01 | beginnings and breakthroughs

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A few months in the future:

"Never again, will I let something like this happen to me."

Present Day

   "So, you wanted to take me out on a date, right?" This angelic voice says to me. Her soft, kind voice made its way to my ears and it took me a second to remember she asked me a question.

   "What? Oh yeah, yes I wanted to," I sluggishly say to her, pronouncing every syllable.

   "Well, my answer to your question is –" her voice and figure vanish from my eyes. She was replaced with a ceiling looking into my soul. When the realization hit me that it was all a dream, I threw my pillow onto the floor like it owed me money and hasn't paid me back in a year. I never knew why we always wake up before the climax of the dream. It's like our brains want to keep us in suspense. The problem with that is we most likely never get to see that dream again. I guess my body was just trying to spare my feelings, knowing that her answer was going to be no.

   My name is Alonzo Price and I'm a high school senior. My life isn't anything spectacular. I don't own a luxurious car, nor am I a star on any sports team.   Though I can play the majority of sports, I'm no Messi or Kobe. You won't see me hanging out with the athletes, that's for sure.

If we're talking about academics, I'm on the smarter side of the spectrum. In all honesty, with just a little more motivation I can get high marks easily, but that's effort. Effort and I don't get along well most of the time. The only time I apply myself is when it's doing something enjoyable, like playing video games.

   With the disturbance of not finishing the dream leaving my body, I get up and get ready for school. I never cared for my appearance that much, just wore what got the job done. My wardrobe is like a basic girl who drinks Starbucks every day.

 I walk into the kitchen and am greeted by the scrambled eggs and bacon with French Toast on the table. My mom usually prepares breakfast for me. She is a good cook, so naturally, I eat slow. Savoring delicious food is something everyone should be doing in their life. Today's breakfast gives me hope that today will be different. It won't be like the others.

 After breakfast, I finished getting ready and grabbed all my belongings.

  "All right mom, I'll be heading out now. Food was great as usual," I call out to her from the door.

   "Okay sweetie, have a great day at school!" she yells from her room. I closed the door and began the walk to my high school. It wasn't far from my house, at most a twelve-minute walk. I know being a senior and all, I should have a car. The thing is though, I'm not like most seniors.

In the bad sense.

As I wondering in my head if I finished all of my homework or if I'll have to do it during class (a professional of that art), someone catches my eye. On the opposite side of the sideway, I see her. It was the girl of my dreams, in every sense of the word. 

Camille Posher. It's been over a year since my feelings awoke for her but courage also isn't one of my strong attributes. I don't think I have that many strong attributes anyway. Instead of being the man I want to be and approach her, I turn back in the school's direction and keep walking.

 "Hey, Alonzo!" she said from the other side. Adele would be proud. I turn to face her and behold, there she was, smiling and waving at me. I give her a small smile and wave back. Somehow my body was able to do that, considering how I was freaking out on the inside. She looks both ways of the street and crosses, approaching me. As she gets closer, I'm pleading with my body to act cool. I am thankful it complies at the last moment.

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