Chapter Sixteen

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Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy ran to Hamilton's bedroom. He was sitting up in bed, heavily panting, his eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"Alexander, what happened?" Eliza asked.

"I don't know," Hamilton responded. "I think I had a nightmare about Thomas..." His voice trailed off when he remembered he was dumped. "Well, shit," his voice broke. Eliza and Peggy hugged Hamilton before leaving. Angelica stayed and sat next to him.

"Hey, Alex, let me tell you something," Angelica said. "You helped me at my lowest. You got my disgusting roommate out of my apartment, you helped me realize that I shouldn't give up and that I should try and get a job." Angelica chuckled. "You're inspirational, Lex!" She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"What's that?" Hamilton glanced over her shoulder. "No, you didn't."

"I did," Angelica said. "I found this on your desk today and read it. I knew you were good at writing but I didn't know how good you were. The fact that you're inspirational and can write, you can do incredible things."

"Thanks, Angie, but that's not even good writing," Hamilton sighed. "I can't write, everything I write is shitty."

"'His heart seemed to twist and turn like a dancer in The Nutcracker until it stumbled and fell on the stage,'" Angelica read. "Dude, that's fucking awesome! You write what you feel, you're honest, genuine, it hits the reader's heart. If you don't realize that, you're stupid."

"You really think it's that awesome?"

"Yeah! This could be a career."

Hamilton laughed through his tears and sniffed. "Thanks, Angie." They hugged before heading to the living room to talk with the other sisters.

"Hey, Liza, I haven't heard anything about you and Maria for a while," Peggy said. "What's happening with that?"

"Um, sadly, we haven't talked since New Years. I mean, we made out and stuff, but nothing happened after that," Eliza explained. "She's never home, I think she's avoiding me."

"Hang on, I need to make a phone call," Peggy said, walking away. Everyone was silent until she came back. "Okay, I invited someone else, if that's alright."

"Um, actually--" Hamilton started.

"Actually, I don't care. She's coming," Peggy smirked.

"Wait, 'she?' Oh, no," Eliza said, looking down. Then, as if on cue, Maria came through the front door.

"Hey, y'all. Eliza, can you come here?" Maria asked. Eliza nodded and left with Maria as everyone squealed.

Eliza inspected every inch of Maria. She was wearing a red leather jacket and jean booty shorts with fishnets, which turned Eliza on. Her eyes were directed to Maria's lips, which were covered with a thick layer of maroon lipstick.

"Eliza, I've been feeling kind of awkward with what happened around a month ago," Maria said. "Let me get something straight. I'm gay, and I think I like you, that's why I kissed you back." Eliza's jaw dropped. "And I'm pretty sure you like me since you kissed me in the first place."

"Yeah, I do," Eliza smiled cheesily. Maria kissed Eliza softly before melting into the kiss. They left to go back to their dorm.

Meanwhile, Hamilton and Peggy were fighting on who got to look through the peephole to watch them kiss then leave together.

Peggy screamed at the top of her lungs. "My ship has come true!" Hamilton and Angelica laughed as Peggy sat back down. Hamilton gasped and ran to the kitchen counter, loudly rummaging through the drawers.

"Alex, whatcha doing?" Angelica asked.

"I just realized yesterday was Valentine's Day when Thomas and I broke up," Hamilton said breathlessly. "I got him something for Valentine's Day, and I was gonna give it to him when I got my job."

Hamilton pulled out a small picture frame that looked like it had nothing in it, but when Angelica and Peggy looked closely, there was a strip of paper inside.

"What is it?" Peggy asked.

"It's not much, but it's the receipt from our first date," Hamilton said, staring at it longingly. "I remember Thomas kept doodling on it when we got home." He brought it over to the coffee table in front of Angelica and Peggy. They all smiled.

"I like the doodles--" Peggy was interrupted by Hamilton.

"Shit!" Hamilton ran into his bedroom.

"Hammy, what happened?" Peggy yelled.

"I gotta get to work, I'm gonna be late!" Hamilton struggled to change out of his pajamas and put on some fresh clothes. He ran out of his room and grabbed his keys and a jacket. He slipped on some shoes and opened the door. "You guys can stay as long as you want, I just gotta get to my shift, okay bye!" He slammed the door behind him.

"Well..." Angelica snickered. "That was interesting." Peggy and Angelica broke into laughter.


Hamilton opened the door to the diner where he saw Sophie, the waiter who waited him and Jefferson on their first date.

"Hey, Lex!" Sophie said.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Sophs," Hamilton said, standing behind the counter and putting an apron on.

"Oh, it's fine, a lot of people are late on their first day!" They laughed as Sophie stood behind the counter with him.

"So, how's your boyfriend?" they asked.

"Oh, we um... we broke up," Hamilton whispered. Sophie gasped and grabbed his wrist, dragging him to another room.

"You what?" Sophie yelled. "Since when? Was it today?" Hamilton shook his head. "Yesterday?" Hamilton nodded. Sophie gasped. "On Valentine's Day? What kind of dumbass jerk does that?"

"I don't know, we kind of both forgot." The bell on the front door rang as Sophie looked at her watch.

"Well, that's Frankie, she comes here to draw almost every day. I'll be right back," Sophie said. Hamilton nodded and started to leave, but Sophie came back immediately and stopped him. "Before I go, just listen. You need to make amends with him. You love him so much, I saw you bonding on your first date and while you left. You guys are meant for each other, I swear."

"How do you know?" Hamilton asked.

"I don't," Sophie responded. They pulled Hamilton into a hug."But if you are, I'm pretty sure you felt it. Also, weren't you two engaged, or something?" Hamilton nodded, looking down at the engagement ring that was still on his finger.

Sophie released Hamilton as he said, "You're right, I'll try calling him."

"Wait, he hasn't come home?"

"I don't think so," Hamilton said. Sophie hugged Hamilton again before leaving to go serve Frankie. But his phone rang, and it was Angelica. "Angie, I'm at work, what do you want?"

"When does your shift end?" Angelica asked.

"Around 2:00, why?" Hamilton walked over to the counter. His shift was short since it was his first one, it was only three hours.

"Thomas just came back, we're keeping him here as long as we can, just please, get back here ASAP." Angelica hung up as Hamilton put his phone in his pocket, shocked, and got to work.

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now