Wedding-Cut Chapter

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Jefferson smoothed out his tuxedo, his hands pleased by the smooth touch of the fabric. A bead of sweat dripped down his face as his breath seemed to get faster and heavier. Mulligan patted his back.

"It's gonna be okay, dude. You've wanted this forever." Mulligan reassured him with a smile. 

"I know," Jefferson sighed. "It's just anxiety." Mulligan nodded and hugged him before leaving. Jefferson pulled out a piece of paper and went over his vows.

Meanwhile, Hamilton was sitting on a bench in his dressing room about to have a panic attack. The Schuyler Sisters and Maria were comforting him. 

"Alexander, God, it's okay!" Eliza laughed. "Thomas loves you so much, he's showed it and said it more than enough times. I don't know why you're so nervous."

"What if he just chickens out and says 'I don't?'" Hamilton said shakily. Everyone frowned. 

"Alex, listen," Peggy said gravely. "Thomas loves you so fucking much like Liza said, and he wouldn't chicken out on you like that. You're getting married, Alex, fucking married. And at least it's to a guy you love back with all of your heart." She took a deep breath and lowered her voice. "Now, I just got a text that it's time. So go out there and get fucking married!" 

Hamilton sighed and nodded. "Okay, I'll go get married." Everyone cheered. 

Jefferson waited with the officiant for Hamilton, as did the crowd. Hamilton waited behind the doors that led to outside, where everyone else was. He took a big deep breath and nodded at the people waiting by the doors to open them. The doors swung open and Hamilton smiled, holding his bouquet close to his chest. Music played as he walked across the beautiful white flowers and stared at Jefferson in awe. He was already on the verge of tears, and one slipped down his face when he noticed that Washington was supposed to be escorting him down the aisle, but he just smiled and glanced at the sky, knowing Washington was watching him from the other side. 

He arrived. He looked deep into Jefferson's eyes as they both smiled wider than they already were. 

"We are here today to celebrate the relationship of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton," the officiant said. "I believe you already have prepared vows?" They nodded. 

"Thomas Jefferson," Hamilton began. "If someone had said that name to me at the end of high school I would've vomited on the spot. Sophomore year of college, if someone had told me I would be here today marrying Thomas Jefferson I would've fainted with excitement. We've been through so much together, and I wouldn't go on this crazy journey we've had with anyone else but you. I love you." Jefferson chuckled through his tears.

"Alexander Hamilton," Jefferson sobbed. "I know in our last year of college you thought I hated you. But I've loved you since high school, I just had a weird way of showing it. If there's one thing I've learned from what we've been through together, it's that you'll stick by my side no matter what. I love you. Oh, and I wanted to tell you, there was a bomb at this wedding." Hamilton gasped, but then laughed. "Your butt. You butt is the bomb. There will be no survivors." 

"May I have the rings?" the officiant asked. Angelica's new dog, a bernese mountain dog named Lucy, trotted up the aisle with the rings on her back. Hamilton and Jefferson laughed and took the rings. "By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me by the state of Ohio, I now pronounce you husband and husband." They slipped the rings on each other.  "You may kiss the groom," the officiant smiled. 

Jefferson and Hamilton kissed as the crowd cheered. 

"Nine-Nine!" Peggy screamed. 

"Nine-Nine!" everyone screamed back and laughed. 

(i didn't know what else to write when i wrote this so i guess this is also a discontinued chapter. love u guys!)

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