Chapter Seventeen

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Hamilton clocked out and hopped in his car. His shift felt really long, and he wanted to see Jefferson so badly.

So, when he arrived home he decided to abandon the elevator and run up the stairs, knowing it would take five to ten seconds shorter than taking the elevator. He jiggled the door handle when he got to his apartment, and when he realized it was locked, he shakily took out his keys and opened it.

He swung the door open and found Jefferson on the couch, looking down, and Angelica and Peggy sitting on the kitchen counter, staring him down.

"Alexander!" Angelica said. "We kept him here successfully!" They walked to the door. "We'll leave you two alone." They shut the door behind them as Hamilton set his keys on the counter and stared at Jefferson.

"So..." Hamilton sighed.

"So..." Jefferson repeated. Hamilton took his jacket off.

"What the hell, Thomas?" he chuckled. "I know you need to focus and shit, but what the actual living hell? I could've helped you with all of--all of this baggage that you have. I know you've had some hard nights, I know you've had some moments even during the day, but--"

"I need help," Jefferson said, staring into Hamilton's eyes.

"I know you need help," Hamilton said. "And I know you mean professional help, but you can't talk to a therapist or a psychologist about how you murdered someone, we can't risk that."

"Can we not talk about Charles Lee and the killing?"

"Thomas, we have to, or this could turn into PTSD or something." Hamilton gasped. "I have a perfect idea."

Jefferson stood up and said, "What is it?"

"Angelica isn't a professional, but she also needs a job. You have money, so you can pay her to be your 'therapist,' and she has a major in communications and won't call the police on you!" Jefferson ran up to Hamilton.

"Yes!" He hugged Hamilton. "Thank you, thank you!" Hamilton took in a quick sniff of Jefferson's hair as he released Hamilton. They were only a few inches apart and Hamilton felt his face getting hot.

"Um," Hamilton whispered as Jefferson leaned in. Hamilton swallowed and his eyes fluttered shut. He felt their lips connect. Jefferson pulled him closer.

Jefferson backed up a bit when the kiss ended, both of them panting.

"I know it's only been around two days, but God, I missed that," Jefferson laughed. Hamilton laughed with him for a moment. "Hey, I'm sorry," Jefferson frowned. "I've been going through some serious shit, which I know is not a good excuse for the way I acted, I was just confused and, I think, in the heat of the moment I thought I had to dump you. I hope you can forgive me, Alexander."

Hamilton smiled. "Of course I forgive you. I understand why you did what you did, and I fully forgive you." Jefferson smiled.

"You know," he said, stepping a little closer to Hamilton, "this is, like, one of the shortest breakups in history, we couldn't even stay away from each other for a week." Hamilton laughed and kissed Jefferson.


Jefferson was on top of Hamilton, both of them making out like one of them was gonna die. Hamilton tasted like fresh strawberries, and Jefferson loved it. His hands traveled around Hamilton's torso and ripped off his shirt. Hamilton unzipped Jefferson's fly when there was a knock on the door. Jefferson rolled off of Hamilton and sighed.

"Well, damn it," Hamilton whispered, putting his shirt back on. Jefferson zipped his fly and walked to the door. He opened it.

"Oh, hey!" Laurens smiled. Jefferson smiled back and pointed at the basket in Laurens's arms.

"What's that?" Jefferson asked.

"Oh, this was like a 'get well' basket for Hamilton because you broke up with him, but I see you guys are back together, which is great!" Laurens laughed. "Do you still want it?" Hamilton walked up to the door.

"Hi, John," Hamilton smiled. "Can I speak to you?" Hamilton stepped outside and shut the door. "What's this?"

"Oh, I was gonna give it to you as a 'get well' thing because you were dumped, but I guess you don't need it anymore."

"Aw, John, that is so sweet!" Hamilton hugged Laurens. "Wait, are those my favorite cookies?" John nodded. "I'll be taking this," Hamilton chuckled, taking the basket from Laurens as Laurens guffawed. "Listen, this was really nice, but Jefferson and I were about to..."



"Oh, no, I completely understand!" Laurens held back a laugh. "Carry on." Lauren's waved and walked to the elevator. He pulled out his phone.

Laurens: Yup, they are definitely back together

Mulligan: how do you know?

Laurens: You know... sex...



Laurens: Hamilton said they were ABOUT to do it. They probably are doing it right now.

Mulligan: Yeah probably.

They weren't.

Hamilton and Jefferson weren't even in the same room. Hamilton was napping in his bed while Jefferson was sitting on the couch, binge-watching The Office. There was another knock on the door, and Jefferson opened it. It was James Madison, his friend he hadn't talked to in forever.

"James! Uh, hi!" Jefferson awkwardly chuckled. Madison smiled. "Um. Come in." Jefferson moved out of Madison's way and shut the door behind them. Jefferson paused the show and sat on the couch with Madison.

"So," Madison said, "how have you been?"

"Pretty good," Jefferson answered. "A few months until I graduate with a major in business, so everything's going good."

"Great. How are you really?"


"I heard about what happened from Burr," Madison said, implying about the breakup. "You can't just be fine, you loved him."

"Oh!" Jefferson's words seemed to get lodged in his throat. "I-I'm fine now..."




Suddenly, Madison's lips were connected to Jefferson's as he melted into the kiss. Jefferson freaked out and kicked him in the balls. Madison gasped and slowly fell to the floor in pain.

"What the fuck was that?" Jefferson asked, trying not to wake Hamilton up.

"I could say the same to you," Madison said hoarsely.

"I'm taken, dude!" Madison got up, still extremely sore and confused. He thought he and Hamilton had broken up.

"But you broke up with him!"

"We got back together, man! Now get out of here." Madison nodded and left, right as Hamilton came out of his room. He was rubbing his eyes and yawning, making Jefferson melt at his cuteness.

"Who was that?" Hamilton asked.

"It was just Madison," Jefferson smiled. "He came to say hi. Wanna watch The Office with me?"

"Yes!" Hamilton smiled wide and snuggled close to Jefferson. 

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now