There's Always Hell When You Come Back Down

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AN: Hi guys! I'm soooooooo sorry I haven't been writing much lately. I've been so busy with my history work and I've been doing bad in math lately. School has really been stressing me out lately and I just don't have time to write. Thankfully, I'm taking the last history test of the year tomorrow, so I'm hoping I'll have some more free time now, but I make no promises. The only reason I wrote this was because I went on a field trip today and the bus ride was two hours each way. That being said, I wrote this all on my phone so please disregard any mistakes because I don't have the time to reread it. I hope you guys like it and thanks for sticking with the story even though updates have become scarce. Also, I'm dedicating this chapter to @KatePreciado because she left a comment on the last chapter two months ago telling me to update.

Song: Everybody Sells Cocaine by Motionless In White


How did you tell your kids that Dad might not make it home this time? I know I had told Melody, but that was only because she caught me in a vulnerable moment and I couldn't keep the truth from her when she obviously knew something was wrong. 

"Linkin, Harmony, I have to talk to you two," I announced, patting the empty space on the couch next to me. They gave each other questioning looks but sat down on either side of me. 

"Is everything alright, Mum?" Harmony questioned. Her brow knit with confusion and worry as she carefully took a seat beside me. 

"Well, no," I admitted. I had never believed in lying to my kids to protect or anything and this was important. "It's your dad," I added. I still had no idea if I should be beyond angry at him for sleeping with some other chick or if I should push that aside for awhile to focus on his health. A selfless person who be more worried about him getting better, but all I could think about was him betraying me. 

"Is he ok?" Linkin asked. This was another thing that I was pissed at Oliver for. He didn't think about how this would affect our children. I was left to tell them that first, he cheated on me and second, that he pretty much almost died and still wasn't healthy. Did he even think about anyone but himself?

"Well, uh, he's back on drugs," I responded. Harmony a eyes turned into saucers and I could tell Linkin was speechless. 

"What! I thought he was better! Why would he take drugs again?" Harmony exclaimed, obviously in totally shock. The pain on both their faces almost made me regret telling them. The first time this had happened, they were only six, so I doubted they remembered anything that had happened or the man Oliver became when he was addicted. 

"Well..." I trailed off. I knew the reason he had taken the drugs: he had been thinking it would ease the pain of me being mad at him. But how did I tell our kids that? "Um, well, I think he took them because I was mad at him," I confessed. I knew I shouldn't feel guilty for being mad at him. He did this to himself. 

"Why were you mad at him? You guys are never mad at each other," Harmony responded, now looking confused. She was right, Oliver and I were rarely fighting and if we did fight, it was over something silly. We usually made up in a few hours, at the most a day. I felt like the last time I had been really really mad was back when he dropped out of high school. 

"Uh, Dad, he...he got really drunk and, uh, cheated on me," I admitted. I hated making Oliver seem like a terrible person, but I didn't know how else to tell them what had happened. 

"What! No, Dad would never cheat on you. I don't care how much he had to drink. He loves you," Harmony insisted. I had no idea how to tell her that it actually did happen. 

"Are you guys gonna get a divorce?" Linkin whispered, saving me from explaining everything to Harmony again. His voice was laced with fear that made me want to cry. 

"No, I don't think so, love," I answered, patting his knee in an attempt to reassure him. As mad as I was at Oliver, I wasn't going to throw everything we had away because he made a stupid mistake. It was obvious that he seriously regretted what he had done and by the time all this was over, I would just be glad to have him alive. 

"Is Dad gonna be ok?" Linkin asked, still sounding afraid. This was the hard thing for me to answer. Nicholls still hadn't called me back, but I had only been a few hours since I had told Melody after he called the first time. He might be having a hard time getting information because he wasn't family. 

"I'm not sure. Uncle Nicholls told me he'd call me when he heard anything, but he hasn't called yet," I responded. As if on cue my phone let out a loud ring. When I took it out of my pocket, the picture I had set for Nicholls' contact. 

Matt Nicholls

We had been at the hospital all day. We had already canceled the next week of shows because we knew Oliver wouldn't be ready to do anything for awhile. They seriously wouldn't tell us anything. It was getting ridiculous. I mean, my best friend almost died and no one would tell us how he was doing. 

"I'm gonna go ask if she found out anything," Jordan announced, standing up from his uncomfortable plastic chair. He walked over to the lady behind the front desk who had been telling us she didn't know anything about Oli. 

A few moments later, he came back with a smile twitching at his lips.  "She said that they pumped his stomach and that we can go see him,"Jordan reported. I let out a breathe that I hadn't realized I was holding in. Even though I was mad at him for the whole thing with Chelsea, he was my best mate. 

As we got up from our seats for the first time in hours, I dialed Chelsea's number. "Hi, Nicholls. Have you heard anything?"she questioned immediately. It was nice to know that even though she was really pissed at her husband, she still cared about him. 

"They pumped his stomach and we're going to see him right now," I responded as we neared Oli's room. Lee had opened the door and we started filing in. "Hold on, Chels. I'm going in now. Do you want to talk to him?" I added, hoping she would say yes. I knew Oliver had fucked up, but they were two of my best friends and I wanted them to makeup. 

"No," she responded quickly. I knew Chelsea well enough to know not to push it even though I wanted her to forgive Oliver. "I know you want us to makeup, Nicholls, but maybe the kids and I'll come out to visit once he's in rehab or something," she added, practically reading my mind. 

"Ok, that sounds good," I responded. I would definitely be making she followed through with that. She needed to talk things out with Oli. I knew she was going to forgive him eventually. "Anyway, he looks fine. I'll call you after we talk to the doctor," I added, peaking into Oli's room. 

"Ok, thanks, Nicholls. I'll talk to you later," she replied before we hung up. I then entered into Oli's room. As I said, he looked fine. It was more his actions that made me apprehensive. I knew he would be going through withdraws and that was always a bit scary. 

"Hey, mate," I greeted cheerfully. I was just glad to see him alive and well. All he did was groan in response. There was no doubt that he felt like shit.  

"Does Chelsea still hate me?" he asked after a few moments. I had to admit that it was very cute that the first thing he thought of was her. That was the exact reason why she needed to talk to him and forgive him. 

"Well, yeah, she's still pissed, but she also really worried about you," I answered, hoping that would cheer him up a bit. "She said she might come visit with the kids later," I added with a huge grin. 

"She's only worried about me because of the kids," he replied angrily, rolling over on his side. Before I could say anything else, a man sporting a long white lab coat entered the room. 

"Hello. I'm Doctor Johnson," the man greeted with a huge smile plastered on his face. "So, I'm sure you're wondering what's next for Mr. Sykes. I think he'll be good after today and then I want him to go to rehab for ninety days," he explained to us. Even though I wanted my friend to get better, I couldn't help but think about all the concerts we'd have to cancel now. I heard Oli let out another groan. 

"Can I at least go to rehab at home?" Oliver asked from the bed. He was probably thinking that Chelsea might come visit of he was closer to home. 

"Anywhere you want, Mr. Sykes," Dr. Johnson replied, patting Oli on the shoulder. He still looked unhappy. I knew rehab was no party, but, I mean, he did this to himself. He cheated on his wife. He took the drugs. The only person he could be mad at was himself.

I Know I Shouldn't (Sequel To I Need You So Much) [Oliver Sykes Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now