Chapter Five

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"Wait, so it's finally happening?"

"Yes, Peggy!" Hamilton said. He called Peggy for the first time since she left, and it had to be then. He had to tell her about him and Jefferson.

Peggy screamed as Hamilton flinched and turned down his volume. He laughed. "Oh, my gosh, I'm so fucking happy! Oh! Sorry for swearing, but this is a good reason! Ah! I can't believe this!"

Hamilton laughed. Jefferson came in with their groceries. "H-Hi, Alexander. Can I get a little help?" he asked, struggling to get the bags of groceries in the dorm.

"Hang on, Peggy," Hamilton said, putting his phone down and grabbing a few bags of groceries. He put them on the kitchen counter and picked up his phone again.

"Okay, Pegs, I gotta go," he said. "Love you! hope to see you soon!"

"Bye, Lexi!" The phone beeped once Peggy hung up and Hamilton set his focus to Jefferson again.

"So," Hamilton said. "I have a question."

Jefferson set his grocery bags down and exhaled. "What's up?" he asked.

"W-Well," Hamilton started. "Th-the snow has melted, and we made out a few days ago, and have k-kissed once more since then, I was just wondering if you would like to go out for breakfast with me sometime. If you don't want to, that's perfectly fine, w-we can do it another time, or never, i-if you don't want to date. I can honestly understand why you wouldn't want to date, see I-I have this funny story--"

Jefferson shushed Hamilton. "Hey, it's okay. I'-I'd love to go out with you." He smiled at Hamilton, pushing back a loose strand of Hamilton's hair. Hamilton turned crimson. Jefferson loved making Hamilton blush, it was so easy.

"Okay!" Hamilton chuckled, sitting on the couch and looking up at Jefferson. "So, where and when do you want to go?"

"I was thinking we go to the breakfast place down the street." Jefferson motioned in the direction the breakfast place was.

"What? No, that place is way too expensive. We need to go somewhere else," Hamilton argued.

"I'll pay, I promise."

"No, I insist. We'll go to the diner a block away, it's awesome there, and really vintage. And it's cheaper than that fancy breakfast place down the street," Hamilton said. Jefferson walked closer to him.

"Okay," he said, booping Hamilton's nose. Hamilton smiled and scrunched up his nose.

"So, when do you want to go?" Hamilton asked as Jefferson walked to the bathroom.

"Let's go now," Jefferson called out. Hamilton gasped.

"O-Okay." Hamilton nervously chuckled and rushed to his bedroom. "I'm going to get ready then," he said. Hamilton started throwing clothes out of his dresser, wondering what to wear to a gay date. It would be his first date with a guy, and he wouldn't get a first date with Jefferson again. And with how long he had left to live, this would probably be his first and last first date.

Hamilton finally pulled out a black t-shirt, a light, olive sweatshirt, and a pair of dark grey leggings. He slipped on a pair of converse. He sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for Jefferson.

Jefferson was contemplating what to wear. Though, it didn't really matter. It was just a first date, not a prom or anything. So he just threw on a white, cropped, heavy sweater, some high-waisted jeans, and some large, black sneakers. He walked to the living room.

"You ready?" he asked Hamilton. Hamilton nodded and they left their dorm room.


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