Chapter Twenty-One

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Hamilton woke up to his phone ringing loudly. He slowly opened his eyes, now feeling cranky, and picked up the phone. It was Jefferson. Hamilton accepted the call.

"Hello?" Hamilton said, putting the phone on speaker.

"Shit, did I wake you up?" Jefferson asked.

"Oh, no," Hamilton lied. "I woke up hours ago." Jefferson chuckled.

"Okay, well, I think I found an apartment for us," he said. Hamilton gasped. "I can pay for it fully, my parents are even chipping in a little to help us with rent for the first few months. I just want you to check it out before I buy it."

"Okay!" Hamilton laughed. "I'll come over to your parent's house ASAP, it's only a fifteen-minute drive."

"No, you just woke up, I'll come there."


"Of course, I'd do anything for you. I'll be there soon, love you!" Jefferson hung up. Hamilton smiled and got ready for the morning.


Hamilton opened the door to the apartment, Jefferson following closely behind. It had a big living room, a dining room, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and one bedroom. It was all a nice shade of white, and with a little work, it would be perfect.

"One bedroom?" Hamilton asked jokingly.

"Well," Jefferson said, "I thought since we're engaged and everything, we could sleep in the same bed all the time instead of every once in a while--"

"I'm messing with you, honey," Hamilton smiled, standing on his toes to kiss Jefferson's cheek.

"So, what do you think?" Jefferson motioned to the whole apartment. "It's not much, but it's a start."

"I love it. I'm already coming up with plans on how to make it home now." They walked back outside to where the agent was and began signing the papers.

Once they were done, Hamilton looked up at the building in awe. It wasn't very tall, and they were going to live on the second floor, so they were pretty close to the ground. The building was made of brick, so it couldn't exactly be burned to the ground, so it was safe for children.

Wait, "children?" What was he thinking? He knew he would get a child with Jefferson, but "children?" Plural? Was he sure he wanted that?

Jefferson began to drive Hamilton back to Angelica's place. He made sure not to keep much stuff there since he wouldn't be there long. He had decided to get more stuff after three months there, and it had been two and a half, so Jefferson just made the cut.

"I can't believe we're gonna live together, in our own place, alone," Jefferson said.

"I know," Hamilton responded. It got quiet again. "So, when do you wanna get married?" Jefferson immediately pulled over. "Woah, okay, baby driver!" Hamilton laughed.

"You wanna set a date?" Jefferson asked.

"I mean, yeah, if that's okay with you," Hamilton said.

"You sound so calm, why? You're rarely completely calm."

"Well, I have nothing to worry about." Hamilton set his hand on Jefferson's thigh. "I have an amazing fianceé who I'm gonna live with, I graduated college, I'm gonna get a job--fuck, I still need to get a job! What the hell am I doing?"

"There's the nervous-ass guy I know!" Jefferson said, punching Hamilton's arm in a friendly manner. Hamilton chuckled as Jefferson continued driving.

A few weeks later, Hamilton and Jefferson had moved into the apartment. Hamilton was staring at the mantle in the living room, deciding what to put on it. Jefferson snuck up behind him and picked him up, drawing a yelp and a laugh from Hamilton. He kissed Hamilton's head and looked at the mantle.

"So, what are you thinking?" Jefferson asked.

"I think I'll call Maria to come to paint the place," Hamilton said. "And we should buy some cute stuff to put around the place, I also have Maria draw some blueprints, and I have Lafayette and Peggy come over, they have a good eye for this stuff." Jefferson nodded.

"Cool," he said. He hugged Hamilton before setting him back on the ground. "I never thought I'd get here, you know."

"Me neither." Hamilton sat on the floor, crossing his legs. "I never thought I'd end up being happy, I never thought I'd end up with a husband, I never thought I'd have a cute apartment."

"I never thought I'd wanna adopt a child with someone." Jefferson sat next to Hamilton as he blushed. "I-I mean if you still wanna do that. 'Cause if you don't, then I don't. I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Thomas, calm down!" Hamilton grabbed his hand. "Of course I still wanna do that." Hamilton rested his head on Jefferson's shoulder and snuggled up close to him.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

"Charles Lee?" Jefferson yelled. "I thought I killed you."

"People found me at the crime scene and saved me," Lee said, pulling a gun out of his pocket and pointing it at them. Hamilton cowered behind Jefferson, whimpering. "I look like a monster now after what the two of you did to me! I have scars on my face and a shotgun wound by my heart, and I despise you for it." Jefferson took a deep breath and stood up.

"Lee, let's just talk this through--" The gunshot hurt Jefferson's ears. His ears were ringing, and he looked to his left and found Hamilton bleeding out of the floor, staining the carpet. He screamed loud enough for everyone in the building to hear, but no one came.

"I won't kill you," Lee said. "Just your loved ones." Then he disappeared. Jefferson kneeled on the ground over Hamilton's body and sobbed loudly, holding Hamilton's hand.

Then he woke up.

He was drenched in sweat, and it took him a second to realize the Charles Lee interaction was a dream. He sighed and sobbed quietly. He turned to his right and saw Hamilton fast asleep on the floor next to him.

"Are you okay?" Hamilton asked groggily, turning to Jefferson. He nodded. "No, you're not." Hamilton got closer to Jefferson, hugging him tightly. "What happened?"

"I had a dream about Charles Lee. He was alive and he killed you right in front of me, then disappeared."

"Aw, poor baby." Hamilton buried his head into Jefferson's chest. "Do you wanna go see Angelica? She is your therapist."

"No," Jefferson smiled, calming himself down. "I don't think I need to see her anymore. I have you, and I know you're going to help me along the way of this crazy journey." Hamilton smiled and kissed Jefferson. 

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now