Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm sorry I forgot, Angelica," Hamilton apologized for the eleventh time.

"Alex, stop apologizing!" Angelica said. "And, Thomas, thanks for getting him out of the apartment. A bit of cleaning and his stank is finally out of here." Jefferson nodded and smiled widely.

"Well, we have to go, thank you, Angie!" Hamilton said.

"No, thank you. I'll see you guys later!" Angelica closed the door as Hamilton and Jefferson drove back to their dorm.

Hamilton sat on the couch, wincing at the pain on his knuckles. As Little Miss Sunshine continued, Jefferson noticed Hamilton about crying from the pain, and he grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom and brought it back to Hamilton. He began cleaning up his wounds.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I still can't believe I forgot about Angie..." Hamilton whispered.

Jefferson sighed. "Stop fucking dwelling on it, darling. Angelica forgives you so move on," he smiled.

"I guess you're right," Hamilton replied sadly. Jefferson closed the first aid kit and set it on the floor. He sat next to Hamilton on the couch again, draping his arm around his shoulder.

Then there was banging on the door.

Jefferson gasped and turned off the movie. "Thomas, go hide in your closet," Hamilton said. Jefferson shook his head.

"No," he said. "I'm staying here with you, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Thomas, just go!" Hamilton yelled. Jefferson kissed Hamilton's cheek and ran to his bedroom. Hamilton looked in the peephole and saw Charles Lee with his beat-up face taking a running start for the door. He gasped and opened the door when he was about to make contact, making Lee slam to the wall and get a bloody nose.

"You fucking bastard!" Lee said, standing up and getting in Hamilton's face. Hamilton took a deep breath.

"Listen, Lee, please, I'm sorry. I was in agony and I shouldn't have hurt you." Hamilton tried to reason with Lee, but Lee went too far and did something which Hamilton would forever regret.

"Fine, then." Lee got closer to Hamilton. "I challenge you to a duel." Hamilton tried so hard to keep in a laugh.

"A duel?" he said. "It's not the 1800s, you know."

"I know that!" Lee pushed Hamilton. Hamilton stumbled back as his back slammed against the door. He winced.

"Whoever shoots first. To the death." Hamilton looked down and nodded. Lee shoved him away from the door and closed the door behind him as he left. Hamilton stumbled to the ground and sighed, tears flooding into his eyes. He wiped them as he felt a pit in his stomach.

"Thomas! It-it's safe."

Jefferson stepped out of his closet, still terrified. "I heard everything." He sat next to Hamilton and rested his head on his shoulder. "You just got cleared for twenty more years, we were gonna get married, start a family. You can't do this, Lex, I need you."

"I have to, Tommy." Hamilton sighed again. "I have to kill him or he's gonna kill me, or all of my loved ones."

"He's a psychopath, we need to call the police."

"And who are they gonna believe? A privileged wealthy guy or me?" Hamilton's voice broke. "A stupid, scrappy, poor, ambitious, orphan, bastard."

"Hey! You're perfect, Alexander. I love you."

"I love you, too, Tommy."


The day had come. A few days earlier, Lee had scratched the words "Feb 13, 8:00. See you there, whore."

So, it was February 13, the day before Valentine's day. Hamilton woke up to running to the bathroom and vomiting into the toilet. Jefferson quickly rushed to his side and rubbed circles on his back.

"I'm scared, Alexander," Jefferson choked.

"Me, too," Hamilton said. "I mean, I just vomited in a toilet." They chuckled.

"But, you're not even having a panic attack," Jefferson said as Hamilton wiped his mouth and leaned against the wall, "and you ran away in the middle of one last time you thought about death.

Hamilton didn't answer. He just vomited into the toilet again.


Hamilton waited at the alley next to the abandoned building where Lee told him to go. He told Jefferson to stay home since if he died he would never want Jefferson to be someone to see that.

Charles Lee arrived. He pulled out his phone and set it on the ground in the middle of them.

"I have set an out loud countdown from one to ten," he said. "Rules are rules. Shoot by the time we're at 'ten.' Nothing earlier."

Hamilton stayed quiet and nodded, trying to prevent tears. They walked to the phone as Lee started it. The countdown began as they walked to their positions.

"One, two, three," Hamilton set his finger on the trigger and cocked his gun. "Four, five--"

A gunshot echoed. Hamilton looked down. He wasn't bleeding, but he hadn't shot his gun yet. He frantically turned around, eyes wide, and found Lee on the ground, a pool of blood around him.

But, he also saw Jefferson pointing a gun at Lee's body. Hamilton gasped and ran to Jefferson, hugging him tightly. Jefferson dropped the gun and hugged Hamilton back.

"I-I-I killed him, didn't I?" Jefferson sobbed.

"I think so, but thank you so much." Hamilton escorted Jefferson to his car where he kissed him goodbye and they drove home.

On the drive, Jefferson ran through three stoplights, swerved into several wrong lanes, and parked in two parking spots. He ran into his college and up to his dorm room where he paced around the kitchen.

At some point, he fell to the floor and ran his hands through his hair. His breath became faster as his chest felt tighter. Tears ran down his cheeks.

"What's happening?" he whispered. He pulled out his phone and shakily texted Hamilton.

Jefferson: lex help

Hamilton: Thomas? What's happening?

Jefferson: im panicking

Hamilton: I'm walking up to the building, take deep breaths

Hamilton: I'll be there soon, stay calm

Jefferson put his phone down and started rocking back and forth. He started crying loudly and talking to himself.

"I'm worthless," he said, his lip trembling. "I had to kill a guy to be interesting... I... I..."

Hamilton opened the door and looked around the apartment. "Thomas?" he called out. "Thomas, where are you?"

Jefferson whimpered as Hamilton checked behind the counter and ran over to Jefferson, pulling his knees down from his chest and wiping his tears. He hugged Jefferson and kissed his forehead as they both rocked back and forth.

"It'll be okay, Thomas," Hamilton whispered. "I promise."

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now