Chapter VI

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It is now Tuesday, January 19th, 1932.

It's been 1 month and 4 days now. Today is also my 125th birthday, I am 12, but I only celebrate when I age up a decade.

It's sometime around noon and I'm taking a nap. I don't get much sleep at night anymore. The dragon dreams come every night now.

I looked around myself and my eyes widened. I'm surrounded by a wall of rushing water. I looked in front of me again and saw the huge dragon in front of me.

"Do you think you can handle my powers, girl?" The dragon roared down at me.

"I don't understand," I replied, looking up at its head. "Who are you?"

"My name is Umiōryū." He roared at me.

"Umiōryū?" I asked back, "I heard your name this time."

He leaned his head down so he was only a couple feet away from me, "I am your Zanpakutō, Umiōryū."

"My Zanpakutō?" I asked and then smiled, "Sweet, you're the dragon that swam around me 40 years ago, right?"

He nodded, "I am. I am also the one who led you and your friends out of those caves."

"Really?" I wondered, looking around, "The rushing water is gone."

"Hai, you've finally heard my name." He informed me and then inquired, "May I ask what your name is, little girl?"

I smiled up at him, "I am Kimiyo Shihōin, princess of the Shihōin Clan and the next Head of the clan." I replied and smiled bigger, "I've been waiting for you, Umiōryū. I have to beat someone and bring him back home." I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're going to help me with that."

He actually smiled, "I've never been the Zanpakutō of a princess before; this should be fun. I hope you're as strong as I think you are, Kimiyo-sama, because my powers will not be easy to handle."

I giggled, "I'm up for the challenge." I declared, smiling.


"Lady Kimiyo," Shinjiro called as he walked down the hall. He opened the door to the Library and froze. "Her spiritual pressure is surrounding her." He walked closer to me and reached out his hand. "What?" He said, pulling his hand away from me. He looked down at it, there's water on it. "Her spiritual pressure is the element of water."

"Ahh," I called as I shot up into a seated position.

"Whoa," Shinjiro gasped as he jumped.

I looked over at him, "Oh, Shinji-kun, I finally heard his name." I said, smiling.

"The dragon?" He asked, surprised, "It really was your Zanpakutō?"

I nodded, "Hai, his name is Umiōryū."

"Sea King Dragon," Shinji breathed out, "I guess that's why you first saw him in the water." He laughed at the end.

I nodded and stood up.

He grabbed my hand, "Come with me, I have a present for your birthday." He said as he pulled me out of the room.

"I told you, you could stop giving me presents every year." I chimed, annoyed, as I followed him.

We walked into Yoruichi's room.

"Why are we in here?" I asked, looking around.

He walked into her closet and then came back out with something in his hands. "She asked me to give this to you when you got your Zanpakutō; if she couldn't do it herself one day." He answered as he walked over to me.

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