widened her eyes in annoyance. "I don't want to be loved." She stole a side glance at Ava and let a wrinkle appear between her eyebrows. Camila laughed from where she sat behind the wheel, gazing at the scene in the rear view.

Beatrice couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene. Ava sleeping so peacefully, unaware of her cuddliness and being not the slightest bit remorseful to its victim was by far one of Beatrice's favorite sights on their trip. There was only one view that had pleased her more.

Beatrice woke up still in Ava's arms, but this time, she was being held close from behind. She had somehow shifted to face away from the girl who had then ended up wrapped around her from behind. Ava's leg was thrown over Beatrice and her arm was draped over her stomach, pressing her back firmly into her front. The sensations first came as a surprise, but then she sunk into the embrace again.

How did I get here? she thought to herself. Then she remembered the day before. She remembered leaving camp, the old man getting possessed, ending up with his truck, and then ending up here. Then her mind wandered to her other Sisters. Where were they?

Beatrice sat up and was brutally reminded of her fall by the river the day before. She looked around after the pulsing in her temples slowed to a dull thrum at the group of Sisters all cuddled up together in a mass of sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets and felt her heart swell in adoration. Mary laid with her head across Camila's stomach. A trail of drool seeped from the corner of her lips where they were slightly parted for breathing. Camila was resting her head on an arm and a mass of tangled blanket. Her legs were tangled up with Lilith's who was sleeping soundly, her breath stirring her unearthly grayed hairs. The television was still on and a stream of quieted noise came from the speakers as the screen continued to brighten the room that was still shrouded in night.

Beatrice felt a stir from beside her and looked down to see Ava's sleepy eyes staring up at her from a sprawled mass of wavy brown hair. "Hey," she murmured soothingly, looking up at the older girl.

Beatrice smiled as she let the voice wash over her, calming her soul back into a sleepy state. She laid back down, this time facing Ava. "Hey," she responded allowing the night's cloak to cloud her thoughts and actions. She scooted closer to Ava as she adjusted herself in the sheets. Beatrice gave up on thinking as she gingerly combed her fingers through Ava's sleepily messed mane. The smile that grew on the halo bearer's lips brought enough euphoria to last Beatrice a life time. She couldn't help but realize that that smile was all she would need for the rest of her days. If she could just wake up like this every day, she would be okay. It was a thought she would usually chastise herself for internalizing, but at the moment, the intimacy and vulnerability of the night distracted her.

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