Chapter One

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"I'm sorry, Mr. Hamilton, but you have a year left to live," the doctor said. Hamilton gasped. He couldn't believe it. Just a year. He was already thinking about how he hadn't told Jefferson he loved him.

His friends rushed into the hospital room. Hamilton explained the news to them. He could see the worry fade to sadness or anger when they were hit like a bus with the deafening truth. Hamilton didn't say anything after that. He just stared at the doorknob of his room and tuned out their sobs and pacing. 

The days in the hospital after that Hamilton barely remembered. So many tests were run, he was lightheaded. Soon, he was brought back to his apartment with his roommate, Jefferson. He was really rude to Hamilton. He honestly had no idea why he loved Jefferson. 

"Are you okay?" Jefferson asked, hiding his concern. Hamilton was silent. As Jefferson sighed and started leaving, Hamilton realized he had to talk to him. Jefferson was his crush. And Hamilton wanted to get with him.

"I only have a year left to live," Hamilton choked. Jefferson softly gasped and froze. He slowly turned back to Hamilton. 

"I-I'm sorry," Jefferson said, trying to sound sincere. He cleared his throat and said, "Well, I gotta get to class. Won't be back until five, heading to James's after." Jefferson left. Once Hamilton heard the door shut, he immediately got up and made a jug of coffee. He felt groggy, but Jefferson hated it when he made coffee at 8:00 in the morning. Hamilton never knew why. But now that Jefferson was gone, Hamilton could make some coffee and feel awake again. 

Hamilton put the water in the pot and waited, sitting at the island. There was a knock on the door. Hamilton shuffled to the door and opened it. It was Peggy. She hugged him tightly and sat on the couch. She patted next to her, gesturing for him to sit by her. 

"How are you?" Peggy asked as Hamilton sat. 

"I'm doing okay. Been thinking a lot about my life and how I've spent it," Hamilton replied. "It's kind of terrifying when you think about every stupid decision you've made and seconds of your time here on Earth you've wasted." Peggy rested her head on Hamilton's shoulder.

"Then make this year count," Peggy said. "Stop dwelling on how you've spent your life or what you did in the past, and start focusing on the future. What do you want to get done in your time left? How do you want to do your big finish?"

Hamilton got up and poured a cup of coffee for him and for Peggy. He knew exactly how she liked her coffee. Two spoonfuls of sugar and a little milk. She sat at the island with Hamilton and they kept talking.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Peggy asked. 

"I'm going to do everything on my bucket list. I'm going to graduate college. I'm going to spend time with you guys," Hamilton said, rubbing Peggy's back. Peggy smiled as Hamilton took his hand away and took a sip of his coffee. "And I'm going to tell Jefferson I love him," Hamilton said softly.

Peggy chuckled and said, "Good for you. Now, wanna spend time with this friend? I don't have classes today, and neither do you!" Peggy pointed to herself and Hamilton laughed. He grabbed their mugs and they headed into Hamilton's bedroom, where they snuggled up into his bed and put on a Pixar movie. 


The loud slam of the front door startled Hamilton and Peggy awake. They'd just missed the ending of the fourth Pixar movie they were watching, so it had to be around 5:00. The two got up and headed to the front to greet Jefferson.

He was sitting in the kitchen with his head to the island. He looked up at Hamilton and Peggy and sighed. "What the hell is she doing here?" he muttered bitterly.

"I'll have you know we were just watching a bunch of movies from the best cartoon brand known to humankind," Peggy argued. 

"I bet ten bucks it's Disney princess movies," Jefferson sighed. "A girl like you probably never grew out of her girly childhood."

Peggy huffed. She stomped over to Jefferson, grabbed him by his shirt collar, and held a fist up with her free hand. "If you say I'm girly one more time I will gut you like a fish, Jefferson. I find everything about girliness distasteful," she said. Jefferson gulped and attempted at hiding his fear, but it was clear as day. Peggy dropped him and walked about over to Hamilton.

Jefferson adjusted his shirt collar and cleared his throat. "So, what is it?" he asked.

"Pixar," Hamilton smiled. Jefferson sprinted over to Hamilton's bedroom. Peggy guffawed as they followed Jefferson at a walking pace. They found him looking around Hamilton's room for he'd never been in there before.

"This is your room?" Jefferson asked in awe. Hamilton could hear his heart in his ears and his face getting hot when Jefferson stopped at his rainbow pride flag. "Wait, you're gay?"

Hamilton saw Peggy ready to burst and go off on Jefferson, but Jefferson shrugged and sat on a beanbag. "Hang on, you're okay with that?" Hamilton asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm gay, too." Hamilton and Peggy's eyes widened. "I thought that was obvious." Jefferson chuckled. 

Peggy shook it off and said, "Jefferson, I want the beanbag. You can take the bed." She pushed Jefferson off of the beanbag as he sat on the bed with Hamilton. Hamilton put on Wall-E and soon found Peggy and Jefferson both asleep. 

And he blushed a lot when Jefferson's head fell onto his shoulder.

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now