Chapter Six

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there is some translated French in here that might be wrong, so i apologize if it's incorrect.

"So, tell us how it happened!" Lauren's demanded. Hamilton's friends leaned in to hear the story of how Jefferson and Hamilton got together.

Hamilton cleared his throat. "Well." His voice cracked and he swallowed hard. Jefferson grabbed his hand to comfort Hamilton and Hamilton smiled. "You guys know I've loved Jefferson forever. I got drunk and kissed him at the party. He drove me home and he told me he liked me and I told him I liked him back. I didn't remember until we were watching Jaws and eating sushi. And don't worry, Jefferson's good to me, and I like him a lot." Everyone "awed" and squealed.

"You guys are adorable!" Peggy said before screaming.

"Thank you," Hamilton smiled. "So, what's going on with you guys?"

"You pretty much know everything," Eliza said, brushing Lafayette's hair.

"Ow! Be careful Eliza!" Lafayette yelled.

"It won't hurt if you keep still, Laf!" Eliza said.

Laurens opened the door. "Doughnuts are here!"

"Ooh, doughnuts!" Mulligan rushed over to Laurens and ran off with two boxes of doughnuts.

Angelica sighed. "I'll go get him," she said walking away. Angelica came back with wide eyes. "He already ate half of them," she said. Lafayette's jaw dropped and he ran to go find Mulligan. Eliza looked at the brush in her hand, and there was a clump of hair.

"No one says anything," she said sternly. Jefferson guffawed.

"Is this what a normal day is like for you guys?" he asked.

Hamilton nodded and said, "Let's go pick up some more doughnuts." All of them but Mulligan and Lafayette left.


They came back to find the place completely trashed. Hamilton dropped the boxes of doughnuts. "What the hell?" They all slowly walked around. Laurens picked up a gun and held it out.

"Guys," he said. Everyone looked at him and gasped.

"Mulligan and Lafayette!" Peggy screamed. They all scattered in different directions calling out their names.




"Marquis de Lafayette, this is not funny!"

Hamilton heard someone whimpering from Jefferson's closet. He opened it and found Lafayette tied up on the ground with tape over his mouth. "I found Laf!" he yelled. Everyone came over and helped untie Lafayette.

"Laf, where's Mulligan?" Angelica asked. Lafayette kept crying. "Answer me."

"Angelica, give him a second," Eliza whispered.

"Il est dans la salle de bain. Je pense qu'il a été abattu," Lafayette responded shakily.

"What did he say?" Hamilton asked. Jefferson ran off. "Thomas, what did he say?" Hamilton yelled.

"I went to France for a while once. He said 'he's in the bathroom. I think he was shot.'" Jefferson flung open the bathroom door to find Mulligan with a shoulder wound. "Guys, call an ambulance!"

Hamilton ran to the bathroom. "Oh, my God, Herc! Are you okay?"

Mulligan didn't respond, but his raspy breathing signified he was alive. "Herc, please, stay alive!" Hamilton yelled. Lafayette rushed over and kneeled in front of Mulligan as the rest of the friend group left.

"Hercules, mon amour, it's going to be okay." Lafayette hugged him and ran his fingers through Mulligan's hair. "Please, stay alive for a little longer, the ambulance is almost here!" Lafayette pushed Mulligan's head up so he would face him. Mulligan gave him a small and weak smile. Lafayette bit his lip as tears slipped down his face. Mulligan shakily wiped them.

"I-I love you... Marquis de Lafayette," he said. Lafayette let out a loud sob.

"I love you too!" he yelled. Before he knew it, Mulligan was being pulled away from him and onto a stretcher. He was carried out of the dorm and Lafayette watched them put him in the ambulance and drive away in the window.

Lafayette collapsed onto the floor and let out a gut-wrenching scream. Hamilton was the first to arrive back in the bathroom and he pulled Lafayette into tight hug. Soon everyone else joined in and stayed in the group embrace for a while.


Hamilton sat on his bed breathing heavily. It was all catching up to him. He had around 355 days left, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like in his final week. What would happen to his friends? What would happen to Thomas?

What would happen to him after he died?

Hamilton's breath hitched as he headed to the bathroom and started crying. He didn't want to go.

Hamilton inhaled sharply and screamed, "I don't want to die!" He gasped and brought his hands to his mouth. He started quietly sobbing when he heard Jefferson start jiggling the door handle.

"Alexander? Are you okay?" he asked. Hamilton stayed as quiet as he could. "Alexander, answer me! Are you okay? Unlock this door, please!" Hamilton did nothing. "Alexander Hamilton, I just want to talk to you." Jefferson started banging on the door, trying to break it down. No, he can't be dead yet! he thought.

Hamilton panicked and opened the bathroom window. He stood on the toilet--still crying--and climbed out the window. He shut it and jumped to the ground. Luckily, he was on the first floor. He wiped his face and began sprinting away from his college.

Jefferson took a running start and hit the door again. No luck. So he grabbed one of Hamilton's bobby pins and picked the lock. He swung the door open and when he saw Hamilton was gone, he screamed. The curtains on the small window slightly blew in the light breeze that was coming from outside.

Jefferson ran to the window and saw it was open just a crack. He grabbed his jacket and ran out of the dorm. He dialed the only number he could remember of Hamilton's friends numbers. He brought the phone to his ear and waited for her to pick up. "C'mon, c'mon!" Jefferson muttered to himself.

"Hello? Who is this?" Peggy answered.

"It's Thomas. Hamilton's missing. Call everyone you know, we need to go on a search for my boyfriend."

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