Chapter Fifteen

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Jefferson lied on his bed, his entire body shaking. He was skipping classes, afraid he might say something or vomit everywhere. Hamilton sat next to him and smiled sympathetically.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked. Jefferson shook his head as Hamilton put a blanket on him and lied next to him. "You know, you are the bravest person I know. You shot someone for me out of love. I've never really felt love, but I do with you. I just can't believe you'd do something like that for me."

"Yeah, can you arrange a talk with Peggy for me?" Jefferson said, not even glancing at Hamilton. Hamilton gasped and got off the bed.

"O-Of course, floofy hair. I'll do it now." Hamilton walked away, swallowing hard, his heart half broken.

He pulled out his phone and dialed up Peggy's contact. He pressed it and held the phone to his ear where Peggy picked up immediately.

"Hey, Hammy! What's happening?" she asked.

"Thomas wants to talk to you, I'm pretty sure it's some legal stuff."

"Okay! I'm free today if he is."

"Yeah, he is. I'll be out looking for jobs today, but can you come here? He kind of..." Hamilton paused for a second, "going through something right now."

"Sure, I'll be there soon, Lex! See you later." Peggy hung up as Hamilton put his phone down and sighed. He couldn't believe Jefferson didn't even acknowledge his sentiment.

Was something going to happen with their relationship?

Soon, Peggy arrived at Jefferson and Hamilton's apartment. She had a key to the dorm, so she let herself in. Hamilton wasn't sitting on the couch or at the counter, so he must've left to look for jobs.

"Hey, Thomas, are you here?" she called out. Jefferson came out of his bedroom and plastered on a fake smile for Peggy.

"Hey, Pegs, how are you?" Jefferson sat on the couch as Peggy sat next to him. "You go to law school, can I tell you something?"

"Yes. If this is legal stuff, I promise not to turn you into the police if you did something bad," Peggy responded.

"Good, because I killed someone," Jefferson said quickly. Peggy's jaw dropped. "Let me explain. Charles Lee was assaulting Angelica. Alex beat him up and we got him out of the apartment. He-he came her and challenged Alex to a duel thing. Yesterday, when the duel began, I shot him and killed him so Alex wouldn't die or have to go through the painful thought of killing someone."

Peggy hugged Jefferson. "That is the bravest and sweetest thing I've ever heard." She released him. "But, sadly, this isn't legal. If Lex had killed him, it could've been out of self-defense. But you just murdered someone, your only reason being love. You can't tell anyone about this, Thomas. This is some serious legal stuff," Peggy finished.

Jefferson sighed. "You're right. I need to focus on this. I need to break up with Alex."

"What? Thomas, no! You and Lex are meant for each other, you can't be over like that!" Peggy snapped her fingers.

"It's not your fault, Peggy. I just need to focus," Jefferson looked down as Peggy gathered her things and headed for the door.

"Alex is almost back, so I'll leave you two alone. Love you, Thomas, and good luck," Peggy said as she left the dorm.


Hamilton walked into the dorm with a big smile on his face. "Hey, floofy hair, guess what! I got a job!" Hamilton said, setting his keys on the counter. "I get to work at the diner where we had our first date! Isn't that exciting?"

Jefferson looked up at Hamilton, blinking tears away. He was still on the couch. He hadn't moved since Peggy left. "Alex, we need to talk."

"Yeah, what's up?" Hamilton put his hands on his hips.

"I need to focus on school and the fact that I illegally killed someone and therapy and--"

"Wait, Thomas, you started therapy? And Peggy told you that you killed him illegally? It wasn't self-defense?" Hamilton asked as Jefferson stood up.

"Yes, yes, and yes," Jefferson frowned. "But, listen, Alex, I don't think I can be in a relationship right now"--Hamilton's eyes widened--"I just need a break, maybe a forever break..."

"What?" Hamilton sobbed. "No! This can't happen, you gave me the reasons why I shouldn't go to the duel, you were the one who shot and killed Lee when I could've done it legally! You were the one fucking kneeling at my hospital bed, so glad that I was cleared for twenty more years so we could get married and adopt a child!"

"I'm sorry, Alex, but I need to do this!" Tears ran down Hamilton's face with every blink.

"You prick! You're such a hypocrite!" Hamilton pushed Jefferson. Jefferson's eyes widened as his eyebrows curled upwards with sadness.

"I said I'm sorry, Alex, I really am!"

"But you're not! If you were you'd be pathetically on your knees explaining to me why we can't stay together while you 'focus' on your shit! I can help you, Thomas, I can..." Hamilton's voice broke. "I can do this with you!"

"Alexander, I need to go." A tear ran down Jefferson's cheek as he grabbed his coat and opened the door.

"Thomas, no! Don't leave me, please..!"

The door slammed shut behind Jefferson as Hamilton exhaled and sat on the couch. He sobbed into his hands.

He'd just lost the love of his life.

And he let him leave.


The Schuyler sisters sat in his bed with Hamilton as he slept soundly. They were talking with him about his breakup until he had fallen asleep. Angelica led her sisters to the living room.

"I can't believe this happened, and on Valentine's Day, too" Angelica said quietly.

"I don't think they remembered. I mean, they are going through a lot. But, weren't they gonna get married?" Eliza asked.

"Yeah. God, I feel like this is all my fault," Peggy said.

"It's not Peggy, I promise. You just made Thomas realize he needs to handle his shit. No one blames you, not me, not Angie, not even Alexander. Just calm down, okay?"

Peggy nodded before they heard Hamilton yell out.

"Tommy, no!"

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now