Hotel Fun part 2

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A/N mature content. *** placed at the start and end.

Beatrice had fallen asleep after finishing her ice cream. She looked so peaceful as she slept. Her mind was freed from any of her usual stresses that plagued her in her waking hours. As much as she didn't want to, Ava had to wake her up and help her back upstairs and into the twin sized bed. Beatrice had groaned her protests but eventually submitted and allowed Ava to help her sleepily wall to the elevator and then down the hall to the hotel room.

When Ava has opened the door, the three Sisters had been sitting crammed together on the chairs watching a Spanish SoapOpera and giggling. Ava felt envious of their closeness, but refused to let it get the best of her. Their friendship would strengthen with time. It didn't stop her from feeling impatient, but it reassured her nonetheless.

They quieted down upon her arrival with Beatrice. Ava helped her into the bed and turned off the lights. The room was now illuminated only by the faint glow of the shitty SoapOpera. Beatrice fell asleep quickly.

The blankets had made it to their room and the girls settled down together on the floor. They laid out their sleeping bags to form a big square and laid the blankets over themselves, leaving the SoapOpera to play quietly before them as they fell asleep one by one.

Beatrice woke up after a few hours of peaceful sleep. Her body felt restless and her mind was speeding up seconds after being awake. She felt gross from not showering and she felt even more disgusted with herself and the thoughts that kept running through her mind. While it may not have been a good idea, Beatrice decided that she was fully capable of showering herself.

She stood before her bed and felt as if her brain was drumming itself against her skull. She groaned softly before making her way to the bathroom. She flipped the switch near the door and the lights flickered alive, worsening the migraine she already had. She made her way to the shower and reached for the dial, turning it until she found a temperature she liked. She closed the door and undressed before stepping into the steamy hot water.

She felt the water pound against her back, massaging away her soreness. She closed her eyes to take in the heat. She breathed in deep and felt the warmth sink through her body until she felt like she herself was radiating heat. She let the thrum of the water hitting the tub below her dull her thoughts. The pleasure of being in a warm shower was too much to resist and Beatrice sat down on the floor, pulling her feet to her chest and letting the water fall over her head.

Beatrice soaped up her hair and body, enjoying the tingling she felt on her scalp before she rinsed off and stepped out of the shower.

The door opened suddenly and Ava came bursting in.

"Ava!" Beatrice covered herself with her towel.

"What are you doing?" Ava whispered loudly.

Beatrice looked down at herself wrapped up in a towel. "Showering?"

"You have a concussion and you get in the shower where none of us are awake if anything happens and you fall?"

Beatrice softened her gaze. "Ava, I'm okay. This isn't the first time I've gotten injured like this. I'm okay."

Ava kept the crease in between her brows a second longer before letting it fall with her gaze to the floor. "Sorry for barging in on you like this," she murmured.

"I don't mind."


Ava looked up then. Beatrice held her gaze firm and calm, beckoning for her to come closer. Ava submitted to the silent demand and slowly stepped forward, quietly closing the door behind her. She walked forward until she was toe to toe with Beatrice. "Is this okay?"

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