Chapter Eighteen

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Hamilton arrived at work. As always, Francesca was sitting at the same table with her same waffles, drawing in the same sketchbook.

"Hey, Alex!" she said.

"Hi, Frankie! What are you drawing?" Hamilton asked, leaning against the table.

"It's just an original character," Francesca smiled. Hamilton returned the smile as Francesca took another sip of her lemonade and kept drawing. Hamilton walked behind the diner counter where a few people were sitting.

"Anything I can get you guys?" he asked, his fingers repeatedly tapping on the counter.

"We're waiting for someone," one of the people said. Hamilton nodded and walked over to another table to take their order. Just then, Eliza walked through the door, and over to the group of people who were sitting at the counter. He gasped. He had no idea Eliza had other friends. Hamilton finished taking an order and walked over to the counter, where Sophie was already talking to Eliza and her friends.

Hamilton tapped Eliza's shoulder and smiled. "Hi," he said.

"Oh, hey, Alexander!" Eliza said, shocked. "You didn't tell me you worked here."

"I just started, it's my first week," Hamilton responded. "Hey, Frankie! Sophie! August! Come here!" His other friends came over. "I'd like you to meet my friend, Eliza! Eliza this is Frankie, she/her, Sophie, they/them, and August, the manager's daughter, she/her."

"Nice to meet you guys! My pronouns are she/her," Eliza said, shaking everyone's hand. They all walked off.

"What are you doing here, Eliza?" Hamilton asked.

"Oh! I'm here with Maria and her friends."

"Where's Maria?" Hamilton asked, glancing over Eliza's shoulder.

"I don't know," Eliza chuckled as her phone dinged. She pulled it out and her face fell. "Guys," she said. "Maria's not coming. She's flooded with schoolwork." Everyone groaned and left.

"Oh, Eliza, you can stay if you want! I can make you some breakfast or brunch or something," Hamilton offered.

"Sorry, but I forgot my wallet. Raincheck?" Before Hamilton could respond, Eliza was already out the door.

Hamilton watched her leave, then chased after her. Once he catches up to her, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. "Hey, um--" Hamilton stopped when he saw tears slowly running down Eliza's face. "Are you okay?" Eliza hugged Hamilton tightly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Eliza nodded and sniffled as Hamilton escorted her back to the diner.

Eliza sat back down at the counter, wiping her tears. Sophie gasped and handed her a few napkins. Eliza smiled and thanked Sophie.

"Do you need anything?" Sophie asked. "On the house." Eliza nodded.

"Iced tea?" Eliza asked. Sophie nodded and went to go grab her an iced tea. Hamilton hugged Eliza before he went to go take another person's order. Francesca and August sat on the sides of Eliza.

"Are you okay?" August asked. Eliza shook her head.

"No," Eliza said. "My girlfriend is not considerate at all, she thinks work is more important than a relationship. We haven't gone on one date, we just kiss and make out a lot."

"How long have you been together?" Sophie asked, handing Eliza her iced tea.

"Around a week now," Eliza said, taking a sip of her iced tea. "But, I've loved her since my sophomore year. I just didn't know she's not a great girlfriend." Francesca rubbed her back. "Can we change the subject?"

"Yeah!" Francesca said.

"Can I take a look at your sketchbook, Francesca?" Eliza asked as Francesca handed it to her. Eliza flipped through the sketchbook with full admiration as Hamilton winked at August and Sophie and Francesca. They winked back.


Hamilton walked Eliza home later that afternoon. "You know, you didn't have to do this," Eliza smiled.

"I mean, we live in the same building, so it's easier," Hamilton said as they both laughed. Eliza stopped him once they were at the front door, Eliza stopped Hamilton and turned him to face her.

"Thank you," she said. "Seriously, I can't thank you enough, this is a truly selfless act. And your friends, they're amazing. Tell them I say 'thank you.'" Hamilton nodded.

The way they were looking at each other, you'd assume they were a couple. Well, it sure felt like it at that moment between Eliza and Hamilton. So much that they softly kissed each other, for a good six seconds, before they both realized what they were doing and quickly pulled away, staying two feet apart.

"Um... can we never talk about that again?" Eliza asked.

"Yes." Hamilton quickly replied.

"Okay, bye."


They walked off in different directions. Hamilton walked into the building and to the elevator. He opened his door and found Jefferson talking with Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette. Hamilton smiled at Jefferson and walked to his room, where he changed into some comfy clothes and lied in his bed.

But, his phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered the phone.

"May I speak to Mr. Hamilton?" the person on the other line asked. Hamilton sighed.

"Yes, hold on," he said, pausing for a second. "Hello, this is Alexander Hamilton," he said, holding back a laugh.

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton, I am calling to let you know that your ass stinks." There was muffled laughter on the phone as Hamilton hung up.

"Laurens..." he growled, stomping to the kitchen. He put the phone in Laurens's smug face, all four of them still laughing. "Please explain," Hamilton said.

"Um... that is a phone," Laurens said. "You can call, text, and facetime people, download games, and more. Hey, I thought you knew this." Lafayette and Mulligan wheezed. Hamilton sighed.

"Why did you prank call me?" Hamilton put his phone back in his pocket.

"Oh, was that you?" Laurens asked.

"You know it was me, you little shit, you said 'Mr. Hamilton.'" Jefferson stifled a laugh and walked over to Hamilton, rubbing his back.

"Yes, that was"--Jefferson let out a quick laugh--"extremely... mean..." Jefferson tried to continue, but he bent over, his laughs completely silent since he couldn't let out a sound due to how funny he thought it was.

Hamilton smiled and started laughing with Jefferson. And he thought to himself, Everything's gonna be okay. 

I Think I Love You-Hamilton AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now