Chapter Twenty

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It was graduation day. The Schuyler sisters and Maria were with Hamilton in his dorm, Maria and Eliza's caps and gowns on. They were waiting for Hamilton to come out of the bathroom and show them in his gown and cap.

Then, he came out.

Maria had painted Hamilton's cap a rainbow with other cute designs on it, and when Hamilton saw it, he almost cried tears of joy. And when the Schuyler Sisters saw it, they did cry.

"Oh, my gosh!" Eliza said, waving her hands by her face to give her air and prevent herself from sobbing. "Ria, that is so cute!"

Peggy laughed as tears streamed down her face and she said, "I can't believe you're graduating already! I only had a year with you."

Angelica walked up to him and hugged him tightly, letting only a few tears slip from her eyes. "Do something with that talent of yours, okay?" she whispered. Hamilton nodded as Angelica let him go and stepped back.

Jefferson walked in. "Hey, guys, the ceremony..." His voice trailed off when he saw Hamilton. "Wow." He was speechless. Hamilton laughed and walked over to Jefferson, hugging him.

"I can't believe this day finally came," Hamilton said, his voice breaking.

"Me too," Jefferson smiled. "Anyways, the ceremony is starting soon, so we should get going." Jefferson grabbed Hamilton's hand and led him outside as everyone followed them.

The entire college was there, causing a bead of sweat to drip down the side of Hamilton's head. Angelica and Peggy went into the audience as everyone else got in line. They called a few names. Then it was Hamilton's turn. He went up the stairs, smiling wide, and took the diploma. He shook the guy who gave him the diploma's hand and moved the tassel on his cap to the left. He smiled as all of his friends loudly cheered and he got off the stage.

A few more names were called until it was Jefferson's turn. He took the diploma and shook the man's hand before he noticed his family out in the audience. He gasped and chuckled as he moved the tassel. Then he ran down the stairs and sat down.

It was his family.

His family.


Jefferson walked up to his mom, dad, and little sister. "Hi!" he laughed. His mom gasped and hugged him. "I had no idea you guys were coming, oh, my God!" He ruffled his little sister's hair. "Hey, peanut! How's middle school?"

"I just graduated eighth grade!" his sister, Anna said.

"What? You're growing up so fast." Jefferson patted Anna's head as she chuckled.

"We came to surprise you and to meet your fianceé," his dad said. Jefferson's eyes widened.

"Oh, right!" He chuckled. "Hey, Alexander!" he called out. Hamilton came over. "I just realized you never met my family! So, this is my dad, Peter, my mom, Jane, and my sister, Anna. Guys, this is my fianceé, Alexander Hamilton."

"Nice to meet you guys," Hamilton smiled, shaking everyone's hand.

"Congratulations," the mom said. Hamilton nodded.

"So, you're the famous Alexander," Anna said seriously. Hamilton laughed. "Let me set a few ground rules." Hamilton glanced at Jefferson, stifling a laugh. "His curfew is 2:00 AM, no drugs, a limited amount of drinking--only three cups or five shots, never both--and no messing up his hair. That last one specifically. It takes forever for him to get it that fluffy."

Hamilton wheezed. "You're very interesting, my friend, and that's a compliment," he said.

"Well, we have a few other people to meet," Jefferson said, grabbing Hamilton's hand. "You can go grab some food, or something, we'll be right back." His family nodded as Hamilton and Jefferson walked to see their friends.

The rest of that night was magical, and everyone had so much fun. But, when Hamilton and Jefferson got back to their dorm, seeing all their stuff taken down and carefully put in boxes, the magic went away.

"You said your parents did this?" Hamilton asked.

"Yeah," Jefferson responded. "They did a good job..." They walked around the dorm, staring at every blank wall, every empty bed, every empty dresser drawer, and eventually met back in the living room.

"A really good job," Hamilton said, tears flooding into his eyes. "What are we gonna do? We don't live together, we should've thought about this months ago." Hamilton started sobbing.

"My parents are taking me in until I get a place, but they won't let you in, their house is pretty small," Jefferson explained, stroking Hamilton's hair.

"I sold my apartment... I-I-I thought I could come live with you but I never thought about... I've j-just been so happy, I never even..." Hamilton sobbed into Jefferson's chest, his hand clutching his gown.

"You're really happy?" Jefferson remembered Hamilton's diary entry.

I'm sad.

"Of course I am!" Hamilton laughed, but Jefferson could tell the laugh was fake.

"But you're not."

Hamilton pulled away from Jefferson. "B-But I am." Jefferson shook his head. "Thomas, I am." Hamilton's voice was getting louder and more stern.

"You're not. I've heard your sobs at night," Jefferson lied. "Am I doing something wrong?"

"No, of course not! Everything is perfect with you, with our friends, with everyone! I'm allowed to feel sad sometimes."

"But it's not sometimes, it's every night. What's wrong?" Jefferson stepped closer to Hamilton. "Let me know what I can do to help, please, Alexander! I just want everything to be perfect for you, I--"

"I miss my mom!" Hamilton blurted out. "I miss my mom, okay? And I appreciate you trying to help, but you can't. You can't bring her back to life." Hamilton took a deep breath and sighed.

"I kissed Madison.." Jefferson said. "Since we're being honest and everything."

"I kissed Eliza. But I hated it and we immediately regretted it."


Both of them guffawed, Hamilton wiping his tears. They sighed and hugged one more time. "I can probably crash with Angelica until we get a place," Hamilton said. Jefferson kissed his head.

"I'm gonna miss this place," he said. "This is where we fell in love, where I proposed, where we've had our arguments. I love this place, and I hope the people who have it next cherish it as much as we did." Hamilton smiled as they began to move the boxes outside.

Then, they said goodbye to their home.

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