Chapter V

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It is now Sunday, July 1st, 1900.

8 years and 3 months have passed.

I turned 9 years old, 93, this year. I've grown another 1 ½ inches since back then and I now weigh 64 pounds. My hair hasn't changed much; I've been keeping it at my upper arms.

I've also kept my promise to Yoruichi and never tried to sneak out of the Estate again. Kisuke, Ginrei and Shinji all still come visit me. Kisuke is the one who comes the most. Shinji comes every 4 months and Ginrei shows up out-of-the-blue.

It is 1am in the morning; I shot up and looked around.

"Kisuke-kun's spiritual pressure; where did it go?" I asked as I jumped out of the bed. I started for the doors.

They opened on their own.

I slid to a stop, "What?"

"Kimiyo-chan," Yoruichi said, walking into the room, "Where are you going?"

"Lady Yoruichi," I said and then looked turned the Squad 12 Barracks, "Kisuke-kun's—"

"Search very closely, Kimiyo-chan," She told me as she walked over to the window.

I pulled my eyebrows together, but closed my eyes. It took me only a minute to find his hidden spiritual pressure. My eyes snapped opened. "Why is he all the way out there?" I demanded, even more worried now.

"He's disobeying." She replied in a whispered.

"What?" I hissed and turned toward her, "Why are you here? I thought you had orders tonight?"

"I was worried he would do something like this," She said, putting her hand on the seal of the window, "And I knew you'd go looking for him." She looked over at me with narrowed eyes, "I came to make sure you didn't do anything rash."

My face darkened and I threw out my hand. "What's going on, damnit?" I snapped, worried sick, "I've had a bad feeling ever since this afternoon."

She started toward me, "You felt it too?"

I nodded, "Tell me what's happening!"

She came to a stop in front of me, "It's nothing you need to worry about, Kimiyo-chan." She told me and her hand landed on my face, covering it completely. "Inemuri!"

"Ah," I gasped, shocked. My eyes dilated several times and then I fell unconscious. She caught me and laid me back on my bed.

"You'll wake up in the morning, safe and sound," She whispered, looking down at me. "Sorry, Kimiyo-chan." She walked out of the room, closing the doors behind her.

~9 Hours Later: 10:23am~

I shot up and hissed aloud as I swung my legs off the bed and ran out of the room. "Damn her, doing that to me," I growled as I ran. "Lady Yoruichi!" I called out, "Kisuke-kun!"

I looked around and felt for their Spiritual Pressure; I couldn't find either one anywhere. "Lady Yoruichi! Kisuke-Kun!" I started screaming over and over, still running through the house. "Lady Yoruichi! Kisuke-Kun!"

"Kimiyo-chan, what are you yelling about?" Mom snapped at me as she came out of the kitchen.

I ran over to her, "Where are they?" I declared, now breathing heavier and trying my hardest not to panic. "I can't feel their spiritual pressure anymore."

"Who, Kimiyo-chan?" She asked, confused.

I narrowed my eyes, "Aunty Yoruichi and Kisuke-kun."

"Who?" She asked, very confused, "I've never heard of—"

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